
Tales of Aseagnea

Seven enigmatic books, bestowed upon humanity by the gods themselves, hold secrets and unfathomable power. These legendary tomes, collectively known as the Books of Aseagnea, have become coveted relics that stir wars, battles, and unending feuds among the ambitious and the desperate alike. The chaotic quest for these mythical grimoires has plunged the realm into an era of darkness and treachery.

NoName1445 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 6: Introduction

Captain Hadrian led Frost and me into the small village of Encers. The village was quiet, and the sight of the wooden houses gave off a sense of serenity, but I knew better than to let my guard down. The captain's aloof demeanor remained unchanged as he walked ahead, and we followed in silence.

He stopped in front of one of the houses, and without a word, he motioned for us to enter. The moment we stepped inside, Captain Hadrian closed the door behind us, plunging the room into darkness. The smell of burnt steel hung in the air, hinting at a history of conflict in this seemingly peaceful place.

"Glory to the first Emperor," Captain Hadrian uttered in a hushed tone, and Frost and I repeated the phrase obediently.

Yes, Yes, Yes, I caught the mouse more like it came into the trap.

Wasn't this already not easy that but I have found the hive altogether.

Are they fools?

He slid a heavy cupboard aside, revealing a hidden passage behind it. My curiosity piqued as I wondered where this hidden staircase led.

In the dim light, we cautiously descended the stairs. After almost 100 steps, the narrow staircase finally led us to a dark and cramped passage. I followed the captain, with Frost right behind me. The air was musty and filled with a dampness that hinted at the underground location of this hidden passage. The walls seemed to close in on me, and the darkness made it hard to see more than a few steps ahead.

After almost 100 steps, the narrow staircase finally led us to a dark and cramped passage. I followed the captain, with Frost right behind me. The air was musty and filled with a dampness that hinted at the underground location of this hidden passage. The walls seemed to close in on me, and the darkness made it hard to see more than a few steps ahead.

We continued through the passage, and after what felt like an eternity, the narrow space finally opened up. As I stepped out, I found myself standing in the middle of a dense forest. The sudden change in surroundings surprised me, and for a moment, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Before us lay a fully-fledged knight camp. Tents were pitched in neat rows, banners displaying the insignia of the Emperor's Children of fluttered in the breeze. Knights in their armor moved with purpose, training, and preparing for whatever awaited them. The sounds of clashing swords and shouted commands filled the air, creating an atmosphere of both discipline and tension.

We continued through the passage, and after what felt like an eternity, the narrow space finally opened up. As I stepped out, I found myself standing in the middle of a dense forest. The sudden change in surroundings surprised me, and for a moment, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Before us lay a fully-fledged knight camp. Large Trees houses were pitched in neat coloums on those large mountainous trees , banners displaying the insignia of the fluttered in the breeze. Knights in their armor moved with purpose, training, and preparing for whatever awaited them. The sounds of clashing swords and shouted commands filled the air, creating an atmosphere of both discipline and tension.

As I stood there, hidden in the forest with Captain Hadrian by my side, a strange sense of unease settled in my gut. The sight of the fully-fledged knight camp was both impressive and daunting. The knights, clad in their armor, moved with a sense of purpose, their training and discipline evident in their every move.

As soon as the knights spotted Captain Hadrian, they stopped their training and gathered in front of a wooden stand adorned with banners bearing the insignia of the Order of Ignis. Without hesitation, they raised their hands in salute and chanted, "Glory to the first Emperor!" The sound of their unified voices sent shivers down my spine, a reminder of the power and authority they held.

In the background, I noticed Frost had disappeared from sight. I assumed he was blending into the surroundings. Captain Hadrian beckoned me to follow him, and together, we began to climb a set of narrow stairs that led to a raised platform.

As we ascended the stairs, I couldn't help but feel exposed, like all eyes were on me. The knights' curious glances followed my every move, and I tried my best to maintain a composed facade. I knew I had to act the part, to blend in as much as possible to avoid drawing any unnecessary attention.

