
Tales of A Reincarnated Mob

When he opened his eyes, Takahiro Shinichi found he was reincarnated inside a game. Rain Scarlet is a character with almost no information in the game "War of Generations". The only thing known about him is the fact that he dies as the first sacrifice in the first arc. After realizing he was reincarnated as a mob and his death will come soon, he decided to become stronger in order to survive. *** The cover is my own drawing, please do not steal or use it without my permission. Although it's trash, I put effort drawing it even though I'm too lazy to finish it. I also posted this novel in RR, SH and Zetro. First release and advance chapters will be at Zetro. https://zetrotranslation.com/novel/tales-of-a-reincarnated-mob/ My ko-fi page : https://ko-fi.com/renaichi Patreon : https://patreon.com/renaichi

Renaichi · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 6

It took me around 30 minutes walking from the city to the entrance of the "Forest of Spirits".

I took out an eye-potion and drank it. After a few seconds, my eyes became hot. It felt like rubbing my hand against my eyes with chilly on it.

In the next moment, the pain was gone and my vision became clearer. Thanks to this potion I could see well in the dark. It could only last for an hour before I have to drink it again.

I looked at my compass and head northwest. I counted my steps as I walked deeper into the forest.

On the way, I could hear the sound of insects and the howling sound of the wolf.

To be honest, it's creepier than I thought. In the game, this place was bright even at night. And a relaxing bgm can be heard instead. This differences makes me realized that game and real life are different, even if it was the same world. Honestly, if not for the eye-potion, I might have to be more careful.

For some reason, the sound of the trees blowed by the wind made me nervous. Even though I could see clearly, hearing my own footsteps is a torture.

Every 666 steps, I made a mark on a tree. It goes on until I repeated it 7 times.

On my 4.662 steps, I came across something that looks like a stone slate hidden amongst the tall grass. On the stone slate, there was something written in the old runic language.

The language that was already lost for a thousand years. Perhaps only those elves or dragons that lived a long life still recognize this writing. Some of the historic scholar could probably read it too.

Although I don't know about old runic language, I've read the description in the game.

"The Spirit Sanctuary"

This place used to be where the spirit king's home stood tall. With the passage of time, everything slowly disappeared leaving only this stone plate. Another cruelty of being erased by time.

"If this stone plate was here, it means I'm getting closer to that tree"

I looked at my surroundings and searched for glowing mushroom.

After searching for 5 minutes, I finally found some inside a dead trunk. I walked through the forest following the path where I found it. I brought out my sword and cut the grass and branches along the way.

Moving forward without clearing the path is tedious. Not to mention, I need to be careful of insects and snakes.

After walking for another 40 minutes, I came across two trees that entangled together. In a glimpse, it looked like two person holding hands.

"Found it"

I let out a happy smile.

I took out a watch and saw that it was 11:13 pm. After confirming that there is some time left, I took out my shovel and start digging.

I dug a hole with one meter width and two meters depth.

After doing so, I rest my back on a nearby tree while looking at the two trees entangled together.

As I recalled, it was the place where the first and the last priestess of "Forest of Spirits" meet the spirit king.

A long time ago, the king of spirit, Lucean met a loving and kind-hearted girl named Lea from the nearby village. She was crying because she didn't know the way back. Seeing the pitiful girl, Lucean decided to led her out of the forest.

Lea stopped crying the moment saw Lucean. She was curious about the wings on Lucean back. Seeing her pure eyes, Lucean became more curious about humans. He told her that he is a spirit. Lea was astonished hearing what Lucean said. And so, the two began to spend time together and become friend.

Lea would come to the forest everyday to meet Lucean and play with him. As time passed by, their relationship affect both spirits and humans as the two races started living together. Lea became the first priestess that connected the spirits that migrated from the world of spirits and the human world.

A place where both humans and spirits lived together was then built as a symbol of harmony between the two races.

However, one day, the apostle of evil found this place by chance. Looking at the two races living in harmony, the desire to corrupted the pure spirits and spreads evil overwhelmed him.

When the king of spirit went away, he disguised as a human traveler and get close to the "Forest of Spirits". He asked one of the spirit he met for a place to rest. Looking at the exhausted human, the spirit then guided him inside the forest.

He secretly planted the abyss seed inside the spirit. In just a month, he managed to spreads the abyss seeds to a third of the populations inside the forest. Be it humans or spirits, those who were infected by the abyss seeds gradually become cruel, greedy and corrupted.

