
Tales of Avenge Avatar

I died in the stupidest way. But I got a chance, but do I use it to help others. Probably not.

Kriuswer · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Extra basics and a splash of the world background.

Time: Wednesday,

Samael, after leaving the residence, went for quite a long walk towards the city center.

From the fact that Samael already had a decent dress. And a wallet with a credit card and a driver's license. He first went to a car dealership to purchase a vehicle. Which will facilitate the rest of the day for him and generally help him in the future.

Samael wanted to buy some classic Ford Mustang model, but these took time. On bringing and adding to it the official matters related to registration. So Samael bought one of the most interesting models of the Ford Mustang. He bought a Ford Mustang GT Q500 Enforcer, in yellow and black.

And while driving, on the way to the center. Samael sings to himself.

(Samael)-♬I'm driving down the street. Tires are tearing the asphalt. X-men when they see the car. They will die of a heart attack.♬Hehe...

(Samael)-Life is beautiful at times.

Car registration and civil liability itself, and so on. It went very fast if you know who to "pay extra." And with the ability to read people, thanks to the new power. It was very easy and took relatively little time.

Samael then went to several other stores. To do, quite a lot of shopping.

First, he went to a few specific stores to change his current outfit. More suited to his taste.

First, he bought a rather expensive leather jacket which was made of real leather. It was completely black with an additional hood made of quite pleasant to the touch material. Brand "Be Edgy". Pretty comfortable and it fits his.

Then he bought a white shirt made of a rather soft material that perfectly emphasized his new silhouette.

Then a few pairs of jeans filled his outfit. A rather attractive woman then helped him. Which Samael would like if she didn't look at him like a piggy bank.

Then he went to buy some other basic items like boxer shorts, T-shirts, shorts and some ... lots of other clothes. Which ending price after shopping had more than three zeros at the end.

Finally, Samael visited several bookstores. In search of specific books. Mainly language books, basic school books. Which he won't need. So he took the receipt. He bought the instructional books, a few martial arts he couldn't find on the internet.

Finally, grocery shopping ... boring. So after that, he returned to the mansion. And it was already evening.

After unpacking the purchases and putting new clothes in the cupboard. Samael went out onto the terrace next to the pool. Which became for him a kind of space for thought and planning.

(Samael)-It's a pity, I was hoping to meet some villain. Unfortunately, I was too focused on spending money. Heh ... All in good time.

(Samael)-I have four more days ... Heh ... I'll try as soon as possible ... to learn fighting techniques, languages ​​, and all the rest. And then, if I get it right, I'll deal with it. I will make a costume and try my hand at some villain. I must have some experience.


Time: Saturday.

Location: Avenge Residence, Terrace next to the pool

(Samael)-From the news. I have mastered all the martial arts available to me.

(Samael)-The first martial art that I mastered to perfection. There is Hapkido.

(Samael)-Hapkido is a highly eclectic Korean martial art that employs hand and leg strikes at long distance and joint locks and throws at close range, emphasizing circular motion.

(Samael)-From the fact that I have claws. The martial art of Silat was the best for me. He is quite an aggressive style and focuses on bladed attacks. It mainly focuses on the work of hands during hits, provides faster access to finding virtual points. And piercing them with the mentioned blade.

(Samael)-I know a few more, but on these two I am now based. Even so, it is quite a lot.

(Samael)-I have mastered all the subjects satisfactorily. And I could actually become a teacher. Hehe ... But they pay too little, so no.

(Samael)-More interesting things.

(Samael)-I've mastered hacking, which was pretty easy. But that's only because of Cypher's power. Add to that subjects related to mechanics, computer science, physics and a large range of various scientific books. I can start working on AI, but that's later. I'm fed up with scientific stuff for this week anyway.

(Samael)-I was also checking news related to heroes and villains. And ... there is a lot of it. Really.

(Samael)-heh...It is insane to talk to yourself. But it helps me to calm my mind and make it easier to ponder the potential options ... Heh ... come on.

Samael took a notebook from his pocket and began reading the information in it.

(Samael)-Well, alphabetically. The Avengers in this world. Not limited to the basic composition.

The basic lines are: Ironman, Hulk, Black Widow, Thor, Hawkeye and Captain America.

And now from official sources we can add: Ms. Marvel. So Inhumans also exist in this world.

-Black Panther,



-Captain Marvel




(Samael)-And many others. It's interesting that we have two Spider-Man.

(Samael)-However, from what I found out. It's that Peter Parker. He is not a movie Peter, nor is he from comics. This is Spider-man from the animated series "Mega Spiderman". How do I know. From the fact that in one of the schools near Quins. In the Spiderman class, there are a few people I know. Who have not performed anywhere else.

(Samael)-In Peter's class, there's Ava aka White Tiger. Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Nova. So the composition of the spider's path from the series. So I have a reference.

(Samael)-Fantastic four, the man is here. With the composition of Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Thing, Human Torch. And surprisingly also She-Hulk..Heh ... no options. Gotta visit the Fantastic Four ... Five .... For this sexy green goddess ... Heh ...

(Samael)-there are also many heroes acting solo. There is a lot to choose from ... and I started in X-men ... well, hard ... I'll try to meet everyone .

(Samael)-As for the bad guys .... fuck me ... there's a lot ... Really ... From the Green Goblin ... to the Galactus.

(Samael)-Galactus has been stopped by the collaboration of the fantastic four and the Avengers. Heh ... the media is full of it. However, Galactus will return ... He did not die ... so my senses speak. That apart from Thanos, I still have many enemies of this caliber to defeat. So I'll have to get stronger .... Heh ... just thinking about it ... is terrible ... of course, I'm talking about creating power ... I'll defeat the enemies ... easy man.

(Samael)-As for Shield. This is a little trouble, it is more extensive ... than in the MCU. I don't know about Hydra. But the shelves did not turn me out, it's good. However, it will probably last until I defeat a villain.

(Samael)-As for the X-men. It was Xavier who properly secured the data about his students. And all costumed recordings are deleted. As long as they do not show negative actions of the X-men. And such simple heroic deeds are easy to find. The list of students is long, but it will turn out in practice in a few days.

(Samael)-So today I will design a costume ... based on Daken's costume ... simplicity is good ... I don't need a cloak ... Because they are dangerous ... So I will start designing ... and coming up with the name of the hero ... I'll go on patrol tomorrow.

If you have ideas for the name of the hero. Then add it in the comment. The outfit of the hero will be like on the cover, but later I can find a better photo.

The chapter was supposed to show some background, story world.

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