
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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49 Chs


I looked at the witch furiously searching book while looking at the red symbol on her shoulder. She saved me. I was sure that I would die but she summoned and treated me at last minute.

Name: Nocturnis Regius(Nox) Race: Demon(Bloodline can't be measured)

Strength: 9 Vitality:9

Intelligence:15 Magic:15

Agility:11 Charisma:7

Active Skills: Fury Lv2, Contract LvMax.

Passive Skills: None.

Titles: Contractor of Witch(Normal)

I hummed as I looked at my status. Some of the increases were from quests while others were probably because of learning my actual name. Also contract skill. I don't know how I got it. When she summoned me I just knew it. Being able to speak was maybe also new. Maybe every demon is like that. When they summoned they get Contract skill. While it did not listed there I also could shapeshift. Well, shapeshift into a "pet" form. Now I looked like a small, red lizard.

"Ah. Teacher! Please, you need to help me!"

Minerva shouted while looking at a crystal orb. Inside the orb vision of an old lady. She wore a "witch hat" but it was bigger than Minerva's. Maybe the bigger the hat more knowledge you have? After learning my name I felt different. More clear, in a way.

"Calm down, my child. What happened?"

"You need to come here. Please. It is too much to explain like this."

After a while Minerva's teacher were here. She wore more old fashioned clothes compered her student. While she were old, her wrinkles and grey hair gave her an aura of wisdom. She looked at me, restriction circle and symbol on Minerva's shoulder.

"A physical mark means that a contract with a high level demon. But looking at him that's not the case. And your restriction circle isn't faulty. While a high ranking demon could break it with pure force it is not broken. It almost like he bypassed it. Also how he is still here? Will you answer me, demon?"

I lifted my head.

"Why would I go?"

"A demon like you can't exist in this plane of existence without any kind restrictions."

I shrugged my shoulders and put my head down.

"I think this is above me, my child."

Minerva's face was of a pure shock.

"But how? You are one of Council. If you don't know, nobody does!"

"I know. But rather than what we can't know let's look at what we can know. You said that you felt your magical capabilies increasing, right? Let's test it."

I lifted my head again. Magic. My magic was now one of my highest stats. But I still didn't knew any magic. I had to see it. I climbed to Minerva's shoulder. While I didn't liked piggybacking my arm was still broken. For once since I hatched I actually saw trees that don't try to kill me. An interesting change. We were inside a forest. I looked back at Minerva's hut. It looked cute. It reminded me Grandmother I saw at my dreams. Minerva herself… First word came to my mind is "Goth". She wore glasses which failed hide her bright purple eyes. Coal-black hair flowed down to her shoulders. She wore a light make-up. She wore knee high stocking which had web like design. Skirt she wore allowed me to see her pale skin very little. It felt good knowing that first thing that not tried to kill me were a beautiful woman. Teacher raised her staff. Mud golems as big as my original form rose from ground. I realized that Teacher's staff was bigger and more elegantly carved compered to Minerva's. As I watched she chanted while holding her staff towards golems.

"Magic Missile!"

A purple energy shot from her staff, destroying several of golems at the same time. Minerva's mouth was open to its limit.

"Are you okay? How much magical energy do you have?"

Teacher asked with a worry in her voice.

"Nearly full."

Minerva's tone made me think she wasn't fully believing what she were seeing.

"For this kind of power to given cost must be colossal. What did you took from her ? If you refuse to say I will banish you even if it costs me my life!"

I just repeated our contract.

"Nothing more, nothing less."

She frowned.

"I will look into this. For now you need to be patient."

She patted her student's shoulder before leaving. After seeing her off Minerva sat down.

"I didn't sold my soul to you or anything, right?"

"Your soul wasn't in contract."

"Then what do you want?"

"For now? Food would be nice."

"Come to think I too didn't ate since morning. What do you eat?"

"Meat would be nice."

I watched her cook with empty eyes. I should be happy for not eating shit for once. I should be happy that a good-looking woman were cooking for me. But I had that feeling in back of my throat. I looked at my broken wristblade. It still hurt. I didn't knew if it was physical or mental. I was beaten one side. It wasn't even a fight. It kicked my ass. The fact that I was still felt fear made me even more angry. I wanted to heal, get stronger and defeat him. But it felt like impossible. A wall I can't climb. A wall I can't break. A wall I can't dig under.

(You just suffered only one defeat.)

I know, Voice. You tried to protect me. I didn't listen. And even with a one loss I gave up. I am so pathetic.

(Current quest: Kill 30 enemies. Difficulty D)

What? Do you really think I can defeat it with 1 increase in my stats?

(Surpassing unnecessary emotions.)

Be logical. Difference in our strength is too big.

(New quest: Learn basis of magic. Rank D)

(New quest: Learn to cast one spell. Rank D)

(New quest: Get a skill. Rank D)

What are you doing?

(New quest: Eat 5 magic stones. Rank D)

Are you trying to increase my strength by giving me bunch of quests? Why?

(Get stronger.)

It is still not enough!

(Excuses, excuses!)

I fought there! I nearly died! Do you think I am making excuses?

"Food is ready."

She put two plates to table. It smelled delicious. I crawled using my three healthy limbs.

"I don't need to eat with you. You could have just throw the scraps to me."

She seemed to be suprised with what I told her.

"You seemed to be nice. Nice for a demon, at least. So I didn't wanted to treat you like a dog."

I didn't told anything elsed to her. I just ate. Along side what I thought was chicken she also cooked some vegetables. I liked the change.


I said before jumping from table and falling to my unbroken limbs.

"Umm, do you want herbal tea? It calms your mind. You look like you have a lot of in your mind."

How did she understood that from looking at a lizard?


I said. She smiled and started washing the plates.

(Put a baby in her.)


I loudly exclaimed. My voice caused Minerva to jump.

"I am sorry? Did something happened?"

"No, I am sorry. I just hit my leg."

What the hell was that, Voice? Where did that even came from?

Calm down Voice, Nox doesn't have that kind of feelings.YET.

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