
Tales of demons and gods : My life in a barbaric world

From the colossal St. Ancestral Mountain range, a valley can be seen. On the valley stood Barberic City where woman are sold like cattle and children are turned into warriors. A man has been rebirth here. He doesn't know who he is but he does having memories of living in the 21st century and reading about the story he seems to have been sent to. Follow his adventures as he is torn between good and evil in a world where the morals and beliefs are different from what he think he knows. ---------------------------------------- SI/OC Warning : Moral ambiguity Profanity Sexual Content Disclaimer : I don't own TDG nor the other great works that I mention. This story is purely fictional and is written for entertainment.

ZvenDen · Fantasy
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21 Chs

My first entry!

Dear diary, my name is Wang Wei and I'm now 3 years old.

I'm writing this because, euh, yes, in case I have another amnesia. It's also because I am bored. This is after all a barbaric society so no entertainment.

My life has infact been better than I expected. To be honest. I didn't expect much. Not eating raw meat and having a bed is a pleasant surprise. I wasn't even put on a ring yet!

There's a good news regarding my rebirth. This is glory city. Yes, as in Tdg. What do you mean it was expected? Fucking fourth wall.

So I am living in Tales of Demons and Gods. I am so excited. I am gonna meet Ye Ziyun, Xiao Ning'er, Yang Xin, Huyan Lanruo, Shen Xiu, Yu Yan, Long Yuying and some many more beautiful girls. I'm forgetting someone? I don't think so, I have the memory of an elephant, I never forget.

Wait. I do have amnesia.

So, Tdg world. This is gonna be epic. I can't wait for it to start. Wait. Did it start already? Am I even in Nie Li's reincarnated timeline? Are we far apart in the timeline? I need answers to plan my life accordingly.

So for now all I know is that this is Glory City.

My 'dear father' seems to be working for the city lord's but I don't know the city's lord name. Is it Ye Zong? Ye Mo? Is it Lord Voldemort? After all it seems there is a policy of 'He must not be named'. That's stupid and barbaric. How can people just let some unnamed person rule the city?

So, my 'father', Wang Qiang is a Black Gold Fighter. I don't remember him from the story. Is that a bad thing? Hopefully not.

So, my life had been humiliating so far. I'm not gonna complain about the breastfeeding. It was weird, knowing that I, you know...

It did bring memories though, not memories but feelings and sensation of me doing it in my first life. I could feel my tongue and hands playing in the past but that's all. It was like I was blindfolded.

Wait. Was I into those kind of play? Didn't I had a friend who got tricked in a situation where upstairs he was enjoying bliss but when it came to downside part he was greeted by a surprise sausage party. Did I fall into a similar situation? Wait, wait, wait. Was it really a 'friend'? God I hope it happened to a friend. Please my friend I hoped that you took this bullet for me.

If it did happen to me then please God let me preserve my innocence by not remembering it.

So for the humiliating part, it was mainly the ass wiping. I think I was the bashful kind of guy. I always close the toilet's door even when I was living alone when doing my business so I think that's why it affected me so much.

The worst part in all of this? They had the tendency of doing it in groups. Mostly my mother and our single maid. If you're gonna wipe my ass, when doing it in front of others?

And what's about all the comments? How can shitting make me a good boy? And what's the thing about it bein big? I'll fucking show you what's big when I'm older.

Is it possible to have another amnesia? Fuck, ignorance is a blessing.

Now for the boring part, I still didn't set a foot outside. I do have a big garden but it gets boring on the second with just running.

About the house I live in, it's a one story house with 6 bed rooms, 2 living rooms, a kitchen and a dining room. The surface is exactly 1376 meter square. How do I know? That's a secret.

The bathroom? Yes there is 3 of them. The toilet? It's a pot. Really cool.

Onto the food part, they cook the meat so I won't die because of it. The vegetables are really good too but only when it's raw. I don't know how they cook but everything they make became bland. Should I start a restaurant? I should keep somewhere all my ideas to make this society liveable but there's so much to do. Fucking barberian, they can cultivate and fly but not make a water and a sewer system.

Do they enjoy doing it in the chamber's pot? Does the almighty Nie Li also do it in the chamber's pot? Barberian.

So I live with my mother, my father seems always away from home for 'work'. Is my mother a mistress or something? Does he have others wifes and kids that he lives also with?

We also have a maid. Her name is QiQi and I don't have to ask if she love me. The reason? I don't like her servile personnality. I fucking told her to stop referring me as young master but she still do so r ignore her when she does.

Do men get a hard on when people refer to them as master or young master? Because for me it's just repelling. Maybe I can't get a hard on and that's why I don't enjoy it? I'll confirm it after puberty.

Since I am 2, I pestered my mother to read me books. We do have about fifty at home with more than half in ancient language that they can't even read. The reason? Prestige they say. Fucking barbarian.

I mastered reading in 2 hours. It took me this long to figure out that the language is just written english that is made to look like snake writing done by a 5 year old child using the pen with his mouth.

As for the others ancient languages, it's basically the same just with different alphabet.

So about my gift. It's well known that every transmigration comes with a cheat.

I hoped for a system, a golden finger, a special power but I got a strong instinct.

Pretty OP right?

I didn't explain it correctly. It's not an instinct of a killer. I don't even know if it can be used to fight. Fuck, I don't even want to fight.

It's more like a feeling, a flair or acuity : a gut's feeling.

How did I discover it? With trials and errors.

It doesn't give me an answer, it just tells me if what I am concertrating on is false or true.

Of course it's not helpful at all. It didn't tell me the answers I needed about the timeline.

In fact, the only way it worked now was when i was trying to find what day it was. It kept feeling incorrect till it reached saturday. It only worked also only when I was wondering of the size of my room, 15 meter square.

So with this I think I can now take on the Sage Emeperor. I will face him and tell him that we're a thursday and there's a distance of 57 meters between us. He would be helpless, he would recognize his defeat, give me all his cultivation and all the universe would be at my mercy.

Yeah, not gonna happen.

This is everything for now dear diary , I am finally getting out of the house. It's for a party at the City Lord's house. I think I will find my answers there, I hope so.

Wang Wei, thursday 6 August of 709 S.G.C