
Tales of Aseagnea

Seven enigmatic books, bestowed upon humanity by the gods themselves, hold secrets and unfathomable power. These legendary tomes, collectively known as the Books of Aseagnea, have become coveted relics that stir wars, battles, and unending feuds among the ambitious and the desperate alike. The chaotic quest for these mythical grimoires has plunged the realm into an era of darkness and treachery.

NoName1445 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 14: Round two

The night enveloped the camp in an eerie silence, broken only by the soft rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. Alexis hurried back, his heart pounding in his chest as he followed the chilling echo of a scream. His mind raced with a mix of fear and dread, unsure of what he would find.

As he approached the camp, a scene of horror unfolded before his eyes. Newbie, the knight he had fought during his swordsmanship test, stood amid the sleeping knights, his eyes wide and wild, his sword raised high. He looked different now, his face contorted with madness, and his movements were frenzied and erratic.

Without hesitation, Newbie swung his sword down with brutal force, his voice chanting, "Glory to the motherland," over and over again. The sound of metal slicing through flesh and bone sent shivers down Alexis' spine.

In the dim moonlight, Alexis could see the lifeless forms of his fellow knights, their bodies lying still and motionless in their sleep. They had no chance to defend themselves, for they had been drugged, their slumber turned into a deadly trap.

Ryder, once a stoic and strong presence among them, now lay lifeless, his eyes forever closed. The other knights, each with their dreams and ambitions, now shared the same fate.

With each swing of his sword, Newbie's madness seemed to grow, and Alexis knew he had to act quickly. Fear gripped him, but he couldn't allow himself to succumb to it. His training and instincts kicked in, and he approached Newbie with caution, searching for an opening.

"Oi Naren! Snap out of it!" Alexis called out, hoping that some part of the knight he knew was still in there.

As Alexis closed in, his sword ready, he took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. He knew he had to end this madness, not just for his survival, but for the memory of his fallen comrades.

Alexis jumped over the newbie, with a heavy blow from above. Newbie defends the blow with the sword, but with his strength, he retaliates, as Alexis is blown backward just by one blow.

"Bad, Bad, this is bad,

oh silent king please, please, not here "

Naren jumped towards Alexis, Alexis rolled sideways dodging the attack, with Naren's sword shattering the ground below. Alexis tried to escape climbing upwards the tree, Naren followed with blood in their eyes he shouted again "Glory to the Motherland"

Naren took a long leap toward Alexis, but Alexis jumped toward the other tree. With his one blow, Naren blows up a quarter of a tree Trunk.

"He has gone completely berserk, it is limited how many blows I can dodge, I have to think something otherwise my life ends here." Alexis notices the campfire that was burning beside the camp.

"Ok let's try this one,"

He jumped to the ground which Naren followed, trying to deliver a heavy blow, to which Alexis dodged again rolling sideways, Alexis escaped the blow.

Their clash was fierce and intense, the clash of swords echoing through the night. Newbie's strikes were wild and uncoordinated, but they carried a brutal strength that made them dangerous. Alexis focused on his training, anticipating Newbie's moves and countering with precision.

Their swords clashed, sparks flying in the darkness as they fought. Alexis could feel the weight of the moment, the burden of defending his life and avenging his fallen comrades resting heavily on his shoulders. Alexis moved inside the tent of his fallen comrades, and Naren followed him in rage inside the tent, as he entered inside, Alexis destroyed the supporting pole of the tent with his sword and narrowly escaped the fall of the structure. Trapping Naren with his victims.

The cloth was thick and Newbie was not able to cut it right struggling and chanting "Glory to the Motherland." with his struggle. Alexis took this opportunity and threw away gathering the burning campfire using his hand. "AAAA..." he screamed as the fire was all over his hand, burning. He threw the burning wood on the fallen tent and cloth. Alexis' palm and forehand got burned with painful burns, that oozes blood.

The swords once again with only, the echoes of the battle fading into the night. Alexis stood there, his breaths heavy and labored, his hands trembling with a mix of blood and burns. He looked around at the fallen knights, their lives cut short in the most brutal of ways.

