
Tales of Aseagnea

Seven enigmatic books, bestowed upon humanity by the gods themselves, hold secrets and unfathomable power. These legendary tomes, collectively known as the Books of Aseagnea, have become coveted relics that stir wars, battles, and unending feuds among the ambitious and the desperate alike. The chaotic quest for these mythical grimoires has plunged the realm into an era of darkness and treachery.

NoName1445 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 2: Forging

The soft, golden rays of the morning sun filtered through the intricately designed stained glass windows of Sidonius's study, splashing vibrant hues across the opulent surroundings. As the rays of the sun spilled into the study, Sidonius's gaze shifted towards Cornell, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "Cornell, where is Alexis? I haven't seen him this morning."

Cornell, ever dutiful, met Sidonius's gaze with a respectful nod. "Master Sidonius, Alexis is currently in the empty training yard, swinging a sword. Cornell, his voice tinged with caution, cleared his throat before addressing Sidonius. "Master Sidonius, if I may inquire, are you comfortable with Alexis using a sword?"

The grand windows, framed by rich velvet curtains that cascaded to the floor, offered a breathtaking view of the sprawling estate, with its lush gardens and meandering pathways. The distant sound of birdsong and the gentle rustling of leaves served as a backdrop to the serenity of the room.

Sidonius leaned back in his plush chair, his expression calm and assured. His piercing gaze met Cornell's, and a small smile played at the corners of his lips. "Cornell, you doubt me once again but the second time the charm," he replied, his tone laced with confidence. "Do you think I would allow him to swing mindlessly if I don't know about the consequences?"

Cornell's furrowed brow deepened, his worry evident in his eyes. "But Master, he is still recovering, and handling a sword can be dangerous, considering the records of the young man.

"I know your concern Cornell but bear in mind that this is our one of the greatest assets," Sidonius reassured.

The sound of clashing metal filled the empty training yard as Alexis fervently swung the sword, his muscles glistening with sweat. Lost in the rhythm of his movements, he was unaware of the world around him. But as he raised the sword for another strike, a flicker of movement caught his eye.

With a sudden halt, Alexis froze mid-motion, his eyes widening in surprise as he spotted Sidonius standing at the edge of the training yard. The weight of the sword in his hand became more noticeable, and he lowered it slowly, his breathing heavy. The air seemed to thicken with anticipation as the training came to a temporary pause.

Shirtless and drenched in sweat, Alexis stood before Sidonius, his muscles taut and defined. He felt a mix of confusion and curiosity, unsure of why Sidonius had chosen to observe his training session. It was as if a storm of questions raged within him, but he hesitated to voice them.

Sidonius's presence cast a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The training yard, once filled with the rhythmic clash of steel, now held an air of stillness. The intense focus that had consumed Alexis was momentarily broken, replaced by a sense of intrigue mingled with uncertainty. He felt as though his every movement was being scrutinized, his every action weighed against an unseen standard.

"You...you've been watching?" Alexis asked, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and vulnerability. "What did you think?"

Sidonius took a few steps closer, his expression a blend of interest and contemplation. "Your dedication is commendable, Alexis," he responded, his tone resonating with a sense of curiosity. "Tell me, how does it feel? Is it everything you had hoped for?"

The atmosphere shifted in the training yard, the pause in training allowing space for reflection and connection. Alexis, his gaze locked with Sidonius's, contemplated his response, his emotions swirling within him. The presence of his mentor stirred a sense of purpose and pushed him to seek deeper understanding.

"It's...different," Alexis replied, his voice carrying a mix of wonder and uncertainty. "This is my first time wielding a sword, and it's overwhelming yet exhilarating. But I'm still figuring it out, trying to find my own rhythm."

Alexis shifted uneasily, breaking the silence that enveloped them. "I must admit, Sidonius, this is my first time wielding a sword," he confessed, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "I'm still trying to find my footing with it."

Sidonius observed Alexis closely, his enigmatic gaze searching for any flicker of emotion. With a slight tilt of his head, he inquired, "And does it meet your expectations, Alexis? Is this the weapon you had envisioned?"

Alexis paused, considering the question. His grip on the sword tightened as he pondered his response. "To be honest, I'm not quite sure," he admitted, a touch of self-doubt seeping into his words. "It's an unfamiliar territory for me. I never imagined myself standing here, sword in hand."

Sidonius's expression softened with understanding as he listened to Alexis's words. He recognized the weight of uncertainty that burdened the young man, the weight of a newfound skill that held both promise and trepidation.

But his gaze held a glimmer of reassurance, a silent promise to guide Alexis along this uncharted path.

Sidonius's voice took on a firm tone as he spoke, his words carrying a weight of authority. "Alexis, I have an important task for you and must not do anything rash unless your name is cleared," he declared, his gaze steady and unwavering.

