
Tales of A Reincarnated Mob

When he opened his eyes, Takahiro Shinichi found he was reincarnated inside a game. Rain Scarlet is a character with almost no information in the game "War of Generations". The only thing known about him is the fact that he dies as the first sacrifice in the first arc. After realizing he was reincarnated as a mob and his death will come soon, he decided to become stronger in order to survive. *** The cover is my own drawing, please do not steal or use it without my permission. Although it's trash, I put effort drawing it even though I'm too lazy to finish it. I also posted this novel in RR, SH and Zetro. First release and advance chapters will be at Zetro. https://zetrotranslation.com/novel/tales-of-a-reincarnated-mob/ My ko-fi page : https://ko-fi.com/renaichi Patreon : https://patreon.com/renaichi

Renaichi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 35

Demon worshippers, a group of lunatics who were worshipping the demons as their lord. Among the demon worshippers, there was a clear hierarchy based on their so called faith just like the church.

There were categorized into believers, priests/priestesses, elders and the pope.

Their status also decided their strength. Believers were only given a tiny bit of power to enchant their strength by the demon they worshipped. They were the lowest kind of worshippers. Their levels were only around 15-20, however there were a great numbers of them.

A priest or priestess had demon marks on their body which could boost their strength. In terms of strength, they were around levels 30-50. The captain that Claudia killed in the last battle was the weakest priest. On the the other hand, the man named Krugl back on the auction stage was definitely at level 50 on the verge of being an elder.

Elders could use a large amount of the demon's power. The elders all have a pair of demon wings on their back. Every elders have the strength above level 50 with the highest one was at level 70.

The pope was the highest existence among the demon worshippers. There were only 1 pope throughout the main story. Not only wings, but a pope also have demon horns and tail. To be a pope one needs to be above level 75. It was the highest status a human could achieve as a demon worshipper. Because the next step was to became a demon itself by killing the demon they worships.

Back in the game, Claudia became one of the four heavenly demons after killing one of the original.

The reason why I laughed maniacally was because the bastard who was fighting against Mayleen.

One of the elder was attacking Wisteria even though the first act haven't even started yet.

There was no informations about the demon worshippers attacking this place, nor there was informations about that bastard in the game.

"Rain, are you alright?"

Irina asked worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm just excited to see a battle between the strong"

I reassured her.

However, without even giving the time to fool her, a stray magic fell into our place.

"Not good!"

I hurriedly grabbed her hand and escaped.

Unfortunately, the magic moved faster than me. Just when it was about to hit me, the golems used their bodies to block it.


They managed to fend off the magic, however their bodies crumbled into pieces.

"What happened?"

Claudia and Rosetta came out from the building along with Grid's party.

"Let's get out of here first!"

They were puzzled at first, but when they sensed the huge amount of mana in sky, they finally realized the grave situation.

I led the group away because I'm more familiar with the maps. Grid led his party to the outskirt while I'm leading Irina, Claudia and Rosetta to Mayleen's store direction.

The road were in a mess with blood puddles and corpses. Some mercenaries and adventurers were busy treating themselves. Some went to hunt the demon woshippers roaming the district.

I stopped running and asked them to go to Mayleen's store and hide in the other store.

I'm planning to see through this event to find answers to my questions.

Irina was being stubborn about not going if I stayed behind. In the end, Claudia wanted to stay as well. Rosetta won't leave Claudia's side.

Ultimately, we all stayed behind to observe the battle. I took out a magic scroll and activated it.

<Magic Scroll : Shadow>

It was one of the magic scroll I bought today. The scroll began to shine and huge shadow came out and covered our surrounding. The effect of this magic was just to hide our presences inside the shadow.

The effect would be gone as soon as we step out of the shadow. The radius of this magic was less than 2 meters. This thing was only sold for 50 gold because it's mainly used to hide when doing business in dungeon. I originally kept this for my own use to set an ambush or something. It's cramped for 4 people to stay inside the shadow together.

Irina was standing to my left and Claudia was standing to my right. There was no more space so Rosetta was standing behind me.

It was really awkward. I've never been surrounded by girls like this. Although back on earth I was quite popular and lost my V card in high school to my ex, it was still damn awkward for me.

Irina is fine since she's my sister. Moreover, she always took the chance to have skinship with me back at home.

Rosetta and I were friends with the same interest. Although she was a year older than me, her disposition as a maid made her feels like she was a mature woman. She's like a drinking buddy for me so she's barely safe.

The main problem was Claudia. Although she was also a year older than me and looked mature, my memories about her from the game made me think of her as someone younger.

I could feel our shoulders were touching. Even though we were running all over the place and even fought a few times, there were no sweat smell at all.

