
Tales of Aseagnea

Seven enigmatic books, bestowed upon humanity by the gods themselves, hold secrets and unfathomable power. These legendary tomes, collectively known as the Books of Aseagnea, have become coveted relics that stir wars, battles, and unending feuds among the ambitious and the desperate alike. The chaotic quest for these mythical grimoires has plunged the realm into an era of darkness and treachery.

NoName1445 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 10: The Hunt Begins

The next day, after the test, I found myself heading toward Azure Grace's round table. It was a large-sized treehouse perched high up in one of the tallest trees in the camp. One of the knights sitting there cleaning and sharpening his sword with a stone and oil, lost in his world.

"Main unit was out for work, so only a few knights were present. The official appointment would take place in two days when Azure herself returned, but for now, you had the opportunity to explore and familiarize yourself with the place," he said. "Thank You" I replied, then returning to his old work.

"Ah, the new golden boy has arrived! I always knew you would be appointed here only. I heard your family was of fishermen so you should be familiar with some basic butchering, Oh forgot to tell you I am Iro Zaraki and you are.." she exclaimed, her tone filled with cheerfulness. "Alexis," I replied.

I grunted in response, not exactly thrilled with the nickname but not willing to show it either. Iro had a way of being overly enthusiastic, and her presence often clashed with my dry demeanor.

Ignoring my lack of enthusiasm, Iro proceeded to show off her butchering skills. She led me into the butcher's room, and the sight that greeted me was enough to make me want to turn back. The room was filled with horrifying tools - saws, hammers, nails, and axes - all drenched in blood and flesh. The stench of rotting flesh filled the air, nearly suffocating me. I couldn't fathom how the smell didn't permeate the area outside the room.

I tried to maintain my composure, covering my mouth and nose with my hand. But Iro seemed completely unfazed by the gruesome sight. She picked up a dead deer, its body limp and lifeless, and began explaining the process of butchering it.

"Now, watch closely, new golden boy," Iro said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "This is how you do it."

I nodded, trying my best to pay attention to her instructions. But truth be told, I was more focused on suppressing my discomfort than on learning the art of butchering. I had seen enough bloodshed in my life, but this was different - it was senseless and unnecessary.

Despite her work, she looked like she was in her teens, with hairs haired and a leather apron she continued her work. Iro's enthusiasm was infectious, and despite the discomfort, I couldn't help but be intrigued by her genuine passion.

But I had to be cautious. I couldn't let my curiosity jeopardize my true mission. I had to remain focused on the task at hand - destroying this camp and fulfilling the orders of the order of Ignis. There was no room for distractions or attachments.

As Iro finished her demonstration, she turned to me with a smile. "See, it's not that hard once you get used to it," she said.

I forced a small nod, trying to maintain the façade of a recruit eager to learn. "Right, I'll keep that in mind," I replied.

A young woman appeared in the room. Covered in light armor and a cape she stood beside Iro.

"Why didn't you tell me that the Recruit was coming today ?" she asked Iro, "I want to show around the Recruit myself," Iro replied. "You are no fun" Iro replied. "Good Afternoon I am the commander of the hunting unit it would be a great honor to work with you."

Azure greeted me.

"The honor is all mine commander" I replied, still trying to hold my breath from the smell of the room. Looking at my condition Azure said, "Let's go somewhere else."

I entered Azure's office, a small room with simple wooden furniture, and a large central circular table. To my surprise, the room was empty, devoid of any other knights or officials. Azure was nowhere to be seen. "Strange," I muttered to myself. "I don't like much stuff in my room," she said as if trying to defend herself.

Azure studied me for a moment as if assessing whether I was worthy of joining her unit. I knew I had to play my part convincingly, so I maintained eye contact, trying to appear confident and trustworthy.

"Well then, welcome to my unit," Azure said, finally breaking the silence. "We have an important task ahead of us, and I expect everyone to pull their weight."

I nodded, acknowledging her words. "I understand," I replied simply.

Azure continued, "We are responsible for scouting and hunting. Iro mentioned you have some experience with butchering, which might come in handy during our journeys."

I didn't reveal my true feelings toward Iro's gruesome work, instead, I simply said, "Yes, I have some knowledge in that area."

