
Tales of Alchemist: Yang Kai

A guy died in an unknown way and was chosen by the Eternal God to get a second chance to live in a fantasy world.

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One Hundred Alchemical Refinements.

After looking at his body and confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, Yang Kai began to study the Yin-Yang Harmony Cultivation Technique.

This cultivation technique was something obtained by Ye Mo in some ruins outside the city. And because of this cultivation art, the three great families came into conflict for being something from a past glorious era.

Unfortunately, even after years of study, not a single person from the families has come forward who has successfully practiced this technique. Everyone had already abandoned this technique a long time ago thinking it was something useless, so it was no longer hidden, and it was spread throughout the city, becoming common knowledge.

Even so, there have still been no positive results for several years.

Coincidence or not, Yang Kai was the only one who miraculously achieved some success in his practice of this technique. This became something incredible for him, with not even Yang Xin knowing about it, becoming a secret unique to Yang Kai himself.

Unfortunately, this technique required many attribute herbs (Yin) to maintain its (Yang) balance.

Yang Kai slowly realized that recently his cultivation had stabilized and showed no further signs of breaking through. It made him feel disappointed, and anxious, with a sense of urgency at the same time.

Yin element resources were rare, and the few common ones no longer did the same effect as usual. Therefore, Yang Kai was recently looking for other alternatives to advance his cultivation with greater speed.

If he was still the Yang Kai of the past, he might not understand the sole purpose of this strange technique, but how could the current him not understand? Coming with the knowledge of many similar novels, Yang Kai understood that this was a dual cultivation technique.

That is, he should unite his male Yang with the female Yin of women to improve his strength.

To use the crudest term, he was supposed to sleep with multiple women to increase his cultivation. The stronger the woman sleeping with him, the better the benefits received from her. The reverse would also work the same way; if he was strong enough, women from him would have a substantial increase in their cultivation bases, and would have no trouble breaking through quickly.

The Yin-Yang Harmony Cultivation Technique could also function as a normal cultivation technique, even if it was a little slower, it still absorbed the Spirit Qi of heaven and earth into the body and refined it into Spirit Qi.

But even with this small disadvantage, there is also a great benefit that the inner spiritual qi refined by the Yin-Yang Harmony Cultivation Technique is many times purer and denser compared to the other cultivator's inner spiritual qi.

If Yang Kai was an ordinary person, his cultivation level would likely have been many times higher than his current one. Unfortunately, his body requires many times more Spiritual Qi than a normal human, leaving his cultivation somewhat lacking.

Therefore, Yang Kai didn't want to waste another second. He didn't know what moment in history he was in, but he knew that the invasion of the demonic beast horde would arrive any day now.

With the sense of urgency ringing in his heart, he sat down in the lotus position and began to cultivate the Yin-Yang Harmony cultivation technique.

"How comfortable." He thought when he felt the energy flow through his body for the first time.

Yang Kai already advanced to the peak of Bronze Level 4th star a few months ago. At this point, just one more push and he would naturally reach the five-star bronze rating.

Apparently, because of his soul's fusion with the previous other soul, Spirit Qi was absorbed into him through blood and flesh at a much faster speed than before.

Realizing how effective the technique had become in his hands these days, Yang Kai didn't want to stop at all and continued cultivating.

This was like a dream come true. Feeling the flow of energy coursing through his body, Yang Kai rejoiced at his unknown death in the previous world. He had never felt as strong and alive as he was feeling right now.

It was an emotion impossible to describe!


The next morning.

Ever since he felt the benefits of cultivation, Yang Kai hadn't moved a single inch all night in his bed.

The moment he opened his eyes once more, what greeted his sight was no longer the sight of his aunt's beautiful body, but a small tray with a simple breakfast and some fresh milk.

Even without asking, he knew that this was something prepared by Yang Xin for him. At that moment, his stomach also fluttered over his clothes and hunger washed over him at the smell of food.

"She's really kind." Yang Kai smiled.

Picking himself up, he walked to the bathroom to wash his mouth out, then finally started eating breakfast. The taste wasn't out of this world, but it was still much better than the self-prepared meal. So he didn't complain, and he ate it all in a few minutes.

"Hm? This is…"

As Yang Kai was preparing to leave the room, on the headboard of his bed, a shabby looking book worn by time and poor care caught his attention.

Wiping the dust off the book with a dry cloth, Yang Kai quickly managed to see the title of the book: 'One Hundred Alchemical Refinements.'

"An advanced alchemy book?" Yang Kai muttered, a little curious. "Could it be something Yang Xin is studying in order to advance her skills?"

"Yes, that could be it!"

Looking back on the development of the story, Yang Kai recalled that Yang Xin was indeed at a bottleneck, both in his skills and cultivation. At that time, it was Nie Li who gave the opinion on creating a Flame and Thunder Pill to break through his cultivation barrier.

This made Yang Xin so excited, that she simply didn't hesitate to pay 50 million as a reward to obtain the simian thunder crystal. Unfortunately, even after getting her breakthrough, she was left further and further behind the main protagonists, even being almost completely forgotten by the author.

In the past Yang Kai still rooted for Nie Li to stay with her. However, times were different now. Even if he couldn't be with her as man and woman, he would still let her accompany him to the wider world.

"Nie Li, I don't hold much hatred for you, but don't blame me for not being kind in the future. You had your chance to obtain the affection of several goddesses and you missed it. This time, I will take justice into my own hands for the women who you've hurt for so long."

Yang Kai clenched his fists, and then began to study the book in his hands.

To begin with, his background in alchemy was already pretty good, so it only took a few minutes for him to start understanding the book in his hands with ease. Not only did this increase your knowledge quickly, it also corrected the gaps in your past knowledge.

Unknowingly, her mind sank to the book in her hands.


{Yes, I know there are still a lot of mistakes, no need to remind me. But if you're enjoying the story, leave a comment or a sign of support to boost my low confidence. }