
Chapter 3 : No witnesses, no camera.

Morgana immediately frowned, displeased.

"Do I know you?" She asked with a cold tone.

Sig' looked at the newcomer, then at her, then around him.

No witnesses, no camera, the bookshelves hid them from everyone.

As if she heard his thoughts, Morgana shook her head.

"Not yet, but if you have time how about getting acquainted with each other? Let me tell you that you look like a real princess, but this pig at your side here ruins the sight, so why don't we move somewhere else ?" said the newcomer.

Unexpectedly Morgana smiled at him.

"If he's a pig, then what does it make of you? your only way to exist is to belittle those you judge inferior to you because you think it makes you look superior. But you know what ? It only show how worthless you are, that's why this princess won't lose her time with someone like you. Get out of my sight."

Sig' wasn't able to restrain himself anymore and burst into laughter while the poor man turned pallid. He wanted to impress her by being arrogant and confident but ended mocked, how sad was it for him?

"you….you…" The newcomer stuttered, unable to get his composure back.

"You heard the lady, get the fuck out of here" Sig' said with his best scornful smile.

If a gaze could kill they would have been dead at least a hundred times, the poor man finally turned around and leaved them alone.

"People like him doesn't deserve your anger Sig", She said after his departure. "The best way to shut them down is to use your words. Violence should always be your last resort".

"I don't know how to answer, I'm not used to speak. Usually I break them two or three bones, after that they are more respectful" Sig' said while lowering his head.

Morgana giggled.

"Well, at least staying with you shouldn't be boring".

They found a separated room where they could talk normally and Morgana taught him syllables and sounds, even if it was quite difficult for him to focus on what she was saying while looking at her soft lips.

"Hey Sig', don't you think Beauty and the Beast looks like us two?" The young lady asked him after he was done reading it.

"It depends, if I remember correctly you were the one who kidnapped me in your castle, so what does it mean about you?".

"That I'm a sort of pushy princess?" She replied with a wink.

Sig' shook his head. Indeed she always knew how to talk back to everyone.

The young man was a quick-learner and it wasn't long before he began to take pleasure in reading. He couldn't explain it but it was self-satisfying, like a revenge on life after all those hardships he went through.

The sun was decreasing when they decided to go back to the villa, bringing back a few books with them.

As soon as they exited the building, Sig' tensed up.

"Someone is following us" He said without turning over.

"I didn't saw anyone" Morgana answered with astonishment.

"Trust me, I'm used to it, I can tell you that someone is behind us, watching over us, and it's not the librarian."

"What should we do then ?"

"Behave as usual and follow me."

While chatting Sig' brought her in a narrow street.

"It brings back memories" she noted playfully.

As soon as they entered the alley, a group of guys blocked the only access. Sig' wasn't surprised to see the guy from the library leading them.

"Oh what a coincidence, if it isn't my beloved princess walking her dog" he exclaimed.

"Looks like we have the same hobby then" Morgana answered, staring at his two accomplices.

"You didn't lie to us Liam, this chick is pretty hot, look at those exposed breasts, she's a real slut!" One of them exclaim with a lustful gaze.

"Not only do you look stupid, but you're also bad-mannered. No wonder you prefer rape poor unknown woman, otherwise you wouldn't have any chance" Morgana smirked.

Sig' rolled his eyes, was she obliged to provoke them?

Feeling his gaze, she shrugged, "He insulted me".

Sig' shook his head, she was beyond redemption.

"So guys, what are you going to do?" He asked them, just to be sure.

"Well, we are three, you are alone, so at first we're gonna beat you up, then we'll take care of your woman", Liam explained.

Sig' closed his eyes, what a stupid guy, wasn't he boasting about his bad deeds?

"Sorry dude, but I'm not good with words, so I can't shut you down", The young man apologized.

Morgana giggled and took a step back while the others three were still wondering about what he just said.

Sig' cracked his knuckles and felt the adrenaline flowing in his veins, it's been a while since the last time he enjoyed it.

The first one didn't see it coming until the fist broke his noise, Sig' then spin around and dealt a kick to the second, sending him against a wall.

Liam woke up from the shock, just to discover his two accomplices lying on the floor, helpless.

"Tell me what you wanted to do to me one more time, you little piece of shit?" Sig' asked while grabbing him by the collar, lifting him in the air.

