
Tales of a Newbie Dungeon Master

In a world that has recently adjusted to the emergence of monsters and magic, a select portion of the population is chosen to shoulder the responsibility of designing and enhancing dungeons, progressively introducing greater challenges and rewards. Their achievements harbor the potential to fulfill their deepest wishes—whether that entails status, wealth, power, or even the elusive prospect of immortality. Embark on the journey of a young individual who has just entered this society, endeavoring to adapt to the new reality and the possibilities that have been bestowed upon them. Join them as they navigate the intricate nuances of this transformed world and bear witness to their voyage toward triumph or adversity. Image generated via AI Discord: https://discord.gg/tfkDUggnSd

ScorpianRed · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 8

"System, is there any way to add specific monsters to the dungeon?"

[There are two ways to unlock monsters: one is by purchasing them in the store, or by bringing a monster or creature to the dungeon to be analyzed and used as a model for creating mobs.]

"How does that work? I mean, how does the dungeon analyze the monster?"

I've always had this question about how the system creates monsters.

[The dungeon uses a rather simple system, and to better understand, the explanation will be simplified. The dungeon creates an environment like a virtual reality. After creating characters, a piece of the soul and consciousness is linked to them.]

"But how do we bring items to the real world? Or do we become stronger?"

[The connection with the soul allows you to carry the gains to the main body. Similarly, when a visitor perishes, the soul is affected, causing the sensation of weakness or loss of some gains.]

[Furthermore, for the dungeon to sustain itself or generate dungeon coins and rewards, it absorbs abandoned items and those considered consumables.]

"What happens to the monsters that are analyzed?"

[These are consumed by the dungeon's core.]

Well, that eliminates the idea of using borrowed tamed monsters from the awakened. However, if I can buy them, that's a different story.

"Well, I'm going to make a request to the organization and see how it goes. Depending on the cost, I might buy some."

Meanwhile, let's try the gacha and see what I can get.

"System, how many dungeon coins do I have?"

[Currently, you have 741 dungeon coins.]

"I want to buy 5 mobs gachas."

[Purchase successful, do you wish to use them?]

"Yes, open all of them."

[Congratulations, you obtained a Goblin]

[Congratulations, you obtained a Black Rat]

[Congratulations, you obtained a Skeleton]

[Congratulations, you obtained a Water Elf]

[Congratulations, you obtained a Wisp]

[Presence of duplicate creatures detected, performing fusion. Congratulations, goblins have experienced an increase in quality, now offering archer and rogue variations.]

"Better results than I expected, with the increase in mob quality, the loot will be better, and it will add variety to the enemies."

While Skeletons and Black Rats may not be the favored mobs among the awakened, they can still add depth to the dungeon's experience.

Wisp and Water Elf, two mobs that can be considered more advanced due to their difficulty in defeating them. While the Wisp can only be defeated by awakened who can use mana in their attacks, the Water Elf can attack with water magic, causing long-range damage. There's a small chance of dropping a skill book that allows learning magic.

Despite my strong desire to add them to the dungeon right away, they might be better used on a different floor. Well, maybe I can add skeletons and Black Rats to the first floor.

Taking advantage of the idea, I didn't waste time configuring the dungeon, modifying some goblins from the fifth room onward, adding archer goblins and rogue goblins and gradually adding skeletons to the same rooms. I also decided to use the rats in the corridors leading to the other rooms.

After setting everything up, I decided to see how Rick was configuring his dungeon.

Unlike mine, he chose not to use a cave. Instead, he made the first floor look like a forest because he thought it would be more interesting given the mobs he received.

Due to the drops from the monsters he obtained being more valuable than mine, his dungeon is chosen more frequently than mine, allowing him to earn more dungeon coins. However, his focus was on expanding the size of his dungeon, and he only bought one gacha.

Today, his dungeon consists of a 3-square-kilometer forest infested with wolves, kobolds, and treants.

After seeing Luna, he also felt the desire to summon a hero. However, unlike Luna, the hero he obtained was a vampire with the appearance of someone in their late twenties. Instead of calling him "daddy", he calls Rick "My lord" and behaves cordially and nobly.

One of the hobbies he started and enjoys is receiving and conversing with visitors of the dungeons. He sometimes provides tips on how they could challenge the dungeon better. Due to all these factors, several ladies have shown interest in him, and rumors have it that a small fan club has formed for him.

