
Chapter - 37

Continued From The Last Part.....

Me: (Whining) Nana tell me fast, no.

Nana: (Chuckled out a bit, lovingly and with a excited voice) My Kikoooo I have brought a gift for you and lots of mangoes for you to eat, come here we will eat together plus we will eat other things too then I will give you that gift too. We will go to lot of places and roam around. Its been so long. It's been such a long time that we haven't met, you haven't come to meet me since then. 

Me: (Remembering that time and smiling) Yes Nana, it's been more than a year since we had met.

Nana: So you are coming right?, there is a lot to eat and also to travel. we will really have a lot of fun Kikoooo.

Me: Yes Nana I will come after some months, let me get settled in the new university first.

Nana: Wow, you in the university. Great kiddo I am so proud of you and I know you will do great.

Me: Thank you Nana and I promise you I will be there in some months, we will eat together, roam around and we will have lots of fun.

Nana: Okay. Bye Kikoooo.

Me: Bye Nana

Together, we hang up the phone, after keeping phone back on its place I walk back to my study table. As I reach there I sit on the beside chair again then picking up my diary I opened the first few pages and started reading them in which I had written something about my Nana...

he is my mother's father, I can never meet him everyday because he lives far away from me, he lives in a different city. He is a very nice person, although he is a little short-tempered by nature, but he takes good care of everyone. He is very fond of traveling and eating and drinking (non-alcoholic drinks), apart from this, his will power is quite high, he has a rod in one of his legs but this never stop or force him to sit idle in fact he does almost all of his work himself.

and for me, apart from my grandfather, he is the only one with whom I am close. And I don't mean just in the name of relations, I respect him rather he has earned that respect. Like my grandfather he is my idol too because he has always been feeling proud of me and this is what make me feel normal. 

Hearing yelling voice of mother I stop reading the pages of diary..

Mother: Siya!!! come for lunch now.

Me: Coming!!!

I close my diary and put it back on its place the I went inside the washroom and after that I come out of my room and start going towards the dining hall to have my lunch. After reaching there I served myself food on one of the plate kept on the table then settled on one of the seats. However, when I was about to devour the food mother initiated the conversation...

Mother: (While eating her food) I know how grandmother can be, initially she will show you how good she can be? She will be the most innocent and helpless one, then in the next moment she will be changed and will behave as if you are a stranger or her enemy. 

Me: (While eating my food too) Yeah exactly, this was the exact same way she reacted with me in the morning

Mother: I knew it because I am the experienced one here, I have seen these things before too.

Me: Hmmm okay.

Mother: Well, leave all this aside. I have something to tell you.

Me: (Looking at her curiously, while chewing my morsel) What?

Mother: Your father told me over the call that, from tomorrow onwards your new session will begin in the university.

Me: (Feeling excited plus scared too) Okay.

Mother: Aren't you excited? 

Me: (Gathering up as much as excitement I has in me) Off course I am excited.

Though from inside I am like, shit bro how will things go on from here? Will it be all okay? Will my way of dressing or living affect them? Will I be able to perform the way Vihaa is expecting?

After this mother keep on saying other things too but I half listened to them as, all I was hearing were those voices which are echoing inside my head. Though, just to show mother that I am listening I keep a smile on my face or just hummed because I don't want her to scold me for not listening to her.

Just like this lunch got over, after cleaning my plates I headed over back towards my room, reaching there I close the door then picking up my earphones I sit on the on the bed with the support of head rest then plug earphones in and start listening to music. However, this is not relaxing my mind because it start making different kind of stories thinking about different scenarios but this should be considered normal right, I mean many of us do so right?

But while doing I can also feel my heartbeat is increasing slowly slowly, I can feel this urge to break my finger nails and I can feel tapping of my feat, I guess now it is not normal. I don't know how long all this went on, but finally I got a call on my phone which brought me back to senses or made me stop breaking my nails with a jerk plus feat tapping too. I quickly answered the call before it got disconnected.

Me: (Hurriedly, with increased heart beats and breathing slight heavily) Hello.

Vihaa: Hey kiddo, are you okay? why are you panting?

Me: (Trying to control my breathing) A.. uhh nothing I was just doing brisk walking in my balcony.

Vihaa: (Scolding) O really, I know you are lying to me but we will deal about it during our evening walks.

Me: Okay.

Vihaa: Be there in the mall in an hour we will meet for your shopping for your new session.

Me: Hey, no need for that because I have enough of clothes with me. 

Though, inside my head I am like how can I go to shopping, if I don't have enough money to do so

Vihaa: (scolding) Keep your mouth shut kiddo, I know you must be thinking about money but how many times I have to told you let it be on me you can pay me back later.

Me: (Sighing) Okay.

Vihaa: (Requesting and pleasing voice) Don't be so much defeated, I consider you as my own sister which I never got and doing something for you feels good so, let me be please.

Me: Okay done I will be there.

Vihaa: Good.

