
Tales of Aseagnea

Seven enigmatic books, bestowed upon humanity by the gods themselves, hold secrets and unfathomable power. These legendary tomes, collectively known as the Books of Aseagnea, have become coveted relics that stir wars, battles, and unending feuds among the ambitious and the desperate alike. The chaotic quest for these mythical grimoires has plunged the realm into an era of darkness and treachery.

NoName1445 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 25: Ending the past

In Cronmell Zareck's opulent chamber, Vedrant stood before the ruler of Maigor, his heart heavy with a mixture of resentment and fear. The fireplace flickered, casting haunting shadows on the walls, as Vedrant mustered the courage to speak.

"Your Grace," Vedrant began cautiously, "when can I see my mother and sister? I need to know they are safe."

Cronmell looked up from his desk, his eyes cold and calculating. "They are safe for now, but whether you get to see them or not depends on your loyalty to me."

Vedrant clenched his fists, his emotions churning beneath a carefully composed façade. He knew he was at Cronmell's mercy, but the thought of his loved ones being used as pawns in this political game angered him.

"I have always been loyal to you, Your Grace," Vedrant replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "I have done everything you asked of me."

Cronmell's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Of course, you have. But loyalty can be fickle, especially when it comes to bastards like yourself. Your loyalty must be constantly proven."

Vedrant's jaw tightened, his eyes never leaving Cronmell's cold gaze. He had long grown weary of being treated as a pawn in this game of power.

"And what of my mother and sister?" Vedrant pressed. "They have nothing to do with any of this. Release them from your grasp, and I will continue to serve you faithfully."

Cronmell's smile widened a glint of malice in his eyes. "Oh, I will release them when the time is right. But not until I have solidified my hold on this city and dealt with all those who oppose me."

Vedrant's heart sank, knowing that Cronmell's promises were as fragile as glass. He had hoped to find some compassion in the man he called father, but all he saw was cruelty and manipulation.

"Do your duty like the bastard dog you are," Cronmell sneered. "Prove yourself to me, and perhaps, just perhaps, I will consider granting your request."

Vedrant swallowed his pride, the weight of his mother and sister's lives crashing down on him. He nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "As you wish, Your Grace."

He turned to leave, the weight of his burdens heavier than ever, but he couldn't let Cronmell see his weakness. He had to stay strong for his family, even if it meant dancing to the tune of a man he despised.

In the dimly lit chamber of Zareck's keep, Cronmell's words sliced through Vedrant like a dagger. The young man clenched his fists, his jaw tight with restrained fury, as the ruler of Maigor continued to speak ill of his mother and sister.

"Your mother was nothing more than a common harlot," Cronmell sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "She was beneath me, and so are you."

Vedrant's eyes burned with anger, but he forced himself to maintain composure. He couldn't afford to give Cronmell the satisfaction of seeing him break.

"They were nothing but a burden on me," Cronmell continued, relishing Vedrant's obvious discomfort. "I did you a favor by taking them in, but they proved to be more trouble than they were worth."

Vedrant's fists trembled with suppressed rage. He knew Cronmell was trying to provoke him, to push him to his breaking point.

"They were weak and useless," Cronmell spat. "Just like you."

Despite the fury burning inside him, Vedrant managed to keep his voice steady. "My mother and sister are strong, and they have nothing to do with any of this. You have no right to speak of them this way."

Cronmell's laughter filled the chamber, echoing off the stone walls. "I have every right. They are my servants, and I can do whatever I please with them."

Vedrant's heart pounded in his chest, torn between his desire to protect his family and his need to keep up the charade. He had to remain in Cronmell's good graces if he wanted any chance of helping them.

"I suggest you watch your tongue," Cronmell warned, his eyes narrowing with malice. "Remember your place, Vedrant. You are nothing more than a mere pawn in my game."

Vedrant took a deep breath, trying to quell the storm of emotions swirling inside him. He knew he had to be patient, to wait for the right moment to strike back

Vedrant's jaw clenched as he struggled to hold back the torrent of emotions threatening to consume him. "You can mock me all you want," he said through gritted teeth, "but I won't let you belittle my family."