"I'm sorry dude, I didn't wanted to offense you…"

"Look at yourself, apologizing just because I'm stronger. We all know what may have happened if it wasn't the case. If I was weaker you would have rape her isn't it? So do you really think you could get out of this with some apologies?"

"No no, you're wrong, I would have never dare to…"

Sig' released him and gave him a headbutt, just to help him think correctly.

Liam screamed from the pain and tried to run away but Sig' kicked him in the knees, sending him on the ground head first.

He grabbed him once more and started punching him in the head. Each time his fist hit Liam's face, it felt so damn good, flashes of memories were coming back in his mind.

Him, standing alone, covered in blood, surrounded by whining corpses, his fists hurting so much while he breathed heavily.

"How is it? To taste your own medicine? Are you enjoying it?" Sig' asked, blood splashing on his face.

It was as if he was in trance, possessed by a demon, and he didn't wanted to stop, this feeling of supremacy was so intoxicating.

"Enough Sig'!". The order cracked in the silence of the dusk. Morgana grabbed him by the shoulder and forced him to look at her.

Morgana almost took a step back, the young man resembled a mad beast, there was a malicious glint in his gaze.

But she held steady, showing no fear in front of him.

"I think he understood his mistake, release him now, you've done enough here".

Her tone was strict, dominating, this wasn't the tone of someone who felt threatened, it was the tone of someone who was used to be obeyed.

Sig' came back to reality and looked at his hand with astonishment, then he saw the poor man he just beat up.

"I'm afraid I indulged some suppressed feeling" He apologized while shamefully lowering his head.

It looked like things didn't change, even after leaving this hell he was still unable to stay with other people.

"No it's okay, they deserved it and I asked you to do it, so you just obeyed me" Morgana smiled while patting his head. "Come now, I'm hungry, let's go back to the villa."

The young lady walked ahead to the car, carefully hiding her hands and squeezing her fists to stop the shivers.

She didn't wanted to show her fear to Sig', he was already tormented, there was no need for him to also feel guilty.

They spent the next days in the villa, Morgana was searching information on the web and taking notes on a notebook while Sig' tried his best to read the books he brought back from the library.

It was a peaceful lifestyle, even if he continued to do the same nightmare each night, only calming down after Morgana reassured him.

Each morning he would do some muscular exercise under the curious gaze of the young lady.

"Why are you still doing this now ?" She asked one day. "I mean, you can relax now that you're out of jail, isn't it ?".

"First, we don't know what could happens" He answered while working on his abs, "and I'm used to it, it's my daily routine now, like taking a breakfast after waking up".

"A breakfast isn't tiring".

"A breakfast with you is tiring, princess" He mumbled.

"Did you say something Sig'?

"Nop, not at all".

There was only two days left when he could finally read the Hope's manual, it was still a little bit difficult but he was able to understand almost everything.

Hope was a MMORPG with a vast open world, thousands of quests, different monsters, cities, NPC but you could only play one race, humans.

As for the class you had the choice between:

-Warrior, thief and brawler for the hand-to-hand classes.

-Wizard, hunter and believer for the distance classes.

Each class was able to get specialization at a moment of the game, gaining new abilities which depended on the specialization. The developers said that you could get one from multiple ways, without giving more details.

There was the three usual role of the MMORPG, dps, those who deal damages, healers, those who heal the injuries, and tank, those who drag the attention of the mobs and boss to allow others to deal damages.

There was one race, but different factions and different place where players would spawn at the beginning.

The game helmet also included a traducing device to allow players to understand each other in the game.

Sig' tried his best to comprehend everything and remember every details.

"Did you already choose your class Sig'?" Morgana asked after he put the manual down.

"The brawler would have been the best choice for me, but I'm more attracted by the thief because he can get the invisibility".

And Sig' already knew how to use knifes, but he didn't say it to Morgana.

"What about you?" He wondered.

"I'll choose believer because it's the only class which can heal".

"Why did you chose to especially take a healer?" Sig' was curious.

"Healer can control the flow of the fight, they have a better view of the battlefield and can form plans, it perfectly fits me."

Sig' nodded, indeed it was the best class for her.

"How much time before the beginning?"

"There is one hour left, but we can already connect to the character creation tool, wanna give it a try?" She proposed with a smile.

Sig' agreed and put the gaming helmet on.

It was the beginning of a new adventure, his first steps in a new world, where he was hoping to find fortune and glory.

He didn't say it out loud, but he was pretty excited.

The young man took a deep breath and finally activated the device.