
Chapter - 41

Continued From The Last Part...

The moment I step inside the house I got shock seeing the scene in front of me... 

at the round table Vihaa, her parents, and her fiancé sitting on the chairs and pizza in between them with cold drink plus some orange juice. Seeing them like this, I got shocked though somewhere I am relaxed too because everything is fine but still, I mean its obvious I reached here literally running in fear of what if uncle is seriously injured or something else is there and here they are just talking, eating and laughing.

my mind out shout loud, what the...

Well, suddenly my thought process come to halt when I feel Vihaa's touch on my jaw, I come to senses seeing and feeling her closing my mouth while chuckling.

Vihaa: (Holding my jaw slightly then closing it and chuckling lightly) Shut your mouth you idiot or else fly will enter inside. And there is nothing what the... just come and join us for evening snacks party.

Me: (Coming back to my senses and mumbling) Huhh did I said it loud.

Vihaa: (Dragging me inside by holding my hand slightly and still chuckling) O yeah, now come.

Seeing me there uncle and aunty greet me cheerfully, her fiancée nod at me with smiling face and I replied them back my greeting with same energy plus cheerfulness. However, soon my smile turn into frown when I remembered how Vihaa reacted over call, to bring me here. I look at her with raised eyebrows then start speaking or moreover, scolding her...

Me: (With raised eyebrows) What was that huh..? Come fast dad needs help?

Vihaa: (Eyes open wide) Heyy shhhh 

Soon we heard the chorus voice....


O shit! I immediately put my palms on my ears because they were very loud and Vihaa do the same too, seeing us like this they give us sheepish smile and in bit low said they said sorry together. Hearing this, we put our hands back down, as soon as we relaxed down everyone start questioning Vihaa and of course this time they asked their question one by one.

Uncle: What is this Vihaa? you scared the shit out of her.

Aunty: How can you behave like this Vihaa? What if she might have fell somewhere and got injured while running?

Her Fiancée: Like seriously!

And here Vihaa is sitting with a pout on her face looking at us with her puppy eyes, this making her look ten times more adorable plus cute. Seeing this, not able to resist myself I speak up...

Me: Okay okay let it go, it happens sometimes.

Hearing, all three of them muttered 'okay' and Vihaa give me a big toothed smile, seeing I shook my head and muttered to myself.....

Me: Who will believe she is six years elder to me, behaving like a child. 

Vihaa: Okay now let it be I am damn hungry, lets start eating pizza.

Me: (Raising my eyebrows and smirking) Huhhh when are you not hungry?

And with this I earned a surprising look from all of them except Vihaa because she is smirking at me and then only I realised that I speak up loud. For someone like me who used to stay silent from some months has just speak up something loud and clear, that too in teasing form. 

Vihaa: (Smirking and winking at me) Woah someone is started speaking, uff that too teasing me. 

Hearing, I become all shy and start looking down at my lap, I can feel a little bit of heat on my cheeks. Again Vihaa speaks up...

Vihaa: (Laughing) Wow wow someone is blushing now.

At this all of them laugh out loud, I too joined them and after this with lots of teasing plus laughter we shared good family like time. While enjoying with them a constant thought keep playing in my head on a loop...

how strange is I always wanted my own blood like family to be like this but because of indifference in their thoughts they can never be like this but look at this, right now I am having my family time with these four of them and this family which I guess I have earned it due to Vihaa. And this make my belief on a phrase which I learned recently that is.. relationships of closeness are better than those of blood, they are pure, not being judged, they are more like expecting someone for who you actually are.

After a nearly of two hour time spending with them I bid my good byes to them plus thanking them sincerely I reach back my home with a wide smile on my face and a fresh mind. I ring the bell of the door, aunt open the door (and they say that there are some people whose presence is so bad that, as soon as you come in front of them or are around them, you feel as if there was never any happiness) I felt the same way and my smile vanished instantly.

She step aside the door, I walk inside the door with no smile face but with a fear of getting scolded or beginning of her inquiry. To save myself, I hurriedly take of my sandals and start walking towards my room but like as usual she started speaking...

Aunt: Where are you coming from?

Me: (Not looking at her) From Vihaa's house.

Aunt: What for you you went there?

Me: She called me to eat pizza.

Aunt: Huhh she herself is fat, she will do it to you too.

Me: Ohh okay. Umm I will....

Aunt: Just a minute, as far as I know you don't like pizza, so why did you eat it? And what for pizza party is?

Me: (Lying) Nahh I like it was good

Though, from inside I am like rather than pizza I like the time that I spend with them like a family which I always wanted to have.

Aunt: Hmm okay. But...

Me: (Pretending as of in need to pee urgently) If you don't mind can I go to my room, I wanted to used the washroom urgently may I?

Aunt: (Walking ahead me) O yes go go, when I have ever stopped you and if I have stopped you will you stop?

I choose speaking nothing and walk inside my room, closing plus locking my room I walk towards the study table then take out my phone to check whether I received any calls or messages from anyone. Seeing the screen I come to know I received a call from an unknown number but caller ID show its Carissa's call. 

Keeping phone aside, I thought to get fresh first, wear night clothes, talk to mother first telling her I won't be eating dinner today because I am already full. I start doing as I thought, once I finished all the task I walk back inside my room, closing and locking the door with a water bottle in my hand I walk towards the study table. 

After settling down on the chair, picking up the phone I called Carissa and she answered the call on third ring...

Me: Hello.

Carissa: Hey Siya, how are you?

Me: I am good, how are you?

Carissa: Just doing fine on the bed rest. How was your day at the university, what happened today in the lectures?

Me: The day was okay.

After this I start telling what all happened in the lectures, like things related to study material, topics we will be studying, the list of books we will be need and importance of attendance. The call goes on like this for an hour almost, once all the details shared she hang up the call. And during this call I realized that, she is someone who is more practical one and her focus is only on studies, he has no interest in other nonsense things or talks which is good I guess.

I plug phone to charger, pick up a book and start reading it. Though a constant thought keep repeating in my head....

this new day turn out to be a good new day, I mean there are some moments of awkwardness of its own but it ends well on the note. If just like this every other day is going to be then I don't think it will be boring, hopefully it will be happy another new day. 

today I also learned, sometimes we can do create our own good family but we must learn to keep it a good happy family. May be this way I can have a family of my own which I always desired to have it.

And with these thoughts in my mind, after an hour I walk outside the room by unlocking the doors. I directly walk inside the kitchen prepare warm milk for me with no sugar in it then start drinking it because now I am feeling hungry a little. Once done I wash my cup, walk back inside my room and directly go inside the washroom to brush my teeth before sleep. After this with water bottle in my hand, phone and earphones in my pocket I walk inside granny's room, later I call it a night while reading my bed time story in the phone.


Hello Readers!!!

I hope all of you are doing good, sorry for uploading chapters a bit lately. Being down with the cold, trying to keep working on story can be really exhausting but still I am trying to work on.

Thank your for reading my story till now, your views are my motivation, it motivates me to keep working on this story.

Su_Janecreators' thoughts