"Glory to the Motherland", Naren rose from the fire. With his face disfigured, and clothes burned he carried the sword, with flames engulfing his body and blood flowing out of his eyes. He raged like a monster, his screams filling the forest. Alexis was in a position to hold the sword with already deformed hands.

"You have done enough," a familiar voice said. Alexis looked and saw the whole unit of Knights led by Captain Hadrian himself with Azure and Iro accompanying him. With repeated arrow shots from Iro, Naren could not stand and stumbled, still chanting "Glory to the motherland" Azure taking this chance ran and slashed his neck, his burning head flew away and his body fell on the ground, burning lifelessly

The camp that was once filled with camaraderie and hope now held the weight of tragedy, and the darkness of the forest seemed to grow even deeper. With heavy steps, Alexis made his way back to the camp, his mind racing with the events of the night. He knew that the danger was far from over, and the mysteries of the forest still loomed large.

As he approached the others, he saw Captain Azure and Iro standing there, their faces etched with concern and sorrow. They had already sensed the turmoil that had unfolded, and their eyes met Alexis with a mix of understanding and sympathy.

"I'm sorry," Alexis said softly, his voice choked with emotion. "I tried to stop him, but..."

Azure placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, her voice gentle, "You did what you had to do. We'll deal with the aftermath together."

As the unit came together, they shared the weight of the night's events. The loss of their comrades weighed heavily on them all, but they knew they had to stay strong, for their fallen friends and the safety of the camp. Azure herself tended to Alexis' burns cleaning and wrapping his hand in cloth and Wyvern's oil. "It's not necessary," Alexis said. "It will be fine in a week," Azure said not listening to Alexis's voice.

As they settled in for the rest of the night, the chilling atmosphere seemed to deepen, and the forest held its secrets close. The night had been brutal, and the consequences of their actions were far-reaching.

But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of determination remained. They would find the answers they sought, they would unravel the mysteries of the forest, and they would do whatever it took to protect those they held dear.

Amidst the devastation, Alexis sat with his injured hand held close to his chest. Azure knelt beside him, her hands steady as she tended to his burns. "It is not necessary," Alexis tried to protest, but Azure shook her head firmly. "You fought bravely, Alexis. This may not be necessary for your strength, but it will help prevent infection," she said with a tone of finality.

Iro approached her captain, sensing the turmoil within her. "You are not alone in this, Grace," she said softly. As the day wore on, they made preparations to return to the main camp. The bodies of their fallen comrades would be brought back with them, their sacrifice honored and mourned.

Azure, Iro, and Alexis stood together, their faces grim and hearts heavy with grief. The fallen members of their unit lay still, their lifeless forms covered in makeshift shrouds. Hadrian, the captain of the camp, joined them, his eyes red-rimmed with sorrow mourning their fellow siblings.

"We will remember them," Hadrian's voice trembled with raw emotion as he spoke, his gaze lingering on the shrouded forms of their fallen comrades. Each knight had been brave, their unwavering loyalty is to the unit evident in their 'final stand'. "They were brave and loyal knights, and they fought valiantly until the end."

Azure took a deep breath, trying to steady her own emotions. Her voice remained resolute, though a hint of sorrow slipped through, "I will remember them all, for their courage and dedication. They were more than just comrades; they were family." She couldn't help but recall the times they had shared around the campfire, the laughter and camaraderie that had once filled the air, now replaced by the heavy weight of loss.

The once powerful and agile knights, who had lifted boulders with ease, now struggled under the burden of their fallen friends. The weight of the shrouds felt suffocating, a constant reminder of the price they had paid in the pursuit of their duty.

As the returning unit moved in solemn silence, the forest seemed to mourn alongside them. The usual sounds of nature were hushed, as if even the animals sensed the gravity of the situation. The survivors knew that they had to press on, not just to avenge their fallen comrades, but also to protect the camp from the lurking dangers.

The survivors shared a silent understanding, a determination to continue the fight and ensure that their fallen comrades' sacrifices were not in vain.

"We must continue," Azure spoke, her voice carrying both sorrow and determination. "Our fallen comrades would want us to press on and protect the camp from the dire wolf."

Her words were met with silent nods and unwavering gazes. They knew the dangers that lay ahead, but they were prepared to face them, united in their purpose and their commitment to each other.