
Were It All Began

The crisp autumn air blew as the sun lowered casting a purple hue over the sky. Marcus Roylef checked his surroundings. He was well accustomed to the amount of dodgy dealings that went on under the cover of darkness.

He pulled a note our of his leather jacket and looked down "44 flinter street." was hastily scraled in black ink over the business card. He mumbled quietly to himself "Well that's just great." whilst looking towards a fenced off warehouse surrounded by chain link fence topped with barbed wire. "Why can't these gus ever make this stuff easy." he groaned to no-one in particular and rolled his eyes just barely noticing the small tear in the pattern.

With a small smirk he made his way through and into the werehouse.

He approached the entrance and drew his pistol a sleek black colt 1911 and carefully unlocked the door so as to make no noise and gingerly entered the dimly lit surroundings.

It was there he saw the girl he had beem hired to find. Like a hawk he scamned his surroundings and upon seeing nothing approached only to get a blow to the back of his head for his trouble.