
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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49 Chs

You can't die for me if I die for you first.

Brown Ox looked at what he were seeing with a smile. He didn't expected this. Only thing he hoped were to get her alone and weakened so he could took advantage of her and show that brat that he would get what he wanted no matter what. But Minerva summoning a demon? That was even better. With this he could even accuse Grey Wolf with helping a witch! Seeing her fight alongside a demon he ordered one of his lackeys to steal her horse and go to church immediately. He would even get some money out of this. When most famous paladin himself directly came to there he were overjoyed. Aldar Plin wearing a white magical armor came here quicker on foot than his lackey came with horse. He were famous for his hate for witches.

"Brown Ox."

Paladin talked with disgust.

"If this is again you accusing a woman with witchcraft because they didn't slept with them I would have your head."

"No, no my Lord. You could ask my companions here. We all saw her summon a demon. Right, boys?"

All of them said yes.

"But why were all of you here? I am sure that a witch wouldn't summon a demon in front of others eyes."

Ox gulped. But he were used to making excuses.

"You see my Lord, that Minerva woman is a greenhorn adventurer. It was my free day off so I wanted to keep an eye on her. Just in case something would happen to her. But to my suprise she were a dammed witch! All of my worries were for nothing."

"I see."

That moment a huge amount of magical energy spreaded from forest. Aldar gritted his teeth.

"This is surely demonic power. It seems like you were right." Aldar pulled his sword from his sheath. Ox looked at the holy sword jealously.

"We have some demons to hunt."

I looked at the people in front of us. Around ten people. I could only feel danger from two of them. One is of course were paladin. He were strongest here. Other were Ox, bald man with a huge battle ax in his back. Even if we were in our best condition paladin still would be impossible to defeat. Now that I was wounded and tired and Minerva were still weakened and magic powerless it was impossible to figt out way out of this. I needed to use my brain. Quick. Quick. I threw Minerva to sides.


I laughed as loud and evil as possible. Everyone except paladin seemed to be unnerved with that.

"You foolish paladin! You think she is a witch? It seemes like you order fell so low!"

With a breaths notice he were on my back. I felt a sharp pain as I fell to my knees. My right arm was gone from my shoulder.

"What do you talk about demon?"

He stepped on me. Despite my pain I talked as arragontly as possible.

"You can't even distinguish the difference between a magician and a witch?"

He stepped harder. My eyes met with Minerva's. They were full of confusion.

"Summoning a demon means that one is a witch. Don't try to trick me demon."

"It is too late paladin. We already in wizard's summoning magics!"

"What?" He stabbed me. Intense pain nearly made me squel. But making a noise would foil my plans.

"That stupid bitch thought she summoned a lizard man to fight for her. Ahahahahha. If it weren't for you I would have gotten her soul! Now, I came here for nothing!"

Demons tricked people every day. So it came to me naturally. My plan was to paint my summoning as a hijacking. Summoners existed and they were legal in eyes of church. They summoned monsters to fight for them. If I made my existence as me hijacking a summoning spell Minerva would be innocent.

"What a devilish plan! No way a lowly demon like you thought of it. Give me your superiors name!"

He twisted his blade. I grunted in pain.

"You can't even reach to him paladin!"

Despite pain I still acted. He pulled his sword from my body and got it closer to my eyes.

"If you think that you will be banished you are wrong, demon. This sword is directly blessed by our Goddess Athena! It can destroy demons like you for good!"

I rememebered that man's last words.

"I am glad that I was able to save someone." Weirdly enough those words, which felt familiar was something I agreed with.

"Do it." I closed my eyes. She saved me once by summoning me when I was in brink of death. So it was natural that I would give my life for her.

"No!" Her voice rang out.

"No!" It was my time to say no this time. That dumb woman. It was just about end.

"Nox, my name is Minerva Enchantra. I summoned you to help me and give me your wisdom. Now, as student of Great Witch Elena and last of House of Enchantra I am breaking our contract!"

Red energy bursted out of her body. She fell to ground while bleeding from every orifice. At that time I felt something pulling me.

"No! No! Minerva!" I couldn't resist whatever pulling me. Just like that I realized that I was in Hell once more.

"What happened? I nearly convinced them that I was the only problem. Why did she?"

(She broke your contract forcefully.)

"What happened to her? Why were she bleeding?"

(Due contract being broken forcefully her soul and mind were damaged.)

"Why did she broke the contract!"

(To save you. Demons can't exists in that world without contracts.)

"She will die. They will burn her!"


"No. I can fix this. Sent me back."

(That's not possible.)