Alexis's eyebrows furrowed as he listened, his curiosity piqued but also tinged with a hint of apprehension. "What do you mean, Sidonius? What task lies ahead?" he asked, his voice a blend of curiosity and doubt.

Sidonius took a moment, collecting his thoughts before responding. "You are going to stay in Vernath until I clean up things here. I know it's not really a place to be but, I have little to no options" he explained, with his voice resolute.

"I will try to not let you down, Sidonius," Alexis declared, his voice laced with determination.

Sidonius's gaze bore into Alexis's, a mixture of doubt and expectation shining through. "Well you better try harder" he affirmed. "Remember, this journey is not only about clearing your name but also about discovering your inner qualities. Embrace it, and you shall come out as a new person on the other side."

"Master Sidonius," Alexis began, his voice tinged with both hesitation and determination. "I have a suggestion for the sword's design if you would be open to considering it."

Sidonius regarded Alexis with a curious expression, intrigued by his initiative. He nodded, signaling for Alexis to continue.

"Well," Alexis continued, a faint smile forming on his lips, "I was thinking that instead of a traditional sword, what if we crafted something more akin to a large iron meat cleaver?"

Sidonius arched an eyebrow, clearly surprised by the unorthodox proposal. He considered the idea, weighing its feasibility and the symbolism it might carry.

"A meat cleaver?" Sidonius repeated, his tone thoughtful. "A very unconventional choice, Alexis. What is your reasoning behind this suggestion?"

Alexis's eyes lit up with a touch of excitement as he explained his vision. "The meat cleaver, you see, represents strength, resilience, and adaptability. It's a tool that can cut through tough obstacles, just as I aim to cut through the challenges that lie ahead. It's not the typical choice, but it carries a sense of individuality and uniqueness that resonates with me."

Sidonius listened intently, his gaze shifting between Alexis and the sword. He contemplated the symbolism and the practicality of the design, recognizing the importance of embracing individuality while balancing functionality.

"I appreciate your perspective, Alexis," Sidonius responded, his voice laced with thoughtful consideration. "A large iron meat cleaver is certainly an unconventional choice for a sword. But perhaps, in its uniqueness, it can give you something a normal sword can't."

A small smile played on Alexis's lips as he nodded in agreement. "Exactly, Master Sidonius. It's about forging a weapon that aligns with my sword style."

Sidonius extended a hand, gesturing towards the sword on the table. "Then let it be so," he declared, his voice filled with conviction. "We shall bring your vision to life. The sword, a large iron meat cleaver, will become a testament to individuality."

As the words settled between them with a sense of unity and shared. In the days that followed, the private smith, with his exceptional skills, took on the challenge of crafting a large iron meat cleaver that embodied both the symbolism and functionality desired. The blade was forged with precision, and its weight and balance were carefully considered to ensure its effectiveness in combat. The handle was designed to provide a secure grip, allowing for optimal control and maneuverability.

When the sword was finally completed, it stood before Alexis as a testament to his individuality and determination. Its unconventional design set it apart, representing the uncharted path he was destined to traverse.

With the sword in his hands, Alexis felt a surge of empowerment. It was more than just a weapon; it was a symbol of his journey, a reminder of his strength, and a testament to the trust Sidonius had placed in him.

Cornell watched as Sidonius handed over the newly crafted large iron meat cleaver sword to Alexis, a sense of concern etched on his face. He couldn't help but voice his observations, hesitant yet determined to express his perspective.

"Master Sidonius," Cornell spoke up, his tone laden with caution. "Forgive me for speaking candidly, but I fear that by granting Alexis such privileges and catering to his every desire, you may unintentionally be making him ungrateful."

Sidonius turned his attention towards Cornell, his expression a mix of surprise and contemplation. He understood Cornell's concerns, recognizing the fine line between offering support and fostering a sense of entitlement.

"Cornell, my old friend," Sidonius replied, his voice tinged with a touch of empathy. "I understand your apprehension. However, it is not my intention to make Alexis ungrateful. Rather, I see it as an opportunity to empower him and to use him to his full strength and purpose."

Cornell sighed softly, his gaze shifting to Alexis, who held the newly crafted sword strapped behind his back fully wrapped in an old white cloth.

"I do not doubt your intentions, Master Sidonius," Cornell responded, his voice carrying a note of resignation. "But the path you have set him upon, the privileges and trust bestowed upon him... I fear it may lead him to believe that everything is owed to him, eroding his sense of gratitude and indebtedness. I know I have doubted your decisions regarding this many times and I know, and I trust in your judgment, as I always have. I only hope that Alexis will come to appreciate the opportunities he has been given and find his purpose within them and finally become the asset that you want him to be."