

Author: MadZodiac
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 68.2K Views
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Read TALES OF DEMONS AND GODS : TRUE GOD fanfiction written by the author MadZodiac on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


MC Will Become Friends With Nie Li. Anyone Who Doesn't Like It Stay Away From This Novel. As For How Fast The MC Will Develope He Will Develope At A Slow Pace.

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KABIR'S POV:- I was broken. I was distorted. I had lost everything. these three things ran in my mind on loop. as if, someone had hit the repeat button. I was drowning, in the ocean of these thoughts. I had lost my mother to cardiac arrest, and on the same dreadful day the love of my life. I was the only child to my parents and my father martyred on a mission he was sent to. The day I had lost my mother, I had no idea that my life would turn upside down, just like that. I was dealing with her loss, suddenly jess announced our breakup, without any reason or explanation. j:-" I should not be doing this,but.." k:-"what happened jess, do not scare me." he slowly snaked his arms around her waist. j:-" I.. I want to break up with you." k:-"YOU WHATT? but why? if there is something , we can solve that together." j:-" NO KABIR. I want a break up. right now, you will not be able to understand but this is for longer good." k:-"but why? why NOW?" j:-" you are going from a emotional trauma and I cannot take an emotional baggage with me. I want to travel the world and live my life and enjoy these moments. So I am sorry." Saying this, she left me hanging with that burden on a reason's name. I was immediately summoned for a mission. For a little while, my mind was not pondering on the negative thoughts, but after successfully completing my mission, I was back to square one. seeing me go through so much , my friends planned a vacation, so that I could bounce off that mindset of mine lately. ================================================================================ I was sitting on the beach, facing the roaring ocean and the full moon, peacefully and quietly soaking in its beauty. Two empty beer bottles sat beside me. I was deep into my introspection when I felt two little taps on my shoulders. g:-" mind if I join you." k:-" no, the beach is yours by all means." g:- shoving a beer bottle towards him, " want one?" k:-" gladly.If you allow it." accepts the beer. g:-" so... mind if I ask what are thinking about." k:-" and... why do you believe I was thinking something." g:-" a little common sense. Sitting alone, at an almost empty beach, with two empty bottles, facing the beach, must be thinking very hard." A LITTLE STARING MOMENT BETWEEN THEM. k:-" well... I don't know, should I or should I not unload my burden on a stranger." g:-" alright... but, people do go by saying, a stranger won't judge, if you tell a story. And besides night is very young, I have free time on my hands and a filled and chilled beer bottle to finish." that beach night with that stranger girl was another stone being turned upside down in my life. for, the first time after a while, I felt a strong pull towards that girl from the night. I felt a pull of such strong attraction towards her, which I did not even feel for jess, whom I thought, I loved so dearly. WAIT... DID I JUST SAY, ' I THOUGHT'. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. That girl definitely messed with my head. But, then why did I went on finding her the next day, and I still want to find her. It feels like she just pulled me out from dark hopeless hole of mine. And, why does it feel like, she is the only one that listens to me, understands me. And, it strongly feels like she is my only HOPE. Co authoring with gwynethpaltrow123

Daoist166309 · Urban
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1 Chs

Bidadari Bersayap Malaikat

Kerana sebuah kemalangan, nyawa seorang gadis dan anak kecil melayang. Adilkah jika ada yang harus disalahkan atas kemalangan yang langsung tidak dipinta? Syifa - dia dihukum dan dibenci atas kematian insan yang disayanginya. Namun meski harus meredah luka untuk menagih kemaafan, dia rela. Biarpun Syifa tahu dirinya dikahwini oleh Nukman hanya kerana sebuah dendam dan kebencian, dia tidak pernah merungut. Baginya pelangi akan bersinar apabila tiba masanya. Biar dia menjadi pengubat lara di hati Nukman sehingga lelaki itu bisa untuk hidup bahagia. Nukman - menghukum insan yang menyebabkan kemalangan itu terjadi adalah sebuah kewajiban baginya. Dia tidak akan merasa tenang jika membiarkan Syifa hidup bahagia. Kerana Syifa, janjinya kepada Aidid untuk menjaga Qaliff dengan baik tidak mampu dipenuhinya. Lantas Syifa menjadi tempat dia melempiaskan amarah dan dendam agar dia tidak perlu terus menanggung beban rasa bersalah terhadap Aidid dan Dania. Namun Nukman akhirnya mengalah, hatinya sudah lama ditakluki Syifa. Saat hati Syifa sudah pun dihancurkannya, baru dia tahu bahawa gadis itulah yang pernah menyelamatkan nyawanya suatu waktu dahulu. Syifa sanggup menelan duka demi melihat jiwanya bahagia. Nukman baru sedar - hakikatnya Syifa adalah seorang bidadari bersayap malaikat yang tidak pernah dikenalinya dengan mata hatinya selama ini. Saat ikatan cinta itu ingin dibina semula dengan sesungguhnya, hati Syifa sudah pun serik dengan permainan cinta Nukman. Bahagia yang diharapkan tidak akan pernah menjelma. Baginya biarlah dia menderita untuk sejuta tahun lagi seandainya penderitaan itu yang dapat membayar harga luka di hati Nukman. Dan seandainya nyawa sahaja yang bisa menjadi ganti nyawa Qaliff, dia rela nyawanya digadaikan. Biarpun itu bermakna nyawa yang bercambah dalam rahimnya harus terkorban sama!

theartimpacts · Urban
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2 Chs


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bro don't make the mc follow nie Li make him separate from the group and also explain the mc's cheat clearly


it was quite enjoyable but why has it been deleted


what happened to the chapters?


For those who are going to read this novel after this review then remember that mc reaches heavenly star realm in chapter 9 and he still follows nie lie and there's is no change from the main story


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