Azure seemed satisfied with my response, and without further ado, she began briefing me on the tasks and responsibilities of our unit. It was clear that she was a no-nonsense leader, and I could tell that she demanded excellence from her team. And so, my journey with Azure Grace's unit began.

Azure's instructions were concise and to the point, much like her demeanor. "From today onwards, you will be my new assistant," she said, her voice firm and commanding. "Your primary task is to follow me around and assist with whatever I need."

I nodded, acknowledging her orders. It seemed like a straightforward role, but I knew better than to underestimate the importance of being by Azure's side. She was one of the key figures in this camp, and being her assistant would give me valuable insights into the inner workings and dynamics of the place.

As Azure continued to brief me on my new responsibilities, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. This was a golden opportunity to gather information, to learn about the people and the power structures at play within the camp.

Following Azure around would be a delicate balancing act. I had to appear eager and loyal while secretly gathering information and plotting my next moves. It was a challenge I was ready to take on, for my freedom and my mission.

As we set off on our first task, I kept my expressions neutral and my interactions with Azure professionals. I entered Azure's office, a small room with wooden furniture and a large central circular table. Azure was already there, looking through some papers. "You're early," she remarked, glancing up at me.

"Better early than late," I replied curtly.

She nodded, not seeming bothered by my lack of pleasantries. "Good. We'll start our work after breakfast every day. I'll give you a rundown of the missions we undertake in this unit," Azure said, gesturing for me to take a seat.

I sat down, preparing myself for the information she was about to share. "The main focus of our unit is hunting. We track down dangerous creatures that pose a threat to the camp and surrounding areas," she explained.

"Hunting?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "What kind of creatures are we dealing with?"

"Various beasts and monsters. Some are common, while others are rare and formidable. Our task is to track them down, study their behavior, and eliminate them if necessary," she replied.

"And how do we do that?" I inquired, genuinely curious about the logistics of these missions.

"We often spend days tracking the prey, following their trails, and studying their habits. We use various tools and techniques to keep our presence concealed, so as not to startle or alert them," Azure explained.

"So, it's all about patience and precision," I mused.

"Exactly. Once we have gathered enough information and have the advantage, we engage in the hunt. It can be a dangerous task, but it's necessary to protect the camp and its inhabitants," she said.

"And what if the creature is too powerful? What if the odds are against us?" I asked, testing the limits of these missions.

Azure's gaze sharpened, and she leaned in slightly. "We always prepare for the worst-case scenario. A retreat is an option if the situation becomes too perilous. Our priority is to ensure the safety of the camp and its people," she said firmly.

"And what if we encounter resistance from other groups or factions in the forest?" I probed further.

"We avoid conflicts whenever possible, but if we must defend ourselves, we do so with strategic precision. Our unit is skilled in combat, but we prioritize discretion and stealth," Azure responded.

As Azure explained the intricacies of their missions, I realized the depth of their responsibilities. The unit's role was not just about hunting creatures; it was about protecting the camp and maintaining the balance of power within the forest.

"We'll be going on our first mission tomorrow. It will be a relatively straightforward hunt, nothing too dangerous for you to handle," Azure said, bringing my attention back to the present.

"Understood," I replied, keeping my tone neutral.

"You'll need to be prepared for the journey. Make sure you have the necessary equipment and supplies," she continued.

"I'll take care of it," I assured her.

"Good. We'll leave after breakfast. We'll travel light and move swiftly," Azure said, standing up.

I followed suit, ready to put the plan into action. "I'm looking forward to it," I said, pretending enthusiasm.

Azure gave me a nod of approval. "Get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day," she said, dismissing me.

As I left her office, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. This was my chance to gather information, learn more about the inner workings of this camp, and further my true mission.

But I had to be careful. Azure was sharp and observant. I couldn't let my guard down, or she would see through my act. I had to maintain the facade of a loyal and dedicated knight, working diligently to protect the camp and its people.

As I made my way back to my room, I started planning. Tomorrow's mission was just the beginning. There would be many more opportunities to gain Azure's trust and access to valuable information.

I had to play the role of the perfect knight, with all the skills and dedication required for this unit.

With each step, I moved closer to my ultimate goal - the destruction of this camp and everyone in it. My freedom was within reach, and I would stop at nothing to achieve it.