An interesting relationship exists between him and Luna. Because Luna was created earlier, despite appearances, she's considered the older sister. The two have a good relationship between them.

At times, you can see Luna imparts wisdom she's gained in her relatively short existence, while he listens attentively to the words of wisdom she imparts, even though there isn't much difference in the time they were created.

After talking to Rick and discussing what happened in the organization, what I learned about how the dungeon and monsters work, and the plans and projects to carry out in the dungeons.

"What do you think of being a dungeon master? Especially since you never thought you'd get involved in this awakened life?"

"I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I do."

"Yes, even though it can be a bit tiring, it's quite rewarding."

"Yeah, in just these two weeks, I'm earning more than I did in my last job."

"I thought you were against fighting monsters, I mean, given how you wanted to keep that far away from you."

"Well, it's not quite like that. After my dad got injured, we went through a tough financial situation, so I decided to work to lighten the burden on my mom, and I was afraid that if I died, what would happen to them. My dad's starting to recover now."

"Why didn't you ever talk about this with the group?"

"I didn't want to worry everyone. Well, everything's okay now."

"You fool, the group is here to help. I wanted a chance to repay the help you all gave me back then."

"I know, and I'm sorry,"

"If you need a physiotherapist, you know who to count on."

After chatting for a while, I decided to visit my family and have a talk with them. Apparently, mom didn't explain the situation properly.


*Ding dong*

"I'm coming!"

I can hear my brother's voice and footsteps from the other side of the door.

"Jeff, it's about time you showed up. We've been waiting for you."

"What a delicious smell."

"Mom decided to make your favorite food to celebrate that you came to visit the whole family."

Entering the house, I spotted my dad immersed in his laptop, his attention divided between the laptop and the soccer match on the TV screen.

"Good to see you, dad."

"Likewise, son. By the way, your mother mentioned you changed jobs. Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine. I came today to explain in more detail what happened. It seems mom might have missed some details."

After talking for a while and catching up on what happened during the time I didn't visit the whole family:

"Dinner is ready, let's sit and enjoy."

With a kiss and a warm embrace, I greeted my mother, and we all gathered around the dinner table.

"Mom, you forgot to tell them everything."

" Well, I figured if I kept mum and one of them found out, you'd have to come home to explain."

"You're not wrong, but what if they didn't find out?"

"Then I would have told them. Let's eat, and afterward, you can explain everything properly."

After that, I explained everything that had happened, how things were going. My father asked if I needed any help with anything, and after assuring him everything was okay, we chatted a bit more and enjoyed family time.

As time passed and I was getting ready to leave:

"Brother, could you hire me to work with you?"

"Why are you saying that? Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened. I just wanted to save up some money, and if I work for you, I won't need to pay to use the dungeon, right?"

"Well, I'm not against it, but you need to get our parents' permission first, and I don't want to interfere with your schooling."

"I'll ask them. If they agree, will you hire me?"

"I'll have to talk to the others first. After all, I'm not alone there, but I believe I can make it happen."

Well, I'm not too worried about this affecting his schooling. My talent seems to help in all areas. Everyone reported that they're noticing rapid improvements in what they do. Rebeca said she's managing to understand and treat patients with more difficulty, Oliver said he's cooking better and learning new recipes more easily, Alexandra mentioned that she's developing projects faster and with fewer bugs.

"Thanks, brother."

After saying goodbye, I returned to the dungeon. My mom told me to visit them with Luna and also advised me to find a girlfriend quickly. She said it's harder to get into a relationship when you already have a child.

Upon arriving at the dungeon, I told Luna what I had been doing and mentioned that my mom wanted to meet her. Luna seemed excited and rushed to her room to pick out an outfit for when she visits them.

After trying on several clothes and choosing the best one, she came back to show me.

"Is Alexandra coming with us?"

"I don't know, you'll have to ask if she wants to come."

"I'll ask then." Luna's eyes twinkled mischievously.

Before I could ask why, Luna dashed off and went to find Alexandra. After a while, she returned with a smile on her face.

"She said she can come, we just need to pick a day and let her know beforehand."

Without giving me a chance to speak again, Luna simply disappeared once more.

I was going to do two chapters today, however, they called me to work. But I will try to release two tomorrow

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