
Tales of Avenge Avatar

I died in the stupidest way. But I got a chance, but do I use it to help others. Probably not.

Kriuswer · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Meeting of two predators and one cane. Part 1

After the situation in the classroom, Samael decided to leave. He didn't feel like talking, why? He did this. So he decided to go home. Very quickly, avoiding the teachers, Sam slipped out of the school.

But Samael couldn't see the face that was peeking out of one of the windows. Because from one of the windows by the main entrance a certain red-haired woman emerged and was watching Samael closely.

Samael got into the car screeching tires, inadvertently, returned home.


When Samael was halfway home, his communicator went off.

(Vega)-Samael....Why did you miss class !!??

(Samael)-Vega, I know you monitored the whole area when I was there. And you know everything that happened.

(Vega)-Of course I know .... But I want to hear it from you.

(Samael)-Okay .... Heh ... Do you know Scott Sammers?

(Vega)-Scott Sammers...Mutant, member of the X-men team. He has the ability to emanate lasers from his eyes. Power must be limited by special glasses to be able to live normally. Additionally, it is related to you before my creation. More than once it has thrilled you and turned your life into hell. In short .... I want to kill him.

(Samael)-Haha...Vega...You really understand me.

(Vega)-I try to.

(Samael)-Okay, changing the subject ... since you've researched schools and their students and staff .... Do you have something interesting for me?

(Vega)-Of corse...The school principal is actually Raven Darkholme, Aka Mystique. A mutant with the power of shapeshifting. It can take the form of any person or animal. However, turning into beings larger than herself are extremely painful for her.

(Samael)-I see ... shapeshifter ... sexy blue spy .... Nice.

(Samael)-If not counting the students, are there any mutants among the school staff?

(Vega)-No, no mutants...But, One of the teachers is Inhumans. However, it is not known which and what powers it has, so be careful.

(Samael)-Okey...Is it on the basis of those provided from me and those obtained from databases. Did you track down people who threaten us or the city?

(Vega)-Currently, there are 24 criminal groups in the city. However, they are ordinary people. There are also many super villains, but they are not organized. So the only group currently threatening is the "Brotherhood", whose leader is Erik Lensherr. A mutant with a strong Magnetokinesis power. He leads the ideology that mutants are a new better race and wants to provide a mutant with a place to live. he does, and is therefore considered a villain.

(Samael)-yes ... I always liked him more than Xavier. But if he, instead of attacking, would stealthily corrupt the media and local authorities. He could slowly convince people that mutants are good. And voluntarily, Mutants would become an acceptable part of society ...

(Samael)-ok i'm back ...

Samael had just parked the car in the garage and made his way quickly to the terrace. To think about everything that's happened recently.

He quickly took off his jacket and sat down in his chair on the terrace. He took a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a heavy drag.

(Samael)-Considering recent events, I hope I haven't made the X-men my enemies. True, I don't like Xavier. However, I don't want to have him as an enemy ... hehe ...

(Samael)-However, he probably already knows about this incident. And he is collecting information about me ... well ... let him do it. At least he will know the real reason why I treated his similiar so "nice" .... Because probably this lasero eyes moron, he must have told him his version. So I can get in trouble if they send someone to catch me.

(Samael)-At worst, I'll fight. Although she wants to get to know Rogue better. She's really cool, although I don't really know her. And the shelves what I like with its appearance and quiet, secretive character. My type of girl, but whatever. It will turn out over time.

(Samael)-By the way, I haven't thought about a new upgrade for my skill set lately ... I don't want to do this ... Well ... Nobody likes pain, but I have to progress. And to protect yourself for the future. I know I might have a problem with the "Brotherhood" right now. But considering it's not just the MCU world or just the X-men. This is a world with everything fucking everything. You never know if in five minutes, no in the sky. I'll see Galaktus or Ego or whatever shit I can't stand against right now.

(Samael)-But ... fucking ... I'm scared .... I didn't think it would be so much ... I kind of regret ... not that I wanted all female pranks to be their sexiest versions ... it was a good decision, I don't regret it. I could have fine-tuned the level of danger, say. So that the opponents were their weaker versions. But no, now I have to increase my strength. But how ... Heh ... I have no head for it right now.

Samael stubbed out his cigarette and went home to eat. And not to think about the dangers.

--<Time Skip>---

Late afternoon. As Samael watches the next season of Overlord. His communicator went off and he heard Vega's voice.

(Vega)-Samael!! Two members of the X-men are approaching our mansion.

Samael stops the anime and asks.


(Vega)-According to information from their messengers. Wolverine and Rogue are approaching our property. They're on a motorbike and will be at the gate in five minutes.

(Samael)-So she did come ... but I didn't give her the address. Just a phone number.

(Samael)-Or simply Logan became interested in my claws ... he is not surprised. Probably when he knew about my powers ... about spons. He immediately went to see me. But what did Rogue do.... I talk nonsense because of these nerves ... But fuck, in a moment I'll meet a fucking Wolverine.

Samael then puts on a leather jacket and waits for the guests to arrive. And after a long while. The bell of his apartment activates. So Samael, who was accidentally waiting at the door, left and quietly stepped. He slipped past the walls that enclose his estate.

---<Meanwhile, in front of the gate.>---

Logan and Rogue got off the motorcycle. And they went to the gate.

(Rogue)-Is this the correct address?

(Logan)-Yes, no doubt. I found the address in the database myself. Besides, it feels ... (gasps in the air) ... that someone lives here. The man is young. So it's definitely him. Or I hope so.

(Rogue)-There is a bell ...

Logan said nothing. But with a gesture of his face, he agreed to use the bell.


However, five minutes pass and no one leaves. Which made Wolverine suspect.

(Rogue)-Maybe he's not home.

(Logan)-No...He's in the house ... As we were driving, I saw someone in the window ... But his smell is everywhere ... It's strange.

As Logan thought about the current situation, he suddenly sensed that something was dangerously approaching him. And at the last minute....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts