
Tales of A Reincarnated Mob

When he opened his eyes, Takahiro Shinichi found he was reincarnated inside a game. Rain Scarlet is a character with almost no information in the game "War of Generations". The only thing known about him is the fact that he dies as the first sacrifice in the first arc. After realizing he was reincarnated as a mob and his death will come soon, he decided to become stronger in order to survive. *** The cover is my own drawing, please do not steal or use it without my permission. Although it's trash, I put effort drawing it even though I'm too lazy to finish it. I also posted this novel in RR, SH and Zetro. First release and advance chapters will be at Zetro. https://zetrotranslation.com/novel/tales-of-a-reincarnated-mob/ My ko-fi page : https://ko-fi.com/renaichi Patreon : https://patreon.com/renaichi

Renaichi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 4

Before I knew it, the sun was already rise again. Looking at the notes filled with informations about "War of Generations", I feel relieved.

Is it morning already? I couldn't remember how long I've been sorting my memories and wrote it down in this notes.

This notebook in my hand is my greatest secret and my most powerful weapon.

The characters names, relationships, unique traits, personality, strength, weakness, the kingdom secrets, dungeons, items and even the information about future events. In short, I put everything I could recalled in this notebook.

"War of Generations" was divided into 7 main acts.

The first arc was the disturbance at the royal academy. It was the first war event and also the trigger for the countless battles in the future.

With the demons pulling the string from behind, people from the dark society secretly summoned monsters and lead them to attack the royal academy. It was at this event that Rain Scarlet was killed as the first victim of the chaos.

There are 6 months left before the time of the attack. This means, I only have six month left before I was supposed to die. I could try to avoid the event by staying away from the academy before the day of the event. However, there is no guarantee there won't be another accident around me. Since I couldn't guarantee nothing will happen, it's better to follow the line of fate until that day. Strength is the foundation to defy fate.

While I don't believe in fate, but the existence of gods are real in this world. The strings of fate are connected one after another, changing things drastically might change the entire course of events.

There are 4 holy items in "World of Generations" that could be a game changer. No matter how difficult the battles are, having one of the 4 holy items will reduce the game difficulty due to its powerful effect.

Stealing them and use it myself might sounds good. However, what if I would have to take the protagonist's place to save the world in exchange? My fate will probably change to the protagonist fate. Is it worth it? Of course no.

I just want to survive and lead a quite life, not a hero life who got dragged into trouble everyday. Being a hero is like signing a lifetime contract with a black company. You worked yourself to death for a small amount of money that is not enough to pay for your living expense.

Just look at all those heroes in anime and movies, they always have wounds all over their body, coughing up blood and get into trouble with their harem members. Worst of all, some protagonist needs to lose their close person to awaken.

I knew myself better than anyone that I'm not suitable to be a protagonist.

And so, I crossed every informations regarding items and weapons that the protagonist party might needs to save the world.

Anyway, I won't put my hands on those free items or plot items.

In exchange, I kept all the information about the premium dungeons and premium items as my targets. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm selfish, but I'm protecting those babies from those evil bastard.

Besides, as if I would hand over such precious babies to those bastards who would barge into stranger house and looting their treasures.

They should be content I left them with free items. If the protagonist party couldn't save the world with it then it's better for the demon king to rule this world instead.

Regardless, there is someone who cleared the game without using the 4 holy items and made a guide for it. So, it's not impossible to clear the game without it. In exchange, the protagonist party needs to grind themselves to get stronger until they get bald.

Like a great scientist Einstein once said, "The hero party gets stronger with hardship, while the mob gets stronger with cheat".

He never said that, but as long as you put someone name on a quote, most people will believe it.

Anyway, I only cleared the game once, and that was with the help of walkthrough and money. That's right, I used my money to get those premium items making the game quite easy. I didn't have time to get all the endings since I died while playing my second playthrough and got reincarnated here.

I don't care which endings the world turned into as long as I'm alive. In this world, there is an item that can revive the dead. It was something inside one of the premium dungeons as the background story. With that item, I will try to save my sister from death since she was the first person I accepted in this life. I've tasted death once and got reincarnated here, dying once more is not a big deal. I couldn't choose how I was born or reborn, but I want to at least able to choose my own ending.

