
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Do demons dream of grandmas?

"Wush! Boummm!"

Boy hit his toys together. He was imagining a battlefield. Toy which shaped like a muscular man was fighting against a cruel monster to save the world! His grandmother was sitting across him keeping eye on him while knitting. Despite the harsh blizzard outside burning stove was enough to keep that 2 people warm. Only noises that filled the house were boy playing and fire cracking. Grandmother looked at her grandson and called her. Boy lifted his head and saw his grandmother patting the couch. He left his toys to ground and sat down beside her. Grandmother lovingly caressed his cheeks.

"Divine blood runs through our family."

Boy cocked his head to side. He didn't really understand what she was saying.

"Do you see her? Our ancestor."

She pointed corner of the room. A woman stood there. She smiled and waved her hand. Her entire existence contrasted with rest of the room. She wore revealing yet stylish clothes. Her blood red hair reached to her hips. Boy reacted this stranger like how most kids reacted when they first saw someone they don't know: He hid behind his grandmother, shyly.

"You don't need to be afraid. She will be…"

Old woman tried to assure her grandson but caught with a coughing fit. Boy got out of hiding and rushed to get water. He clumsly got a glass of water but spilled half of it in the process. When her coughing ended she looked at him with loving eyes.

"You are so kind. Thank to heavens for that. We need that. We are the last ones. If we fall, contract will end."

Boy didn't knew what she were saying. His father told him that since his grandmother were old she rambled.

"All other branches failed. We are the only ones left that still follow the contract. My boy…"

She hesitated. She knew that she didn't had so much time left. But putting this kind of responsibility to him.

"Follow your heart. Be good. Only in goodness we can protect this world. Please, promise me. Promise me that you will be good."

"I will listen my elders and.. I wil make my bed when I wake up!"

What boy thought of being good was different. Since he was just a child he thought obeying grown-ups. Despite his immaturity old woman were content. She hugged him, very tightly. Boy felt warm inside. He hugged her back.

"I love you, my boy."

"I love you too, Grandmother."

In a place most called Hell, boy opened his eyes.

It was a weird dream. I didn't know the boy or his grandmother. They seemed familiar but everytime I tried to think more about them a sharp headache struck me. So I stopped thinking about them and looked at the situation I was in. My body felt sluggish. I did not know if it was caused because I was just woke up. I was also in pitch dark. Maybe it is still early. I reached my hands. I touched something. It felt like leather. When I pushed it split open. Light hit my eyes. With half closed eyes I continued ripping whatever I was in. I stepped out. When I looked at what I was in it looked like a black egg. A huge egg but an egg nevertheless. Ground I walked looked like obsidian.

"Are those my feet?"

I looked at the reptilian claws. They had three digits and ended with sharp nails. I started to breathe rapidly. But rather than normal fast breathing noises what came out of me were soft growling noises. I looked at my hands-claws. Red scales runned through my entire arm. I had three fingers in each hand and just like my feet they were sharp. My right arm was slightly thicker and had a spike protruding from it. It looked more suited to stabbing rather than slashing. I tried to look at my back and realized that I had a tail similar to a crocodile except pure red. I also had things in my back. They were leathery and looked underdeveloped. Wings, perhaps? Everytime I breathed out a low growl came out of me. I wanted to touch my face to feel what I looked like but was afraid to slash myself with this sharp claws.

"What I am? Who I AM?"

I growled. I tried to remember. I knew that I had some memories. Things I hold dear. Things I do not want do forget.

"Remember. Remember, damn it!"

Everytime I tried to dig deeper that headache surfaced. It hurt so much. Despite that I tried. I tried to get a piece of memory back.


I hate them. That was the only thing I could remember. I hated them. I despited them. I was disgusted with them. I will destroy them. I did not knew where did this hatred came from. But I felt it in my bones. In my veins. Every cell I had screamed "Hate" to me. But, but..

"Why I don't hate the old woman in my dream?"

Despite hatred against humanity burning like lava in my veins I did not felt the same for the old lady. I was lost in thought when I heard gigles.

"Kekeeke. Look at this little hatchling. Did you lost your mommy, little guy?"

I raised my head and looked. 3 humanoid shapes stood in front of me. They were around same height as me. They had red skin, horns and ugly faces.

"Come on little guy. We do not want to hurt you."

Despite they talking in a language I never heard I could understand them. But I did like them. Despite their words their voice leaked of bloodlust. They wanted to hurt me. No. They wanted to kill me. I opened my mouth and roared.

"Wohoh! Tough guy. What are you going do? Fireball!"

One of them summoned a fireball and threw to me. I wasn't able to react to it. It hit me right in the face. I recoiled with pain and impact. But despite my expection it didn't hurt or burn me as much as I thought it would. Maybe because of scales? Whatever, I lowered to ground ready to leap.

"Damn, it is tougher than it looks. Together! Fireball!"



Three of them summoned fireballs. Even though I tanked one it didn't meant that I would willingly take anymore. I timed my leap with their throw. Despite feeling sluggish I was fast. I dodged all the fireballs and stabbed middle one with my wristblade. I slapped right one with my tail. It fell back. After I was sure that I completely destroyed middle ones throat I turned left one. He tried to block my wristblade. I stabbed its forearms and bit its throat. I ripped a good chunk of it. When I looked at the right one it was already running. I did not chase away. Even though I quickly defeated two of them I felt tired. That quick burst of speed and strength seemed to took a lot of me.

"I am hungry."

My stomach was empty. I looked at the creatures. Now that I look at them what popped in my head was "Imp". Low level demons. They looked like ugly humans. And I hated humans. But eating them? I did not feel comfortable with that idea.


I said to myself. I don't know if I can get another source of food. So shut up and eat. I bit down while surprassing the disgust inside of me.