
Tales from a human memory till I forget them

Because I want to be able to read about this life if I ever reincarnate in the future

ibatdragon · Urban
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I don't even now if 2007 was the correct year but by that time I was old enough to play with toys.

I feel myself sitting on the ground, in my first house. I guess I was in the room I shared with my sister in that time. I was playing with a little truck, the wheels where blue, it had four. The front part was yellow and the grappling was orange. In the line of my sight there was no other toy nearby. Wonder why I was alone back then, from what I can remember my mom used to work all morning and my sister at that time was at primary school, I was left with my aunt in her house, but by the look of the tiles of the ground I can firmly say it was my room. Right, my dad used to work all the time so there was no way he was at home, perhaps my grandmother was looking out for me but I don't remember her being with us yet.

I can't really remember something more, just me playing with the truck, or well, moving it back and forth. The light of the room was on, was it dark outside? The window I had in the room didn't go out at all, it was directed to the garage and from what I reacal we always had it close. I doubt my own memory since human beings can't be trusted but the next thing I did was walking out of the room, since I was near the TV I was able to just stand up and walk like one and a half meter to the door, I really liked that door, it was like a French door I guess, each one had a window so me and my sister put stickers on them.

Back on me getting out of the room, one of the doors was open like always so I just stepped outside to the living room, I now what was there but this memory ends there. Perhaps I was hungry, at that time I liked eating all the time.