
Aftermath and Cultivation

Next day, the entire glory city was in uproar. The Sacred family incident spread like wildfire. Many of the them secretly enjoyed the demise of sacred family. City lord came to the sacred family to investigate the case. Shen Yue and Shen Fei were traumatized for different reasons. For Shen Fei, he lost his manhood forever which was placed on his mouth. His characteristics also changed to that of a eunuch. His voice became somewhat girly and his movements became that of woman.

For Shen Yue, a bloody head near his face and death of his aunt caused a traumatic experience. He was in his room refusing to come out. When I heard about this, I was laughing inside. For now Sacred family wont make a move against anyone since they lost three people from major family. The only thing I was concerned is about Shen Hong. With things moving this pace, he would definitely move out of seclusion to apprehend the enemies, responsible for the death of his family members.

Nie li's Pov:

I was shocked hearing this news. I never remembered anyone killing the sacred family this soon. I first suspected the Ao family members, since they had MO for killing them. But the member who killed them completely erased the soul force. Therefore, he must be legend rank cultivator or who has absolute control over his soul force. But there was no legend rank cultivator in glory city. I would be able to identify them with my soul force.

I was somewhat happy that there was a reckoning for the sacred family. The punishment for Shen Fei was appropriate. But only thing that was bugged me was, Why kill Shen xiu? What made the cultivator to kill her? But he placed those questions at the back of his mind for the future.

Tian's Pov:

I was again questioned by the City lord about the incident. He never suspected me but was questioned about the cultivator who saved me. Since I told hem that day I was saved by him and he took the bodies with him. Next day heads of those were found at sacred family. I then added fuel to the fire by conveying the conversations between the Dark guild about sacred family and clients. Ye Zong face went serious and said nothing. I succeeded in planting a seed of doubt on the sacred family.

I then went to the library to look for some cultivation techniques for his family members and Xiao Ning'er. I was surprised to see Xiao Ning'er waiting in the library for me. I immediately went towards her and hugged her from behind. She was slightly shocked but accepted it when she knew it was me. We never spoke for few minutes. She suddenly said, "It was you, wasn't it?". I was sweating inside, 'women intuitions are scary'. I asked her, "What are you talking about?". She just looked at me and smiled. That smile was the same smile when finds something I did without her knowing.

I rose my hand in defeat, since I couldn't win against my wife in these types of scenario. When I wanted to explain, she immediately shut my mouth. She knew about the circumstances and never said anything. Her family also broke the marriage contract with sacred family. Apparently they never want to marry her to a eunuch. She was feeling gratitude for him being with her again as her prince charming. I gently cupped her cheeks and gave her a chaste kiss, since we were in the library.

We then saw, Nie li and others coming towards us. They were surprised to see Xiao Ning'er with Tian, but nevertheless greeted her and in return she greeted them. We were conversing about various activities in glory city. I then saw Ye ziyun on the library looking for Inscription. I looked at Nie li and said, "A customer is looking for inscription patterns in the library. As a librarian, go help her."

He looked at me with a strange face, but looking at the so-called customer, his face came to understanding and went towards her. I then looked at Ning'er and said, "Go and speak with her. Don't get too distance with her. For her there were only few friends for her. Don't make her suffer like you once suffered.". She looked at me with understanding smile. Nie li was seriously talking about the inscriptions and secretly gave her 'Nine revolving phoenix cultivation' method.

I then searched for many cultivation techniques and found few ancient eras and woodland era cultivations. I found one peculiar cultivation which suited her. It was 'Heavenly Lightning Technique' which can help her temper her body and soul using heavenly lightning. The heavenly sacred border has such lightning near Thunder god meteorite Sword. This will create a complete foundation for her future cultivation path. When reaching higher realm she could summon heavenly lightning at her will.

Since Shen Yue was still in the mansion, there was no interference for Nie li and they chatted for a long while. I then signaled Ning'er to meet her. Nie li came back and gave me a gratitude look. I just smiled at him and looked at the two girls. It seemed that Ye ziyun was shocked to see Ning'er in the library. When she saw her coming towards her, she slightly flinched. Both gaze met and there were an awkward silence. Then Ning'er broke the ice, and they conversed for a while. When parting both of them had a genuine smile.

Nie li then gave soul crystal to each of them. He then asked them to insert the soul force. When they were puzzled, I immediately explained about soul attributes and their functions. Nie li was shocked but immediately came back to normal. He knew that Tian was knowledgeable from reading various eras books. All entered their soul force and many had different attributes.

Nie li started to distribute the cultivation for each attributes. When it came to us, I said, "Nie li. I already have my own cultivation technique, and I found one suitable for Ning'er. You gave a gift for yours and now I would give it for mine.". Nie li understanding the message gave a small smile at them and went to others.

I looked at her and said, "Since you have Lightning dragon attribute, use this cultivation technique. 'Heavenly lightning technique' as the name said, can use heavenly lightning for cultivation. Using this method one can temper the soul and body with lightning and in higher stages one can summon tribulation clouds to summons heavenly lightning. It complements with your attributes and increases the cultivation."

She then started to cultivate the technique. While others were cultivating, I was contemplating on future aspects. I started a butterfly effect by killing and humiliating sacred family. But if the plot armor was strong enough to withstand the effect, next situation will be ancient orchid city arc. We need to prepare to prevent a worst-case scenario and also to get spot in Chen linjian group for excavating the city.

In the sacred family mansion, the members were standing in front of the door of the patriarch. They knocked the door to disturb his cultivation since the situation escalated. If it was normal situation, they never would disturb his cultivation but it was dire situation. Suddenly the door was blasted sending most of them flying. A man was walking towards them. The sound of his footsteps was heard throughout the mansion. A man with age near 50 came out of cultivation and look at others. He then said, "...

Next chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Madara1996creators' thoughts