Cronmell leaned back in his chair, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Ah, the bastard with a conscience. How touching."

The young man's hands balled into fists, his nails digging into his palms. "They are innocent in all of this," Vedrant insisted, his voice laced with desperation. "I'll do whatever you want, but don't involve them."

Cronmell's eyes narrowed, his amusement replaced by irritation. "You seem to forget your place, boy. You exist at my mercy. Your mother and sister are merely tools to keep you in line."

Vedrant's eyes blazed with a mixture of anger and sadness. "They are not tools, they are my family! And I will find a way to free them from your grasp."

The ruler of Maigor chuckled darkly. "You're quite the naive fool, Vedrant. Your loyalty to your family is admirable, but it will be your downfall."

For a moment, Vedrant's resolve wavered. The weight of his situation threatened to crush him, but he refused to give in. "I'll find a way to break free from you," he vowed, his voice trembling with determination.

Cronmell's eyes flashed with malice as he stood up, his imposing figure casting a shadow over Vedrant. "You forget your place," he sneered. "You are nothing without me. Don't make the mistake of underestimating my power."

The young man's breaths came in ragged gasps as he tried to regain his composure. "I won't underestimate you, Cronmell. But mark my words, one day, I will see you brought to justice."

Cronmell's laughter echoed through the chamber, chilling Vedrant to the bone. "Justice?" he scoffed. "In this world, justice is nothing but a fairy tale. And you, my dear Vedrant, are simply a pawn in the grand scheme of things.

"Justice let me bring some little from my side in this grand scheme of things," Vedrant said, grabbing the sword behind his back.

"What are you doing bastard, Guards... Guards... You will not get away with this" Cronmell screamed unsheathing his sword, but not being able to wield his weapon. Vedrant took this opportunity cut both hands of his father with a smooth strike. Hands still holding that sword flew away to the other corner of the room. As blood thrust out out his now amputated hands spilling all through the room, as he fell on t

"My hands, My hands...

You son of a whore...


bastards like you should never be trusted,


here, I show you kindness you pay me with this"

Vedrant took out glasses and cleaned the blood, "You know Father I never liked cleaning my glasses, its so annoying when filth comes on it, do you know what else is annoying scream fools like you "

"Oo... my power my wealth my intellect," Vedrant said mocking his fallen father.

"What do you want now you fucking bastard?" Cronmell asked,

Vedrant stood there for a moment "Nothing my beloved father, I just didn't like the aesthetics of the room it is monotonous everywhere it is either green or it is blue, so I just wanted some red, some contrast if you like to use those fancy words. You know what I am saying."

"You sick bastard," Cronmell said.

"Oh my how do you know that I had a cold," acting surprised.

"You should try practicing some medicine father.

Oh, my bad! you don't have any hands, silly me."

Vedrant then grabbed the carpet on the floor. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Cronmell screamed. Vedrant oblivious to this grabbed his father and placed him on the carpet.

"Sorry, my beloved father, let me grab the sword real quick, a cremation with a sword all according to Ancient traditions of House Zareck" as he placed his father's hand holding the swords over his father's body.

"Vedrant, my beloved son, please tell you want, I will give you any of the riches. This city I will give you this, my order of knights I will give you that.

Please, Please help me, please I beg you,

You want your mother and sister you can take them with you. But please, please I don't want to die. Please AAhh..."

As Vedrant rolled his father's body on the carpet

"Vedrant you bastard, Gods won't forgive you, you will rot here for eternity"

He completely rolled his father in the carpet tightly with ropes, to make sure there was no way out. Then he threw some wood in the already burning fireplace and pumped the air till the flames reached the room's ceiling. Vedrant threw his father rolled onto the carpet, and heard faint screams of the dying old man, the carpet was wet with blood. Soon the faint screams became louder, and louder till they vanished completely. As the flames engulfed the room, Vedrant escaped through the windows in its shadows.