"Bullshit! I thought about it a lot of! How I was able to be summoned when I was about die! According to every book in Minerva's house me getting summoned was impossible. It was you send me there!"

(Only reason you haven't died while screaming because you in Hell. Even if if you were to go back you would die.)

I looked at my missing arm and stomach. They stopped bleeding.

"No. No! NO!"

(It is natural that demons would have thousands of contract. You don't need to worry about one.)

"Fuck you!" You bitch, how could you say that?!!?

(You could also have a lot of woman in your life.)

"Don't talk her like a fucking object!"

(You have nothing to do. Even if you go back what are you going to do? Kill a S ranked paladin? Kill others? How will you cure her? It is better for you to forget her.)

"How can you…"

(Only you. Only you are important. I refuse to lose you.)

"I will save her."

(That's not possible. A : You don't have a way of going back to that world. B: You are not strong enough. C: You lack the knowledge and skill to cure her.)

"Maybe it is for me. But you?"

(I am not going to let you kill yourself. Not again.)

"Why didn't you warned me like you did in Hell?"

(My vision is limited in that world.)

"What is your goal?"

(Your wellbeing.)

I took a deep breath.

"Then." I put my only arm to my chim fingers digging it.

"A magic missile would be enough in my condition, right?"

(What are you doing?)

"You either help me or I will shoot. I am sure that if my brain got destroyed even being in Hell couldn't save me."


"No. 10, 9, 8, 7…"

(What you are doing is illogical.)

"…4, 3, 2, 1.)

(Stop, okay I will help you.)

I put my hand down. "Okay, how will we do it?"

(You don't even have an idea. Sigh. I should have guessed. That's just like you. First thing is we don't have something very important: time.)

"I am listening." As I said that a portal opened in front of me.

(I am warning you, only get inside here if you are ready to be in so much pain.)

I scoffed. "I am used to pain."

(We will see about it. Once you get in you won't be able to quit before finishing.)

"That's what I wanted." I walked towards it. As I passed it I felt as if my body became heavier.

"What is this?"

(Gravity is higher here.)

"I see. Perfect place to train."

(Should have guessed that you would like it. Time is ten times slower here as well.)

"Really? Good, I have a lot of time then!"

(You still don't have enough time.)

Something popped from ground and attacked me. I tried to jump back I found out that I could barely move.

(Considering how much time you will be trying to survive you will have so little time.)

I looked at the creature that popped from ground. It looked a mix between a mole and a ant. I shot a missile it but it quickly it in ground.

"Give me some new quests. I can't do those before in here."

(You don't need to worry. This place is a dungeon. It is made of 10 floors. Every floor is considered a dungeon itself. You are in 10th floor right now. To get to another floor you need to defeat boss monster for that floor.)

"I see. But what if anyone else comes to here?"

(That's impossible since I just put together this place. It's magical power is high level so getting skills and leveling them will be easier. According to my calculations you have 7 days until she gets burned in stake. So you have 70 days to conquer this entire place. I will not talk to you any longer beyond system messages for time being. I already pushed my authority to limit.)

"I see. Thank you."


(Current quests: Clear 5 dungeons,solo. Difficulty C.)

(Kill one boss monster in one hit. Difficulty B.)

(Clear 10th floor. Difficulty B.)

(Clear 9th floor. Difficulty B.)

(Clear 8th floor. Difficulty B.)

(Clear 7th floor. Difficulty B.)

(Clear 6th floor. Difficulty A.)

(Clear 5th floor. Difficulty A.)

(Clear 4th floor. Difficulty A.)

(Clear 3rd floor. Difficulty A.)

(Clear 2nd floor. Difficulty S.)

(Clear 1st floor. Difficulty EX.)

(Clear all 10 floors. Difficulty Ex.)

(Kill 1000 monsters. Difficulty C.)

(Kill 2000 monsters. Difficulty B.)

(Kill 5000 monsters. Difficulty A.)

(Kill 100 monsters in one hit. Difficulty B.)

(Kill 200 monsters in one hit. Difficulty A.)

(Get 3 more skills. Difficulty A.)

I looked at the long list of quests in front of me. I smiled. With this much quests I could get way stronger way quicker.

"Just grit your teeth Minerva. I am coming for you."

10th floor. I didn't knew how hard this dungeon was. But I also didn't have any time to worry about things. I circulated my magic power. My right arm gone it was my strongest weapon right now. I sent magic power towards my left arm. Scales started to give out a black luster. I charged towards monsters surrounding me.

"Get out of my way weaklings! I have a mission to do!"