
Chapter - 25

The feeling of helping someone or being there for someone whenever they need it, is the most beautiful thing. Imagine the moment when you become the reason when other people smile, the moment when you do something for them without caring about yourself or any damn situation and in return you get their blessings with a beautiful warm smile on their faces.

But what if your act of kindness considered as a favour or your stupidity and become the reason you suffer a little either physically or mentally? Will this make a difference when you will be thinking to help someone who is in need of it or you just want to be there for someone? Agreed, that the times are bad but why do people feel bad when there is a little help in it or when someone else does something good for them? 


After few hours I wake up with a heavy head, whole body covered in sweat, exhausted and tired but one of the most irritating thing is again I remember every part of the dream. A random thought pop up up in my head..

if anyone could ask me whether staying awake is good or sleeping then I will say staying awake is much better because what's the fun in sleeping when you work whole time whether it is to save yourself or running away. But staying awake is quite hectic too because, I have literally no one to talk. I will talk to myself or watch or read something to pass my time. And this will be exhausting too.

While thinking all this I tiredly got up from the bed, walk towards the my room but before I could step inside the room I feel my phone vibrating in my lower's pocket. Without looking who is calling me I pick up the call, continued to walk towards my room...

Me: (Yawning and exhaustedly) Hello

Vihaa: (Excitedly) Hey, good morning kiddo.

Me: Hey good morning.

Vihaa: Sorry bro I guess I disturbed your sleep I mean look at you, your sounding so much exhausted and tired.

Me: No no, I just woke up ten minutes before.

Vihaa: Thank god then I am taking my sorry back, by the way I am coming in front of your house in an hour to give you something then I will leave for my job directly. So be ready.

Me: Okay sure.

And she hang up the call, at the same time I stepped inside my room. I lock the room from inside, then I directly walk inside the washroom to start getting fresh and once done with my daily routine I walk outside then check the time which say more than forty minutes left for her to come. Thinking this I lay down on my bed then closed my eyes for sometimes to calm my headache and relax for sometime.

After sometime I feel my phone vibrating beside my hand, I immediately get up to answer it but before I could do so it hanged up. Without thinking about any thing I keep phone back in my pocket, unlock the door and start walking towards the main door of the house to meet Vihaa. The moment I open the door, step outside the door, I found her waiting for me in her car and seeing this I shut the door behind me and start walking towards her.

As soon as I reached there Vihaa rolled the windows of her car down then look at me smiling widely, seeing her like this, I smiled back more brightly and I also feel a sudden positivity filled me in just by her presence and on top of that, her smiling like that was just icing on the cake. However, soon my trance break hearing her voice...

Vihaa: Kiddo!!!

Me: Ye... yeah

Vihaa: On the back seat I have kept some books, that will help you in preparation of your entrance exam. Take them and start studying then we will discuss it time to time.

Me: Okay

Like, she said I open the back door of the car then pick up the bundle of books which is five in total and honestly, they are quite heavy. After picking up the books I closed the door from my hips, then I walk back to her side..

Me: Thank you for the books.

Vihaa: Anytime, now I am leaving but we will meet in the evening.

Me: Okay.

After this she start driving the car towards her office and I start walking back towards my house. I open the door by pushing it with my right leg, balancing the books again on my hands I walk inside my room then again I used my hips to shut the door back. As soon as door got shut, I keep the books on the shoe cabinet then lock the door. I again pick up the books, start walking towards my room but before I could take any other step ahead I hear father's voice calling me out...

Father: Siya!!!!!

Me: coming!!

After this I start walking towards dining hall, reaching their I keep the book on the dining table and sit on a chair which is in front of my father's chair. The moment I sit down, father at first look at the bundle of book I kept there then he looked at me with raised eyebrows...

Father: You ordered book online?

Me: No, Vihaa give me her book to study for my entrance exam.

Father: Ohhh okay but do keep in mind always return the favour. A favour has been done by her that you have to return it okay?

Me: Okay.

We shared a moment of silent, I waited for him to say something else but nothing happened. Soon mother come out with our breakfast, granny and aunt too joined us on table with scowl on their faces. And like father all of the ladies one by one ask me whose books are those or how does I get it and the reply I only give to them is "Vihaa give me those books so I could prepare for my entrance exam."

Just like this our breakfast got over, with books in my hand I start walking towards my room with a thought running in my head...

how can helping someone is considered as a favour, I mean an individual can be good enough to help others then why helps considered as favour? I too help people but I never ask anything from them in return ever, in fact this favour thing never ever come in my mind. Does Vihaa's act of helping me or guiding me will be considered as a favour? I don't know why father's word saying her act doing a favour on me sounds lie to me, in fact my heart loud and clearly say me that she is a pure heart who just helping me without any demand.

And with these thoughts, I didn't realize when I entered the room and placed the books on the study table. Keeping my thoughts aside I pick up one book and start reading it but before I could even complete the first page of the book, I hear mother calling my name...

Mother: Siya!!!

Me: Coming!

Keeping my book on the table, I walk outside the room towards the kitchen from where mother called me. As soon as I walk inside the kitchen, mother start speaking...

Mother: Come and make this butter.

Me: But I want to study.

Mother: Don't make excuses please. Now do this.

Me: Okay.

And I started doing what she asked me to do, while doing that randomly an old conversation pop up in my head happened in past with my grand father..

Grand Father: Kiddo, this world is no longer like it was before where people used to do good to each other but without any meaning. Nowadays people look for opportunities and take advantage of you, they will help you but sometimes they demand something in return.

Me: Really?

Grand Father: Yeah, but not everyone is like this. Someday you will have that one person who will be selfless to you and be there for you whenever you will need it.

Me: Wow that will be cool, I will be have my guardian angel with me one day.

Grand Father: (Laughing up lightly) Yes.

Grand Father: One more thing never do anything bad to anyone, in fact try to never think bad about others because you will have to pay up for your mistakes one day.

Me: But what if you are not the one who has done the mistake but you have pay for it.

Grand Father: (Ruffling my hair with his left hand and smiling) This doesn't happen kiddo, because everyone has to pay for their share of the mistakes.

Me: (Smiling) Okay.

However, suddenly my trance break hearing mother's voice...

Mother: Siya!!! 

Me: (Stammering a bit) Ye..a.. Yeah What happened?

Mother: Nothing, I was saying something but you seem to be lost somewhere.

Me: Yeah, I was just remembering some conversations happened between grand dad and me.

Mother: (Chuckling) O really and what was it?

Me: That everyone has to pay price of their own mistakes.

Mother: (Chuckling) O really but look at you, you are listening to your aunt and granny like a stupid even though you don't do anything.

Me: But what can I do? They drag me forcefully in this matter and I don't know how to say no to them.

Mother: That's why I called you stupid now leave this conversation finish your work.

After this I hurriedly finish my work, once done I leave the kitchen and again start walking towards my room. As soon as I reached inside the room I lock the door, then walk towards my study table and pick up my diary plus pen, taking that I walk back towards my bed. I settled my self on the bed, then start writing those thoughts that are disturbing me...

am i really stupid, who fall in the trap of aunt and granny? Does Vihaa's act of helping me is selfless or she will ask me to return the favour? Will I be able to give her whatever she will ask me in return?

And with these thoughts in my mind only, don't know when but I fall asleep in the sitting position only and diary on my lap.