
Clints' family

"I am just the son of a farming family. We plant different grains and vegetables and come to town to sell them. I am currently the only son of the family. I used to have 3 older siblings. Mona, Tom and Lisa. Tom was the oldest and Mona and Lisa were twins. I was around 7 years old when a big disaster happened to us."

"Go Mona run home and tell father!!" Tom, the oldest son, screamed to his sisters.

"Lisa is… she is…"

"She is going to be okay. I just have to get to the Village. They will take care of her."

"But you don't have any money. They won't treat her for free."

"I'll… I will find a way so go!."

"Tom and Mona were running through the forest trying to get to the Village and find a medic. The three of them were out playing in the woods when 3 older men showed up. Tom was a great brother. He would always play with me. And Lisa and Mona would always take care of me when my father and Tom went to work on the fields. On that day the three went to the woods to have some fun and play. But then those guys showed up."

"Hey look what we have here. Two damsels and a young boy. I think we can have some fun today guys."

"For sure. I crave for some young ladies."

"Who are you? Please leave us alone. We are just on our way back home and if we are late our parents might worry about us." Lisa told the old men.

"Well I guess they will just have to wait a little for you to go back today."

The three started to approach the young trio with eyes filled with lust. They looked to be around 30 years old and were carrying a sword, a dagger and a bow and arrow. The three siblings were shivering in fear. When the three men got close enough to grab them, the one with a sword and the bow went for the girls while the one with the dagger went for the boy.

"LET THEM GO!" Tom screamed.

"No one is coming for you! You are all alone in the forest. You know kids shouldn't go into the forest. Scary monsters might get them. Hahahahahaha" the one with the sword said.

Filled with rage Tom was trying to free himself from the grip of the guy with a dagger, but he couldn't. He stopped moving trying to get the man in a surprise attempt.

"Glad you gave up boy."

Just when the man said that Tom used his head to hit the man in the nose and grab his dagger that was around his waist. Now turning around with the dagger in the hand Tom thrusted it into the man's abdomen.

"FUCK!. You little shit! Fuck."

The other two were only paying attention to the two girls and failed to notice Tom approaching them through their back. Tom grabbed a stone that was near him and hit the man with the bow first, the man fell on the ground unconscious. The last one seeing his friend falling on the ground got up and unsheathed his sword.

"What do you think you are doing boy? Throw the dagger away and I won't kill your dear sister."

He was now with the sword on Lisas throat. Mona slowly got up from the ground from behind the man. Seeing his sister signaling to Tom that she now had the stone and could hit the man from behind, Tom was doing his best to distract him.

"Okay. Okay. I will throw it away, just please don't hurt my sister."

"That's what I thought. No go. Do it."

"Now Mona!" Mona was now close to the man and ready to strike. When the man turned around all he could see was a piece of stone landing hard on his head. Just like the other one, he fell on the ground and lost consciousness. But while doing it he was still holding the sharp sword in his hand that followed his movement of going down and made a long cut along Lisa's body. Seeing the blood and thinking the worst, Lisa passed out.

"Lisa. No, she hurt Tom. We got to help her."

"Don't worry I will take her to the Village. Go back home and tell father."

Listening to his older brother Mona left them and ran home. Tom got down to take Lisa when he heard a loud whistle in the air. The man with the dagger used the bow and arrow to attack Tom who was hit in the back.

"Argghhh." Tom screamed. But he was still bent on helping his sister. He took the arrow out of his body, picked Lisa up and started running.

"HELP MY SISTER IS HURT. PLEASE. SOMEONE HELP HER." Tom screamed while entering a nurse house in the Village.

"Okay young man. Lay her down there. It will be 50 coppers for the service."

"I… I… I dont have the money sir."

"What? You want me to treat her for free? Get out."

"No, but my father is coming to the Village. He will have the money for you. I am certain."

"So we wait for your father to get here."

"No sir, she might die when he gets here. Please help her. I will pay you after."

"Look kid. No money, no treatment."

Tom was losing it. The stress was consuming him from the inside. Seeing no other way out Tom took out the dagger that he got out.

"If you don't treat her I will.. I will kill you." Tom threatened the man with the dagger.

"O… Okay kid. I'll treat her." Scared for his life and seeing that the boy was clearly out of it he started to take care of Lisa. HE saw that the cut wasn't that deep and with bandages and rest she would recuperate.

"LISA? Is someone named Lisa here?" An old man got inside the house looking for his daughter.

"..." Entering the room the old man could see his daughter just fine. She was lying on the bed sleeping. Next to it was a doctor who was very surprised. He had his mouth open, not understanding what was happening. In front of him, on the other side of the bed, was a young boy. He was lying there, not moving while blood was coming out of his back and tainting the floor. Tom died.