
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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49 Chs

First Clear

The thing is I did not care about artifacts. Minerva were the one holding bag of holding and I couldn't use weapons due my hand shape. So I didn't losed time with looking for treasures like others. I also didn't had to carry a torch or fail to see enemies in the dark. The reason for my confidence was because of those reasons. I ripped flesh from one of goblins. I still needed to return so I couldn't just eat everything in my bag. I only carried a small bag for holding food. So all the things that could slow than a adventurer party didn't slowed me down a little bit. I stood before the boss gate. Steam rose from my body. A side effect of using Fury for extented amount of time. If I were a human I probably would die due overheating. But as a demon I had a higher tolerance for anything heat related. I shook my head. Despite basically running to boss gate I didn't felt tired. But it didn't meant that I would just rush it. I already tasted defeat once because I rushed without thinking once. I also still had 20 minutes left. Dungeon boss was a hobgoblin, I knew that much. It used a spear.

"So it probably will want to keep distance between us."

Too bad for it. I had no such thought. Even with lose of my wristblade, smashing my claws at high speeds bounded to create deep lashes. I lowered my body and passed through boss gate. I quickly rushed towards it. It was slightly taller than me. It wore body armor but my favorite target throat was fully open. As soon as I was in range I slammed my claws towards its throat. To my suprise it was able to react and block it with its forearm. My claws penetrated its forearms and it stumbled back because of my momentum.

"Magic missile."

I fired it from my claws that were still deep inside its forearm. Explosion tore its arm. It tried to retaliate by swinging its spear. It was slower than Stain. I dodged and ripped a big chunk off him. It fell to ground.

(You finished the quest. Every stat increased by 2.)

(You finished the quest. Every stat increased by 2.)

How stingy. Just two stats?

(New quest. Clear 5 dungeons,solo. Difficulty C.)

(Kill one boss monster in one hit. Difficulty B.)

Finally starting B ranked quests, huh? Very well, I am ready. I looked the corpse of Hobgoblin. Corpses in dungeon disappeared if left alone by themselves. I searched the body and…


A mana stone. Also due clearing dungeon I got its spear. It was a blood red spear with simple decorations. I liked it. Even though I couldn't use it Minerva could sell it. I took but of them and left the dungeon sneakily as I possible could. It was still night and Minerva still didn't summoned me. She were probably sleeping. What could I do? I looked at my quests. There were 12 dungeons around here. However, 5 of them were high ranking. I wasn't sure I could clear them by myself. Also strict security scared me. Not just for myself but also for Minerva. While I knew the basics of magic I didn't knew if there were a magic that could trace summoned and summoner. If it existed, Minerva could get hurt. I can't have that.

"Whatever, let's find somewhere to sleep."

I still needed to sleep.

"With this you officially D rank. Congratulations."

I smiled.

"Thank you."

Finally, I could get out of E rank and could get actual quests. I took the reward money from quests I finished and was about to left until someone touched my shoulder. I cringed due sensation and looked at who's hand was it.

"Hello. I see that you got promoted to D rank. Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"I am Brown Ox. C rank."

Bald man proudly and loudly spoke.

"I am looking for a magic user to team up. I would be really happy if you would accept it."

"I am sorry. I am not looking for a team right now."

"Come on, don't be like that. I have a lot of experience. I would like to help a newbie like you."

He still had his hand in my shoulder. I tried to move back a little but he tightened his grip.

"It is not rare for newbies to make a mistake and die. I would hate if something like that happened to a beauty like you."

He smiled, showing his missing teeth. Nox once told me that smiling was just an another way to show fangs. If I didn't understand that the time he told me I now understood. I was just about to start considering blasting him someone grabbed his hand.

"Ox, some people don't like others touching them. Also, personal space."


Ox growled between his teeth. A nickname. Only after C and higher adventurers had nicknames.

"I am just trying to help the lady here."

Young man furrowed his eyebrows.

"I think "lady" here can talk. Right?"

He looked at me.

"Ah, yes."

"See, she can talk. If she needed help she can ask us. But she didn't. So she doesn't need help."


"No, you look…"

Wolf cut him.

"If I see you harassing woman again I will broke two of your arms this time. Now, fuck off."

Ox paled with the mention of broken arms. He turned around and left without saying anything else.

"I am sorry about that."

Wolf spoke. He were younger than me. Despite his face looking innocent his musculer body and huge sword at his back told me that he were strong.

"I am called Grey Wolf. C rank swordsman. I can assure you that not all C ranks are like that."

"Thank you. My name is Minerva. I am a magician."

"Nice to meet you Minerva. Have a good day."

He turned his and waved while walking. Weirdly he reminded me Nox. I shook my head. Lack of sleep must be getting to me. A human and demon resembling each other? That was impossible. I left quickly. Since what happened caused a lot of ruckus everyone looked at me. I felt uncomfortable. I went inside inn I was staying. After washing myself and eating I lied down on my bed. Despite it not being comfortable as my own home it was quite the upgrade when you compered it to sleeping outside. While I was tired I couldn't sleep. I thought about Nox. I summoned him 6 months ago. But despite spending that much time together I still didn't know a lot of things about him. Including what kind of demon he were. He were different. Different than what I read, learned and expected. He felt like other people I talked, not a demon from Hell trying to trick me and get my soul. Even Teacher couldn't get anything about his existence. Even when I tried to get him to talk all I could get were sarcastic remarks.

"What have you done?"

I looked at Minerva furiously walking back and fort.

"We can sell those. I thought you needed money."


She looked like she were about to explode.

"Okay. I am not going to scream to you for a hour. But we can't sell the spear."


"Because to sell Hobgoblin's spear I need to clear the dungeon. I didn't cleared it. People will get suspicious if I sold an item from a dungeon I wasn't in! Seriously, how can you both smart and stupid at same time?"

"Uh. Fair enough."

She were right. I didn't thought like that.

"Can't you use that?"

She pointed to spear.

"Three clawed fingers and not really suited for tool use."

She rubbed her forehead.

"And it is a rare drop too. Whatever, we maybe sell it in a different city. Now, let's focus on our mission."

"You get a mission right after being promoted?"

"It is not a hard one. I just need to explore and write a report."

"Sounds boring."

I turned into my lizard form and climbed to her back.

"Wake me up when something interesting happens."


I put my head down.

Ox looked at the girl riding horse.

"That brat thinks that he can stop me? I'll show him."

"Boss, she is just one girl. Do you think all 10 of us is needed?"

Even his lackeys seemed to be more logical than their boss.

"It is not about that you dumb fuck! It is about sending a message. That stupid brat thinks that he can order me around! I have been here for 20 years! If I want a woman I will get her no matter what!"

His lackey backed off. Smart thing was listening to him. For people like him best they can do were latching on someone more capable. As long as they listened to him they would get payed.

"Don't worry I would let you guys use her after I am done."

His lackeys seemed to gain a little bit moral after that.


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