And after saying this she hang up the call and a thought pop up in my head...

how can you say no to someone, who consider you like her own family, who is pleading to you, to let her be your protector or saviour. 

some other thoughts too start popping inside my head...

having no money or not having enough money can be turn into real struggle too, as it will make you feel low in front of others and you will be in a state where you have this constant thought in your mind i.e. beggars can never be choosers.

how can I take money from my parents or family, I mean its not like they won't give me but it just like

I think I am big enough to, not to go and ask money from them. Somewhere I don't know why but I don't like asking money from them.

Just like this, I mean being lost in my thoughts I finished getting ready then I leave the house but not before letting my mother know that I am going out with Vihaa for shopping. I book a sharing cab for me and soon start moving towards the mall, I relax back on the car seat a little then look at my mobile to know the time. Just by knowing it I knew that I will be at mall on time.

Like I thought I reach mall, while walking inside the mall I found Vihaa looking in my direction with a Cheshire cat smile. Seeing her smiling like this, I also give her a genuine smile and together we start walking towards one of our favourite showroom first 'Decathlon' for some casual clothes, socks and a pair of shoes after this we walk towards, another showroom to buy a bit fashionable plus classy clothes.

It took us around almost three hours, to finish the shopping and to my surprise the most weird thing that happened is I was able to pay for all of the clothes. And it seems like as if both of the stores are reasonable when it comes to prices or it just Vihaa's plan to take me to these showrooms so that in less money too I can afford all the buying, once shopping got finished we moved towards the Theobroma as she wanted to eat muffins.

The moment we stepped inside the restaurant, just by seeing the atmosphere I started feeling restless, heart beating a little beat fast and there is this feeling that as if I am getting observed by each and everyone. Another thing is that it wasn't any local, casual or small restaurant rather it was a fine dining restaurant, for riche rich ones where I guess some standards or rules followed by and I don't know why but I am not feeling good here.

However, my train of thoughts halted feeling Vihaa's hand on my shoulder (since I getting comfortable with her touch then I am starting to recognize her touch), I look at her trying my best to put genuine smile on my face, not trusting my voice I raised eyebrows to ask her 'what happened'

Vihaa: (While holding my hand lightly, pulling me just a little in with her) Come

Me: (Not trusting my words at all, I just nodded my head in affirmation

have you ever come face to face with this feeling, that some day you will just hand over yourself to someone, in such a way that every pain, every sorrow, every wound of yours will be theirs. You will have so much trust in them that no matter what the situation is, they will took great care of you.

and at this moment I choose to trust her, with my fears.

As soon as we settled down on the cushions (internally, I am rolling my eyes thinking stupid expensive restaurants always ready to show off) one of the waiter come by and handed over the food catalogue to us. While I am just reading the prices of the various baked products and thinking about how will I pay for my food when only Rs 50 left with me, thinking all this I start feeling a strong gaze on me....

I look up at her and she speak up immediately...

Vihaa: Checking prices again?

Me: (Bending my eyes and embarrassed) Hmmm

Vihaa: Chill I will order you? and you pay me back later.

Me: Okay.

She ordered blueberry cupcake, cold coffee and banana brownie for herself then she ordered chocolate brownie, cappuccino for me. When ordering was done, she initiated the conversation...

Vihaa: So, how was your day?

Me: (Sarcastically) Day was adventurous, tell me about yours.

Vihaa: Wow tell me about your adventurous day?

And I told her everything in detail from start to end, just after listening my whole story she started laughing loudly, holding her stomach. Seeing this my eyes got wide, I tried to make her quite...

Me: (Bending a little over the table towards her) Shhhhh stop laughing people are watching us.

Vihaa: (Keep laughing on)

Me: (Keep looking here and there on the other table) Please na... don't laugh.

After likely for ten minutes she finally stopped laughing, taking few deep breaths she finally relaxes down too. She looks at me with a wide smile on my face...

Vihaa: Bro, you are house is a typical movie and it has lots of melodrama.

Me: Yeah I know.

Vihaa: But seriously bro, don't get angry or feel frustrated with such small issues okay? I will tell you this one thing, usually people have this mindset where they will use you as long as they need but after that they will threw you away from their lives.

Me: Ohhh but why so?

Vihaa: This is how things work, people take other peoples for granted or sometimes they think other people are below them so they can use them.

Me: But isn't this wrong?

Vihaa: It is but who cares, no one is simple or innocent in life. One should learn how to be smart and a bit clever one to tackle them.

Me: Okay

Vihaa: Well, leave this aside I am hell excited to because new chapter of your life will begin from tomorrow.

Me: Somewhere I am too I guess.

Vihaa: I know you are a bit excited and nervous too but don't worry I am here for you...

Me: (Cutting her off) and with you here I will be fine. Right?

Vihaa: Yeah.

Just like this our shopping plus evening snacks party goes by, we reach back home around eight fifteen in the night. After getting fresh, I go out towards the dining area to eat dinner with mother and father. Fortunately, only mother eat dinner with me and no as such scene happened, night almost passed by peacefully except one thing that is continuously running inside my head...

how will be the next day? Will I be able to make it a success? Everything will be fine right?