I enjoyed my life as a NEET in my previous life and died while playing game. In this life, there is no games, internet, manga, or a computer for me to enjoy, but luckily there is magic.

And so, I was determined to get stronger so I could choose my ending.

I stood up and do some stretching.

Crack, crack.

The sounds of my bones cracking as I stretched my body was quite loud. I guess sitting for hours making my back stiff no matter which world I was in.

Once my body was relaxed, I threw my body onto the bed. I put the notes under my pillow for now as I don't have a secret stash to hide it.

∆ ∆ ∆

Two hours later.

Knock, knock.

"Rain-sama, it's time to wake up"

I heard a gentle voice next to my hear.

"Rain-sama, it's time to wake up"


"Rain-sama, please wake up"


I opened my tired eyes with difficulty.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Mari's face. Her face was so close that it jolted my mind in surprise.

After confirming that I was awake, she backed away.

"Mari, what time is it?"

"It's seven in the morning"

"Ugh, isn't it still early? let me sleep for 8 more hours"

I went inside the blanket to hide from the morning sun.

"If I let you sleep again for that long, the lord will scold me"

"Isn't it fine? it's not like you're getting fired if you let me sleep abit more"

"8 more hours is not a bit, Rain-sama. Besides, Ash-sama is waiting for you in the training field"

I let out a painful growl as soon as I heard she mentioned my elder brother, Ash.

"Fine, fine. Please prepare my sword and training attire"


I let out a sigh as I remembered Rain's memories about Ash.

It's not that I hate him. For a lazy person like Rain, Ash is his nemesis. 3 years ago, ever since Ash joined the royal knight, he would train Rain like a spartan everyday whenever he is at home.

Ash used the royal knight's training method to train Rain. This is why even though Rain was a lazy person, he have a nice muscle body with abs.

Recalling how Rain suffered under Ash hand, I shuddered.

If I couldn't even stand this first hurdle, I might as well forget my ambition and just wait for get eaten by the monsters.

After hardening my resolve, I step outside.

"You made me wait, Rain"

"It's not like I asked you to wait for me"

I muttered.

"It seems like I need you manner as well"

Ash shoke his head.

"For now, run for 50 laps"

"Whaー brother, isn't that too much for a warmup!?"

"55 laps"

"Hey, why does it increase!?"

"60 laps"

"Fine, fine!"

I started running before he add more laps. I pace my breath in order to ran at moderate speed. This way, I won't ran out of stamina and could barely keep up my pace.

Thankfully, not only I have Rain's memories, but also his muscle memories. Although it was hard, I could still barely do it. If I did this back on earth, I will definitely collapse after 10 laps.

After finished running, I swung my sword 100 times as a set before moving to different style. After doing 10 sets he gave me a short break.

My entire body ached. It has been a while since I sweat a lot like this. The last time I did hard training like this was back in highschool when I was in the kendo club.

Feeling the exhaustion that I thought I will never experience again, I let out a smile.

This is the price of pursuing strength. Ash forbid the maids from giving me water. He said a knight must be ready for any situation in the battlefield. Getting used to thirst is one of the survival skill that need to be learned.

After resting for a while, we continued the training. This time was sparring.

"Pick up your sword. If I see that you've been slacking, I will double the next training"

"Are you trying to kill me?"

I snorted.

I drew my sword and held it straight. There is a difference between a sword and a katana. A sword used thrust, parry, and slash as the basic. On the other hand, katana used drawing technique to slash at the opponent as the basic.

Combining the two different style without any prior experience might be a bad idea. But it should be possible if it was only the footsteps.

Although Rain was a lazy person, I have to admit that he has a good brain. Due to his hobby of reading books, he knew a lot of martial skills although he never practiced it.

All I have to do now is to add those knowledges and use the muscle memories as a guide to form the basic.

I took a deep breath, then leaped forward.

I swung my sword from below aiming for Ash's shoulders.


A dull sound was heard as he blocked my attack. I lowered my body and kick his shin from the side.


He lost his balance and fell on his knees. Seeing that my attack succeed, I slash at him from above.

He jumped backward and avoided my attack.

Tsk. Even though I managed to stun him he managed to recover so fast.

"I see that you're not slacking all this time"

"Reading book is not a waste of time you know"

I smirked at him.

And so our sparring continued.

Of course, I was beaten and never land a single hit afterwards.