
Tales of a Newbie Dungeon Master

In a world that has recently adjusted to the emergence of monsters and magic, a select portion of the population is chosen to shoulder the responsibility of designing and enhancing dungeons, progressively introducing greater challenges and rewards. Their achievements harbor the potential to fulfill their deepest wishes—whether that entails status, wealth, power, or even the elusive prospect of immortality. Embark on the journey of a young individual who has just entered this society, endeavoring to adapt to the new reality and the possibilities that have been bestowed upon them. Join them as they navigate the intricate nuances of this transformed world and bear witness to their voyage toward triumph or adversity. Image generated via AI Discord: https://discord.gg/tfkDUggnSd

ScorpianRed · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 27

"And that's what he said."

Omael, after the dungeon, explaining everything that happened.

"Hmm, so it seems they already have a way of acting when this happens in that world. That only means one thing, it has happened before."

Something a bit unexpected or not, well, it doesn't matter; at least it worked in our favor.

"System, are there other dungeon masters who are not from this world?"

[Certainly, considering the multitude of different planes and worlds, did you think you were the only ones?]

For a moment, I think I heard the response with a hint of ridicule and amusement, but whatever, thinking about it makes sense.

"Omael, what did you think of him? Did he have any chance of winning against you?"

"Yes, many, after all, while I was testing him, I noticed he was adapting very quickly to our battle and seemed to have a lot of experience. Maybe if I couldn't fly and my focus was on close combat, I wouldn't have many chances. Besides, he didn't seem to be at 100%, as if something was holding him back, maybe an injury or something."

"Did you find out anything else?"

"Unfortunately, no. He wanted to know about what was in the dungeon, the monsters, floors, and such. Since this information is important, apart from the number of floors, I didn't answer any of the other questions. After that, he decided to leave. As you can see, he's returning to the initial floors."

"Thank you very much. You can rest now, I'll call you if needed."

That was an interesting experience; we discovered that within the dungeon, we can communicate with people from the other world, as if what is being said inside the dungeon is automatically translated in a way that we can understand.

One of the things I was concerned about was whether we could communicate with them. One of our discussions was whether we should keep the shops in the other world as well or not; after all, we don't know how the people from the other world would react, and we don't even know if they are sociable.

Despite their money having no value in our world, if we want to explore that world, we'll need some capital for it. Additionally, we can exchange it for DC, and not to mention that we can use it to trade for technologies from that world.

Well, now we just have to wait.


The days passed without much news. Apparently, they are waiting to complete the 15 days to call the guild. In the meantime, we used the time to train our heroes. When someone started to stand out, we sent a hero to challenge them, which helped our heroes gain more battle experience.

While it's possible in our world, they have different fighting styles and are solo.

While waiting for the 15 days to pass, we began to prepare ourselves and the dungeon. Since they are challenging the dungeon daily, almost all the time, we had an increase in the amount of DC generated.

Since we couldn't edit much in the dungeon, or the waiting time would increase due to changes in the dungeon's difficulty, nothing stopped us from planning changes. By doing this, we found that we would have to increase the number of employees.

Even though the heroes or those with the dungeon contract can visit the other side, it doesn't mean they can be in two places at once.

In addition to the extra employees we had to prepare, if we want to explore the other world, there are things we need to do. Outside the dungeon, we can die permanently. While looking for things in the shop, we found items and abilities that allow us to understand other languages, abilities that allow us to hide and blend in with others. The dungeon shop never ceases to amaze me; there's so much that it's almost impossible to know everything inside it.

"If we could recreate the dungeon shop for other people, it would be perfect and would fit with our dungeon."

When Alexandra said that, everyone stopped and looked at her.

"What's wrong? You're scaring me. Did I say something wrong?"

Something so simple, yet at the same time, none of us ever thought about recreating it.

"Why have we never thought of this?"

"But how are we going to do that?"

"Only dungeon masters with access to the shop, and to buy things from it, you can only use dungeon coins," Rebeca poured cold water on us as we were starting to get excited about the idea.

"Moreover, to make a profit, we would have to charge more than the shop's prices. Plus, someone would have to be responsible for it. Let's remember, we're not corporate slaves."

"Is there already this option in the dungeon? It's impossible that no one ever thought of it before."

It doesn't hurt to try; while looking at the settings, we couldn't find an option to do this exactly, but after a lot of searching and talking to our systems, we found something similar to it.

What we found is the option called the Mysterious Merchant. It randomly makes a mob or a booth that sells various random items in exchange for drops appear; it also has the option to convert regular money into dungeon coins, as long as there is value, it can convert it into DC, it even accepts debit cards.

------------------------------------------ Change of Point of View----------------------------------

"Are you sure about this?"

"Of course."

"Everyone in the village will hate you, and you won't be able to live here anymore."

"What does it matter? If we can conquer the dungeon and get the rewards, we can live anywhere we want in any way we want."

While I was resting at home, one of my childhood friends came to invite me to be part of a crazy plan.

"So, are you coming with me?"

"I'm sorry, I can't. I don't want to involve Bet in this, and I can't leave her behind."

I know this might ruin our friendship, but I can't abandon Bet or the village.

"Are you sure? I've talked to several people from other villages, and they agreed to participate. If you change your mind, look me up a day before we leave."

After saying goodbye to him and confirming that I won't sabotage his plans, he left.


"Are you sure you're not going to stop him?"

"Did you hear everything, Bet?"

"Almost everything. If the village chief or the leader finds out, it won't be good."

"They already know something like this could happen."


"The leader called me for a conversation. He told me that if someone approaches me, I don't need to stop them. If I can persuade them to change their minds, well and good. If not, he'll deal with them when the time comes."

Moreover, the leader told me that the dungeon is not as simple as it seems. He fought an angel, and it was a tough battle even for him.

"Furthermore, he said he doesn't mind cleaning the villages of the scum hidden within and that it's a good time for his son before letting him become an adventurer."

"Don't tell me he wants..."

"Yes, it may be a bit drastic, but it's his way. After all, he's the Thieves' Headhunter."

"Sometimes I feel sorry for Felix."


"Tsk, he really won't come."

At least one less person to compete with.

I managed to convince some people from the villages and joined a small group of bandits. Unfortunately, I couldn't gather as many people as I wanted, but it's enough.

"Ready, let's go."

Today seems to be the last day to conquer the dungeon, so it appears that the people exploring it are not here at the moment. Some of the village guards went to call the guild to sell the dungeon, and the others are protecting the village.

"Hahahaha, I never thought it would be so easy."

I even feel a bit guilty about it, but this is my chance to get rich or change my life. Who would have thought that out in the middle of nowhere, I would have a chance like this?

During the investigations of the dungeon, we discovered that when a certain number of people enter, we are not all separated, and we end up in groups inside the dungeon.

When half of us had already entered the dungeon, and the rest who were not responsible for guarding the dungeon were about to enter.


We heard a scream.

"Get ready, we're under attack."


Crap, crap, crap, now there's no turning back.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Someone said it was too light for a story about dungeons, so I was thinking a little about what to do, I'll try to post more this week, unfortunately I can't guarantee anything, just that I will try

ScorpianRedcreators' thoughts