The platform above was a vantage point, overlooking the entire camp. From here, I could see the full extent of the Emperor's Children's stronghold. Tents and training grounds sprawled out in an organized and militaristic fashion. Banners and flags fluttered in the wind, displaying the emblem of their beloved Father.

Captain Hadrian turned to face me, his expression stern yet composed. "Stay close to me, Alexis," he said in a low voice, "and remember, no matter what happens, act like you belong here." He took out his overcoat and his hat and gave it to the knight beside the stairs. As the hat hat goes his face suddenly becomes much more intimidating and charismatic.

"Glory to the first Emperor!" The resounding chant echoed through the camp as Captain Hadrian Forester led us in our ritualistic salute. The knights' fervor was palpable, their eyes shining with unwavering loyalty to the cause. The fire crackled and flickered, casting dancing shadows on the determined faces that surrounded us.

"My fellow knights," Captain Hadrian's voice boomed, cutting through the night like a blade. "We stand here today, united by a purpose greater than ourselves. Our camp, is not just a gathering of warriors; it is the spark that will ignite the flames in Vrenath! Our goal is clear: to destroy that evil Order of Ignis and establish the rule of the first Emperor!"

A roar of approval erupted from the knights, their excitement and passion evident in every cheer. I stood amidst them.

Bullshit what is this me ,contributing my family's savings and belongings to this camp, all in the name of fighting the oppressive Order of Ignis. I had escaped the clutches of Aserath, taking refuge here, and now, I found myself surrounded by like-minded souls, all willing to give their everything for the cause. What in the Silent King's name is happening? How far that bastard Sidnious has planned.

"Brothers and sisters, we are not mere pawns in the games of politics and power," the Captain continued, his voice carrying a hint of fury. "We are warriors, defenders of justice and freedom. The crimes against our people, against humanity itself now the time has for the Order of Ignis to answer the committed heinous, to answer the countless souls that have been lost by their pointless conquest. We knew of the Order's cruelty, their tyranny, and their disregard for the lives of ordinary citizens. But we never question them but now we were here to put an end to it, to break the chains that bound our land and our people. We know that everyone has someone very close to them in those in these battles. Battles in which countless sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters have lost. "

"They have taken innocent lives, extinguished the light of hope, and spread fear like a plague, Did those Lords living in those high Palaces answered our call? Never! Or did that God of thunder in his flying palace in his mighty flying palace?

God! Pathetic. A Grape and a Hall don't make a God" the Captain's voice thundered, his words igniting a righteous fury within the knights below. "But when Emperor heard our cry, he said ENOUGH, enough pointless blood, no longer humanity will be plagued by the curse of war, no longer the shadow of death will loom on his children. We, my siblings, we are the light that will guide our people out of the darkness. We are the hope that will inspire them to rise against their oppressors and eradicate the enemies of Emperor's children !"

"And here, among us, stands a true child of the Emperor!" Captain Hadrian's gaze fell upon me, and for a moment, I felt a rush of both pride and unease. "Alexis Vopiscus, a warrior of unparalleled courage and dedication. He came to us seeking refuge, but he found not just shelter, but a family, a brotherhood!" The knights turned their attention to me, their eyes filled with admiration and respect.

"He donated all that he had, all that his family possessed, to support our cause," Captain Hadrian continued, his words carrying the weight of truth. "He has shown us what it truly means to fight for justice, for the greater good. Alexis is not just a city boy seeking refuge; he is a warrior, a leader, and a true child of the Emperor!"

"Brothers and sisters, the time has come for us to rise!" Captain Hadrian's voice rang out, cutting through the cheers. "Verder, Vedros, Eternal, Silent, or whatever those gods called our god has lived from the dawn of time itself it is the sword and shield of the first Emperor"

"Glory to the first Emperor," he said completing his speech as a thunderous clap of knights filling the empty silence of the forest like a tidal wave.