
Tales of Dungeons and Dragons

A collection of Tales from mysterious fantasy worlds, scattered across the multiverse!

NoahTheSage · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - His Day Off

It was a normal day like every other day, Tyler, our protagonist, was casually walking down the market street passing by all the market stalls lined up for for thousands of metres. It was his free day from work.

Tyler worked as a porter in his local dungeon and he was heading towards to the adventurers guild, where his friends and companions were already waiting for him with a cold beer.

Some time later Tyler finally reached the adventurers guild. He stepped inside and looked around, searching for his friends. When his friends saw him, they called for him, "Hey Tyler over here, come and take a seat, we have already started".

Tyler walked towards them and sat down on the wooden bench.

John, the leader of their party tried to start a conversation by talking about yesterdays achievement "That was a real good catch yesterday, wasn't it?"

Tyler answered "Yes definitely, the egg we found really looks like it's very precious and worth a lot, even though I could not do anything to help you."

"What are you talking about, you were the one who found the secret passageway after all!".

The person who said this was Jenna, she had had romantic feelings about Tyler for a long time and didn't like the attitude he had about himself. He always tried to make himself look bad, even if only subconsciously.

"Yeah, she is right, you don't have to be so harsh with yourself, you are just a porter after all", Jack saying that made it even worse for Tyler, he already knew that he was weak and even said it himself not to long ago, but Jack had like always no empathy and said all sorts of things, without being worried about the feelings of the others.

When Jenna saw Tyler's sad expression, she got mad at Jack, who was sitting across from her, and kicked his shin, making him howl slightly. Of course the others on the table saw this and couldn't help but grin slightly at the fact that she tried to protect Tyler.

After this small trouble they talked a little more and then really started celebrating through the night, by drinking lots of alcohol and dancing to the music that was played through magic.

Tomorrow they would go and see a good friend of them who was an expert regarding eggs and materials of monsters. He would then try to find out what type of egg it was and how much it was worth.

Sorry that it is so short but I am still learning!

NoahTheSagecreators' thoughts