On the contrary, I could feel a faintly sweet scents attacking my nose. Not to mentioned, I could feel something soft was hitting my back. My heartbeat became faster.

Some part of me wanted to take advantage of the situation, while my logic was denying it. Don't wake up, please don't wake up!

I prayed as hard as possible, however...

Something between my legs was woken up.

You damn traitor!!

I screamed internally.

"What's wrong, Rain?"

Irina asked.

"N-Nothing. I'm just amazed by the fight"

Yeah, the fight between an angel and a demon within me.

Goddammit! Why was it so damn hard for an adult to live in adolscene body!?

This must be because I played too much eroge back on earth!

I bit my tongue forcefully to get myself together.

The sharp pain jolted my mind and the evil thought vanished instantly.

∆ ∆ ∆

Above the ruined Silver Wolf building, Mayleen was throwing spells at the white-haired man.

The man blocked her attack with his body. Even though he was hurt, his wound would recover. It was like he was testing the limit of his body.

"Come, hit me more!"

The man gathered mana on his right hand and formed a ball of fire.

"Take this, Cannon Ball!"

He threw it at Mayleen like a baseball. However it speed was no joke as it moved faster than a cannon.

"Guardian Veil!"

A wall made of light was formed in front of Mayleen instantly. The ball hit the wall and exploded. The wall was completely fine without any scratch.

"It's your turn now"

The man was taunting Mayleen with a provocative look.

It was as if he was treating the fight as a game. 

"Who the hell are you? And what is your aim?"

Mayleen ignored his provocation.

She was keeping her distance while conserving her strength. She had been gathering informations about the man's power. However, other than the fact that he was a demon worshipper that uses fire magic, she couldn't figure out anything.

"I'm just a servant. I'm here to meet my lord"

The man replied with the same answers everytime she asked him questions.

"Tsk. What a troublesome guy. No woman likes a stubborn man, you know?"

"Did you know that men also don't like persistent woman?"

Mayleen became irritated and threw a spell at him.


Ball of lights were formed around her and started shooting lasers at him.

The man narrowed his eyes and formed a shield in a hurry.

"Purgatory Shield!"

A black shadow appeared and former a shield in front of him. However, it wasn't solid enough as the lasers pierced through and opened a few holes on his body"


The man coughed up blood. However instead of getting panicked, he was laughing instead.

"Kuahahaha! That felt good!"

His eyes were filled with madness.

"What a pervert"

Mayleen looked at him with disgusted look.

The wound on his body was being healed at a slower rate than usual.

Noticing this small details, Mayleen smiled.

"Light Arrow!"

She casted another spell without any delay and shot arrows made of light. The man spreaded his wings to avoid the arrows. However, it kept chasing after him.

"So persistent. Purgatory Blades!"

A pair of siniter dark blades were summoned to his hands. He turned around and cut the incoming arrows.

"It's my turn now. Purgatory Bats!"

Magic circle were being formed behind him and black bats with red fangs started to come out one after another.

"My child, go and eat her"

He ordered his familiars to attack her. The bats gathered together and were rushing at her. The swarms together like insects. The fate of being being bitten alive by countless bats was terrifying.

However, instead of panicked, Mayleen flew at them directly. When they were 3 meters away, Mayleen casted a spell.


She raised her staff and bright light shined. The bats were instantly destroyed before they came close to her. The man screamed and covered his eyes due to the sudden flash.

She took the chance to get close to the man and touch his chest.

"Light Burst!"

The pure mana were turned into light particles and exploded.


The man finally let out a painful scream and fell into the ground. An explosion at 0 range was not something that could be defended. A fist-sized hole were made on his chest.

"As I thought. Light element is your weakness"

Even after being bombed and then fell down from the sky directly into the ground, the man was still breathing.

Mayleen descended to the ground to finish the man off.

"You're really tough. Normally, you would be dead already"

The man didn't answered and just breathing heavily.


Just when Mayleen was about to burst his head, she sensed something dangerous from behind.

She flew away instinctly.


Something hard landed on where she used to stood.

The impact made smokes raised into the air.

Once the smoked dispersed, a man wearing a rag were seen standing next to the white-haired man.

He was looking at the man with a pitiful look. On his right hand, a black horn was being held.

The white-haired man smiled when he saw the thing on Krugl's hand.

"F....or.. O..ur.. L...o..r...d"

He was forcing words to came out from his mouth while coughing blood.

"Yeah. For our lord"

After saying so, Krugl stabbed his heart with the black horn.

The black horn absorbed the blood from his body. Soon, he became a mummy and turned into dusts. Magic circles were being formed in his place and deep-red light lit up into the sky.

Note : I was planning to update 2 days ago but caught a cold due to overwork from my part-time so I postponed it.