
Tales of Chantless Wizard

An orphanage was attacked by a monster, and some of the orphans managed to escape. One blue-haired boy managed to walk far away to find some help. After a week of walking, he was starving and dehydrated and found a village. He asked for help from anyone in the village, but no one wanted to help him. When fate took its turn, he stumbled into the one and only legendary laughing witch. The witch looked at the boy and found that his hair was shining, making him talented to be one of the legendary wizards. The witch then laughed, adopted him, and treated him like her own family. He trained a lot and aspired to be one of the greatest heroes in this world of swords and magic. Would he be able to survive and find the truth about the world?

Michael_Wijaya_9958 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Leading Party vs Exadactylus (Final)

Black auras were enveloping the Exadactylus, and despite its awful condition, in which one of its heads was charred and there was a big hole in its chest, it stood up. The parties were shocked.

"By the power of the goddess of healing, Iaso, Area Remedy!"

From a faraway distance, Bishop Bernard cast his spell while running toward the party. It gives them a glimpse of hope despite the state they're currently in.

Kairos said, "We can do this!"

They then prepared themselves for the fight to the death. Icarus prepared his sword with a red aura. He said, "Capt, throw me to its head."

Kairos nods, taking a receiving stance and putting both of his hands together, readying himself to throw him. Meyeri flicked her hand, and wind started spawning below her feet.

"I'll support from below."

"Me as well."

Then she ran toward the monster, circling it clockwise while shooting mud at its head. Cithrel does the same thing but anti-clockwise while shooting her left-over arrows at its head. Exadactylus guards its eyes with its right hand. Kairos then threw Icarus into his chest. Icarus then used his specialty, gigantification.

Icarus shouts, "SPINNING SLASH!"

He spins toward it at high speed while doing a horizontal spin with its huge sword. The exadactylus receives the blunt force with ease, using his left hand.

Bernard said, "I still haven't used my lumina yet."

Kairos said, "What are you going to do?"

Bernard said, "I'll try to topple the huge thing down with my bare hands. Once it is dropped, I want you to chop the remaining heads. He shouldn't be alive with all of the heads chopped."

Bernard is a resourceful man. He takes out the powders and rubs them on both hands. The bishop broke his ankle while being flown away; he taped it with healing herbs and bandages to save his benediction. The remedy he cast was the last one he had. He knew the only chance to bring it down was for him to take the risky frontline. Then he ran towards its right feet. He enveloped himself with all the lumina he had.

"You're going down!"

He then went to its right ankle and made a powerful hook for it. The exadactylus lost its balance, then he hugged the huge feet and pushed it really hard.


Kairos readied himself and ran toward the back, expecting where the head would land if it toppled. Then, all of a sudden, it roars.


Then he swiped Icarus's gigantic sword, causing him to fly backward. Then he ignored both Meyeri and Cithrel. Look downward, grin, and make an ominous smile at the bishop, who is trying really hard to push him down.

Meyeri looked at that panic and stopped her in place, trying to fire a big spell. "By the power of God..."

It then tried to swipe Meyeri with its left hand, but Cithrel stepped in and took Meyeri away. The bishop then looks upward. It was a huge hand coming down with an arm thrust. That was it.

Meyeri shouts, "NOOOOO!"

She then ran toward it. But in the middle, the three-headed ogre came in and tried to slap down both Cithrel and Meyeri. Then Kairos and Icarus stepped in with their shields and swords. Holding its hand from smiting both of the girls, bringing them down to their knees.

Then suddenly, the world became gray. Everything went to a standstill, with only Meyeri able to move. She thought to herself, "What happened?"

Then there seems to be a black cat walking towards her.

"Young maiden, you seem to be heading in the wrong direction. The star of change, you're not supposed to be ending your life here."

Meyeri was confused. "Who are you?"

The black cat then transformed into a shadow that mimicked a slender, tall woman. She said,

"I am the one who created the dimension. I create meaning in things. Giving what you called time."

Meyeri shocked. She just met the 7th god, which only existed in ancient times thousands of years ago: Chronos.

"I'm not as strong as I was before; therefore, I forgo the world by itself. But your existence should be for greater things."

Meyeri said, "What should I do?"

Chronos said, "You shall not do anything, but watch the seal of time. Fate will do itself, but in magic, as you have learned from the other gods, there will always be an exchange on equal terms."

Meyeri said, "What is the exchange?"

Chronos said, "There is nothing equal in material to time. I shall seal the same amount of your time and Exadactylus time. Therefore, you'll become old and gray, but live in a state of stillness. But I'll grant you a way to restore your fruit of time when the seal is nearly fading. You must not leave the seal of time I created for long, since it will break the sealing spell."

Meyeri said, "I have no other choice than to accept yours."

Chronos said, "The other gods don't favor me. You will be shown to be selfish and ignorant by making a contract with me. You will endure a lot of pain looking at everyone you knew died before you."

Meyeri said, "But this is the only way to do it."

Chronos, then transformed back into a black cat, comes to Meyeri and jumps on Meyeri's shoulder. She rubs her head on Meyeri's cheek.

"Oh, truly, what an unfortunate, powerless child."