
Tales of Adventure and Romance

Five stories of adventure, music, and romance. BREAK OUT -Three princess sisters are locked up in a tower and decide to break out of the castle. Working together and getting help from a portable magic mirror that knows and sees all, they put a dangerous plan into action to escape. Will the castle's guards catch the princesses in their escape? With the help of the magic mirror, will the princesses be more intelligent than the many guards in the castle, or will the guards stop their escape? INTO THE DEEP -A deep sea adventure about a mermaid who follows a Viking ship and a pirate ship and finds out the wonders of the sea. She helps them along their journey so they won't get hurt. While following them on their journey, the mermaid falls in love with the pirate captain and saves him from the great evil he unleashes. MY PARTNER'S A MONSTER -A romantic story about how two monsters fall in love: Joseph, the werewolf, falls in love with Angelica, the vampire, after she beats him and his sister in a singing contest. After buying a necklace that glows when his mood changes, Joseph accidentally turns himself into a werewolf. Once he turns himself a werewolf, Angelica calls her vampire friends to destroy him, but once Angelica falls in love with Joseph, she tries to save him from her werewolf-hunting vampire friends with Joseph's sister and best friend. THE BATTLE OF CHESSLAND -A romantic story about how two kingdoms go to war after a good princess gets tricked by an evil witch. When she returns to fix it, the witch gives the princess a riddle to solve that'll break the spell. While the lovely princess tries to break the spell, both kingdoms try to destroy each other until one kingdom surrenders. The dark prince also tries to win the beautiful princess's heart by helping her break the spell that will save their homes and families. THE TWO MUSKETEERS -While being hunted down by different sets of people, The Two Musketeers meet up with a masked person who wants to join

Jake Kitty · Fantasy
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My Partner's a Monster, Chapter 3

Joseph made himself, Megan, and Franco dinner, and Megan was becoming irritated because she couldn't stand all this. After dinner, Megan entered a chat room with her friend, Kayla. They talked about Joseph's behavior and how suspicious it was. Megan then heard a knock on the door. Joseph said, "I'll get it." Joseph answered the door and became speechless when he saw it was Angelica. Angelica snapped her fingers and stated, "Joseph? Joseph?" Joseph snapped out of it and said, "Oh, hi, Angelica. What are you doing here?" Angelica said, "I came here asking if you'd be my partner for tonight's show at the theater." Joseph stated, "Oh, sure. Come on in." Joseph took Angelica to his room, and Megan was suspicious of him. Angelica then walked in, and Joseph's amulet glowed pink, causing him to sprout a tail out of his pants, which wagged. Joseph caught his tail end because he was embarrassed by the wagging and was worried Angelica or Megan might see it. Joseph's amulet then glowed purple, and his tail vanished.

Joseph and Angelica then went to practice a song in Joseph's room. Megan followed them and found a tray of chicken bones and a few drops of blood outside Joseph's door. Megan then cracked the door and spied on Joseph and Angelica. She saw them singing together and Joseph getting Angelica closer to him for their song. Megan whispered, "It's probably just for their song like our kiss was." Megan then left them alone and let them practice. When they finished, Angelica was all happy. Angelica said, "That was great, Joseph." Angelica then hugged Joseph, and he embraced her back. Angelica then let go, and the necklace around Joseph's neck glowed pink again, making him sprout a tail out of his pants again. Then his tail wagged, and he tried to hide it because he was embarrassed by his tail end wagging and didn't want Angelica to see his tail wagging. Joseph grabbed his tail end, hid it behind his back, and felt good about himself. His necklace then glowed purple again, and his tail end vanished again. Joseph took a deep breath and thought that it was close.

Angelica and Joseph sang What Are You Doing New Year's Eve together at the Romania Theater against all the other acts that night. Megan sat in the audience and recorded their performance in case Angelica and Joseph did anything peculiar. Joseph played the piano, and Angelica sat on top of the piano. Angelica started to sing, and Joseph sang the next part of the song when Angelica finished the first part. Then they sang together and wrapped it up together. When they finished performing, the audience started to cheer for them. Angelica said, "Thank you, Transylvania; goodnight." Megan then stopped taping and kept the tape to herself.

The clouds moved away, and the full moon came out. Once it did, Joseph's necklace glowed green while bowing with Angelica, making his hands grow fur. Joseph noticed his hands turning into paws and hid them in his pockets. Angelica said, "They love us, Joseph." Joseph stated, "Yes, but I got to run. Literally." Joseph quickly ran backstage, and Angelica tried to stop him. Angelica said, "Joseph, wait." Angelica ran backstage and looked around for Joseph but couldn't find him. Megan then went backstage because she got worried but didn't see Joseph anywhere either, but they did notice the door was left open. Angelica and Megan looked out the door but didn't see Joseph. They then heard a howl, and Angelica recognized it.

Angelica then called her friends on her cell phone and said, "Howling downtown. You know what that means." The person on the other line stated, "Yep, we'll be on the lookout." Angelica then hung up her phone and went back inside. Once she did, Angelica tied a sheet from backstage around her neck. Then she disappeared, and a bat showed up. The bat flew out the window and saw a werewolf on the loose in Transylvania. The werewolf saw the bat and tried shooing it away, but the bat wouldn't leave the werewolf alone. The werewolf looked all over for the people but couldn't find anyone. The werewolf made Transylvania panic, and they all ran to their homes to hide from him. Once morning came, Joseph woke up in the village with his clothes torn. Angelica then showed up, picked Joseph up, and took him home.

Once they returned to Joseph's house, Megan invited Angelica in to set Joseph on the sofa. When Joseph woke up, he saw Angelica and Megan waiting for him to wake up. Joseph said, "Oh, I'm home. I had the weirdest dream last night." Angelica said, "Well, it's over now." Joseph then took his guitar and played a sweet song on it. Angelica said, "Hey, that's not the song we performed last night." Joseph stated, "I know. This song is just a little something I wrote myself." Angelica said, "Wow, Joseph. I like you. I mean it; I like it. I like you, of course, but I also like your song." Joseph then started to sing the lyrics to his song, and Angelica felt she knew them too, so she sang along with him. Megan eavesdropped on their conversation and thought Joseph's song sounded catchy. Joseph set his guitar down when they finished and held Angelica's hands.

Joseph said, "Um, would you like to date me tonight? I have something important to tell you." Angelica said, "Oh, sure. And I know just the place. I'll meet you in the town square at 7:00. I want to tell you something, too." Angelica then left, and Joseph's necklace glowed pink. Then he heard a wiping sound on the sofa. He looked behind him and saw his tail was wagging again. Joseph then focused, and when his crystal glowed purple, it made his tail vanish. Megan heard Joseph ask Angelica out and was suspicious about them, so she decided to spy on them.