
Tales of Adventure and Romance

Five stories of adventure, music, and romance. BREAK OUT -Three princess sisters are locked up in a tower and decide to break out of the castle. Working together and getting help from a portable magic mirror that knows and sees all, they put a dangerous plan into action to escape. Will the castle's guards catch the princesses in their escape? With the help of the magic mirror, will the princesses be more intelligent than the many guards in the castle, or will the guards stop their escape? INTO THE DEEP -A deep sea adventure about a mermaid who follows a Viking ship and a pirate ship and finds out the wonders of the sea. She helps them along their journey so they won't get hurt. While following them on their journey, the mermaid falls in love with the pirate captain and saves him from the great evil he unleashes. MY PARTNER'S A MONSTER -A romantic story about how two monsters fall in love: Joseph, the werewolf, falls in love with Angelica, the vampire, after she beats him and his sister in a singing contest. After buying a necklace that glows when his mood changes, Joseph accidentally turns himself into a werewolf. Once he turns himself a werewolf, Angelica calls her vampire friends to destroy him, but once Angelica falls in love with Joseph, she tries to save him from her werewolf-hunting vampire friends with Joseph's sister and best friend. THE BATTLE OF CHESSLAND -A romantic story about how two kingdoms go to war after a good princess gets tricked by an evil witch. When she returns to fix it, the witch gives the princess a riddle to solve that'll break the spell. While the lovely princess tries to break the spell, both kingdoms try to destroy each other until one kingdom surrenders. The dark prince also tries to win the beautiful princess's heart by helping her break the spell that will save their homes and families. THE TWO MUSKETEERS -While being hunted down by different sets of people, The Two Musketeers meet up with a masked person who wants to join

Jake Kitty · Fantasy
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My Partner's a Monster, Chapter 6

The vampires took all three to their hideout in Dracula's castle and kept them there all night. Once morning came, they all looked at Joseph in his human form with all the windows covered with curtains so no sun could get in the palace, and they could all stay in the shadows. The vampires kept Joseph tied to the wall so they could see him change and then kill him. However, the vampires untied Angelica and Megan and fastened them with chains. Matthew then attached a hook to Megan and Angelica's chains and gave Raven a thumbs up. Raven then pulled a lever and hung Megan and Angelica upside down over a firepit because she knew fire kills humans and vampires. Megan said, "Before you do us in, would you mind telling us why you're doing this?"