
Tales of a certain nobody

He made many mistakes before but this one was his last. After 'accidently' destroying one of the reactors that power his city, he was banished. The only way he can go back and that's if he wants to go back he must venture forth to the land outside the comfort of the walls. He was of course watched by a sadistic angel that hates him as he journeys to find a suitable replacement to get back home.

DariusDaDestroy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 18

The village was burning. Was it my fault... nah it couldn't be. I walked out the tavern to see where the source of the fire was coming from.

Arriving to the scene my suspicions were correct, a house fire. I laughed to which I regret as I got states and glares from those who were there.

Thankfully it was just an accident with the furnace. I left the scene with a sigh of relief.

I returned up to my room but knocked on Heras door. "Hey. We should get going"


No answer. I knocked once more. Sighing I opened the door gently... it was dark inside, I can see anything so I use illuminating magic to which I turned it off the second I saw her.

I left the room as soon as possible. 'Damn, why am I acting like such a virgin?' I thought.

She was naked, sprawled out onto her bed. Worst of all she looked...quite nice.

I should just get my things packed and head out the next morning.

I started to move some things into the dimensional storage. My hand brushed upon a small picture frame.


I got a picture of her when I paid a mage to make one of memories of her into a picture. It was of her in her pretty dress during our first date.

Maybe I should work on one more thing. I got back into welding the frames of the armor together. I pushed the thought of her out of my head as I get lost into the world of inventions.


When I was finished with the work for once I realized it was morning. I yawned, as the hours of working has gotten to me.

I fell onto the bed, drifting off into the state of unconsciousness.

"Bang! Bang!"

'Fuck.' I got up, already tired. Someones banging on the damn door. "Who is it?" I made it clear I was pissed.

"Its me Hera. We need to go" she sounded urgent.

I slowly opened the door. "What? Did we run out of money?"

"No. I was contacted by the light mother. She... she informed me that you contracted a curse"

"Oh. Yeah I know" I walked back into my room. "Was told about it yesterday"

See stood silent before unleashing a tirade of insults and incoherent screaming. "You what! You stupid inconsiderate wretch!" She got up close to me about strike before stopping considering it before striking me anyways. "Baros ass!" She shouted before sitting down next to me. I was still recovering from her punch.

"Jeez." I rubbed my face. "I tried to tell you but you were passed out drunk naked in your room" ah said too much.

"You saw me naked?" I braced for another strike but none came. "You fool, do you think I care about such trivial matters." She shook her head. "We must pack and head out. Now." She walked out but stopped at the door. "But If you think it's okay to perve on me again I will castrate you". She then slams the door behind.

I get back up slowly. I kinda wish I knew some magic that can just refresh my head. Being required to sleep is fucking stupid.


I packed up on everything and headed out of the room. I got some stares from the patrons in the tavern when I walked down the stairs. Hera sighed when looking at me. "What are you wearing?"

I look down. "Oh this is the suit I was working on" I show it off. "The metal used is made out of the old suit I used to wear" I strike another pose. "The weight is supported by an exo skeleton that's around my body"

She looked confused "yeah I don't care let's go"

Shaking my head I follow behind her as she leaves the tavern for the last time "some people don't acknowledge my craft"


Running was easier, the hydraulics underneath support my frame and which allows me to run faster and efficiently. Hera weirdly is falling behind, she isn't flying like the usual times but instead running. "Hey? Whats going on? " I asked

"Nothing's going on" she spoke harshly. "Just felt like running"

"Huh." I didn't push the matter further. Still Angel's like her are crazy strong. Supposedly Angel's were created by the light mother to oppose her opposite, the Shadow brother Baros.

Eventually we had to take some breaks during our travel. Apparently we're heading closer to the capital city of Feron. Hera started it was safer there than being next to the borders. She took a swig from the her canteen.

"James. I ask of thee when the situation arises. When we're on the verge of fighting an unwinnable battle you must run" she spoke.

"Where's this coming from?" I spoke while running maintenance on the suit.

"My goddess and sisters instructed me to do so" she grabbed onto my head turning me to face her. "There's a time when you can't rely on these...toys you make"

"But-" she flicks her finger at my forehead almost knocking me over in the process. "See, despite growing a lot in that short amount of time you're still considerably weak compared to those who are hunting you"

"But we haven't met one of those so called hunters" I objected.

"And it's a good thing we don't have to" she shook her head. "James, I'm not as strong as you think I am. I'm weakened and I don't know when I'm..." she gave me a look I never seen before from her. Uncertainty. "I'm not too sure when I'll recover but for any confrontation we make, you must know to flee when the time comes."

"Alright. If that's what you want." I nod while returning to switch out the suits magic crystal with a fresh one.


Hours passes since that conversation. We made quite some progress. Hera said that we should be at the nearest town in two days time.

We stopped near the road, setting up camp. I of course with the help of the storage bracelet used it to my advantage.

"Why is there a damn bed here?" Hera demanded. She got back from collecting fire wood when she saw it.

"I borrowed it from the tavern. The bracelet allows me to transfer any item despite size and weight into it." I yawned while pulling the blanket over. "You're free to join if you want"

"That's disgusting" she spoke out loud.


Anyways I decided to join him in bed.