By the time Lea noticed something was wrong, it was already too late. The forest was in chaos as both humans and spirits killed each other. Lea who was in rage fought the apostle of evil to the death. The fight last for days. The once beautiful forest was turned into a death forest.

Lea managed to kill the apostle of evil, but got infested with the abyss seed. When Lucean came back, his home was gone. Corpses of both humans and spirits were all over the place. Dark blood drenched the ground.

When he saw Lea who was dying, he shed tears for the first time. Lea who was dying asked Lucean to kill her before she turned into an abyssal monster. Lucean killed Lea with his own hand, and took out her heart.

Lucean then used Lea's heart and combined it with his power to create a dungeon. He sealed the remaining abyssal monsters inside the dungeon in hopes it will purify their souls and turned them back.

Those who survived were filled with guilt of killing their friends. They burned their lives to bless the land and strengthen the seal on the dungeon.

After the dungeon was created, he turned a part of Lea's heart into a key. He put a special magic and bury the key under the trees where they first met.

Lucean then fell into a slumber deep inside the dungeon. Never to wake up until the day the souls in the dungeon was purified.

The only thing left were the two trees that symbols their meeting, farewell and salvation.

Thus, it was called "Trees of Redemption"

∆ ∆ ∆

At midnight, a faint light shone under the trees for an instant.

I rushed as soon as I saw that light. Under the hole that I dug before, there was a treasure chest inside.

I jumped down and pick up the chest. With trembling hand, I opened the chest slowly. Inside, there was only a single key. It was a black key with some blood stains on it.

<Sealed Black Key>

A key used to enter the "Abyss of the Clouds Tower".

I laughed happily the moment I saw this key. There is no mistake, this is the key to my survival.

So far, it was all according to my memories. With this key, I'm confidence I will overcome the first act of the main story.

I cut my finger and dropped my blood on the key. After doing so, I put the key inisde my pocket.

This treasure chest was made from titanium ore, the hardest metal in the world. It also has great affinity with mana, making it one of the best materials for forging weapon.

Leaving it behind is a great waste.

If I could gather other precious materials as well, there is a chance to forge my own ultimate weapon.

I was exhilirated at the thought of forging my own ultimate weapon. I don't know about the sequels, but so far there were only 2 ultimate weapons in the game.

One was a humanoid ultimate weapon created by the dark force. This ultimate weapon was the hidden boss after the main story end. As the hidden last boss, this guy is extremely strong.

In the "War of Generations", the max level that the players could reach was level 99. However, this hidden boss was at level 120. Even the last boss was only at level 100.

It can be seen how powerful the ultimate weapon is. I haven't beat the hidden boss yet, but I have read about it on the walkthrough. There is even a guide how to beat the hidden boss. It could only be achieved by using another ultimate weapon or using a specific party to invoke the final spell <Armageddon>.

The other ultimate weapon is created by fusioning the 4 holy items. While the specific party needs 4 characters with summoner sub-class at max level. It took 20 turns for the spell to be activated. If one of them dies, then the spell will be canceled. You can imagine how hard it is to make the paper mages survive for 20 turns.

The game have 8 party members as the limit for battle. So, even with 4 tanks covering them, it's difficult since the boss have AOE skill that can wipe the party in one turn.

Not to mention you need to do annoying quests to open and clear the "Forbidden Abyss Dungeon" with a summoner sub-class in the party to get the <Sealed Book : Armageddon> in order to learn it.

For those pay2win players, the game sell dlc pack that contains item called <Sealed Weapon Cube> that could recycle materials into random weapons. The higher the materials grade, the higher the grade of the weapon. Although the chance of recycling an ultimate weapon is 0.001%.

There is no information to get the <Sealed Weapon Cube> in the game except from buying the dlc packs.

I won't put my hope on this item as I don't know any jnformation about its whereabout. Moreover, even in my last life I didn't get the ultimate weapon after spending all my materials.

Honestly, although the "War of Generations" is an offline game, the developer always have ways to make the player give their money willingly. Be it the additional dlc containing dungeons, items, extra story or even costumes.

I let out a sigh and closed the hole to covered my track.

After tidying everything, I cut some branches and made a bonfire. I haven't had proper rest since I arrived here.

I put vegetables, dried meat and water in a pot then add some spices to make a simple meal. At this point, I don't care whether my hand is dirty or not. Hygene is luxury for an adventurer.

Soon, the soup was finished and I started to eat to refill my stamina.

After having enough rest and ensured I'm at my peak, I took the key out and broke it into two.

As soon as the key was broken, a portal appeared in front of me and pulled me inside.