
Tales and storys

Read tales of gods, heroes and monsters. Live to tell the storys of dying worlds and to challenge fate.

saintofcookies · Fantasy
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4 Chs


As the sun sets, the city gates close behind Michael, who is wearing a grey cloak.

None of the guards standing on the wall notice him as he strides into the wilderness.


Adam is sitting in his office at the headquarters, feeling uneasy and displaced.

There wasn't anything in particular that had worried him, yet still, something he couldn't place had alarmed him.

As he recalled the past day, he had noticed no gaps in his memories, yet something was still missing.

He had asked his entire team whether they had noticed anything out of the ordinary, but no one was aware of anything.

Looking out the window, he sees the sun slowly disappearing behind the horizon.

Still considering whether he should inform the authorities, he is slowly forgetting what he was thinking about.


Sitting on his throne the laughing man is crying, not sure what to say.

Waiting before him stands a masked herald in orange.

"So Delphy saw them moving? Are you sure?" The laughing man inquires.

The herald in orange nods not showing any kind of emotion.





The laughing man shouts, tears running down his masked face.

Standing up he shouts "I shall reward thou for thine courage!"

As he walks past the kneeling herald, the laughing man stretches out his hand, ripping off the herald's skull.


Hidden from the world, Michael wanders through a battlefield, all kinds of monsters and variables clashing against each other in a ferocious war.

Wandering past the warriors, he is unfazed by projectiles and weapons passing right through him as if he were made of fog.

As explosions and glowing runes enlighten the night, only 2 of the beings interrupt their battle to look upon Michael with deep golden-glowing eyes.

The two giant beings nod at him and continue their battle, fierce shockwaves cracking the ground and causing an intense storm around them.

As he passes by the two giant creatures, he looks at them with eyes full of pity.

Shaking his head, he continues wandering the battlefield, scanning the battleground he searches for something, hoping he will find it there quickly.

After some time, he locks onto a knight in black shining armor surrounded by a horde of monsters.

He vanishes, reappearing beside the knight, he picks up one end of his cloak and throws it at the knight.

As his cloak magically envelops the knight, he jumps at one of the monsters, the sword of the black knight still sticking inside it.

He touches the sword, which instantly disappears.

As he fades away, he looks deep in thought, considering what to do next.

A few minutes after Michael vanished, a giant theatre curtain appears on the edge of the battlefield. The curtain shakes and a man steps out wearing a wet laughing mask.

"Missed him, how luckily unfortunate."