
Tales of Cobardon

A spoiled child rules Cobardon under the supervision of his legendary uncle. The rulers have built up enemies. The world of Cobardon is brutal and unforgiving to the unwary. The flame of wreckage conflagarates due to the ruler's latest ruling - a grevious mistake. They ordered the death of two children of two different great houses. It has become personal and peace seems no end. A rebellion is sparked and each man/women of power has their own treacherous allies and staunch enemies. There is more but, as there are immortals, dragons, supernatural creatures, shapechangers, legacies, and a dense history of the continent of Cobardon. But, there are even forces beyond man's magnitude as Gods meddle and actively manipulate, determining the fate of mortals. The tale is portrayed via an array of interesting, relatable, fleshed out characters with their flaws and bonds and skills and power. Take a dip into this fantasy world profused with subtle, dense politics and a conquest to exert dominion over Cobardon. WARNING: THIS IS NO FAIRY TALE! There is no hero there is no villain, they are only people! PLAYLIST : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_NvcA8r_MeYbfF8aZPcDS9RQ6BWgBugJ LINK FOR MAP: https://www.wattpad.com/945932620-tales-of-cobardon-map-of-cobardon

yash_bhatt · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Dramatis Personae

• Newtriko Cardon - King of Cobardon, Lord of Rulerstead, Nephew of Roger.

• Roger Cardon - Regent of Newtriko, Uncle of Newtriko, Elder brother of Edward.

• Edward Cardon(Deceased) – Father of Newtriko, Younger Brother of Roger (, Ex-king of Cobardon)

• Orwen Actaeon - King of Cobardon, Usurper, Lord of Wingbearer, Father of Alicia.

• Nameless - High wizard of Wingbearer.

• Alicia Actaeon - Daughter of Orwen, Niece of Siapa.

• Micura Byron - Second-in-command to Orwen, Husband of Siapa.

• Siapa Byron - Wife of Micura, Sister of Orwen, Aunt of Alicia.

• Dom Agia - Lord of Seachurner, Father of Benz and Sabrina.

• Benz Agia - Son of Dom, Betrothed to Merisa, Brother of Sabrina.

• Merisa Gregory - Lady of The Eye, Betrothed to Benz.

• Sabrina Skarl -Daughter of Dom, Sister of Benz, Lady of Morningstar, Wife(Widow) of Laskhar.

• Laskhar Skarl(Deceased)– Foster Brother of Dom, Cousin of Betreal, Husband of Sabrina(, Ex-Lord of Morningstar)

• Betreal Slar – Second-in-command to Sabrina, Cousin of Laskhar.

• Arthur Medail - Lord of Lopelanzec, Husband of Laura, Father of Robert, Margh and Hapem.

• Robert Medail - Eldest son of Arthur and Laura, Nephew of Taperend.

• Margh Medail - Second eldest boy of Arthur and Laura, Nephew of Taperend.

• Hapem Medail - Youngest son of Arthur and Laura, Nephew of Taperend.

• Trevan Raghel - Second-in-command to Arthur, Younger brother of Demzan.

• Demzan Raghel - Chief of Skin-changer Brotherhood, Master Assassin, Elder brother of Trevan.

• Laura(Deceased) Medail – Wife of Arthur, Mother of Robert, Margh and Hapem, Sister of Taperend(, Lady of Lopelanzec)

• Taperend Cunningham – Lord of Napemol, Brother of Laura, Uncle of Robert, Margh and Hapem.

• Bokhal - Lord of Town Azeth

• Roland - Innkeeper in Town Azeth

• Fletcher Greenwood - Lord of Dupark

Do NOT be confused or scared by this. The page is only there for reference if you were to forget who a character was or what was the character's relationship with other characters.

*The titles of the characters are their titles at the start of the book plot. Their titles may change, they may not.