
chapter 1 : the awakening

I was awakened ....

I do not remember my name ..

My head hurts Why is everything dark? Where am I?

the last thing I remember is that I was at my brother's before I tripped over that fucking dog that is always in the middle of the road

Will I be in a hospital? Why can not I move?


from so much moving I heard something break and through the darkness I see rays of light

I'll keep moving so I can break this to get out


I see ... it seems that someone fucked me ... I'm in a forest, what the fuck do I do here in a forest!

Suddenly a voice without gender is heard in my head

[welcome to this path of survival, tiny existence, say (STATE) to check your data]

I'm terrified for a moment by that voice and when I take courage I try to speak only you hear horrible squeaks

.... what's going on

I try to extend my arms but what I see are clamps ... it can not be ..

I see a small stream nearby and I approach, I see in my reflection not a human figure, but a scorpion

how could I take the form of a scorpion, is this a joke? ... how can I survive like this?

I say in my mind [STATE]

[------------------------------------------------- ----------------

Name: Neo

Range: 1 star

species: scorpion

Survival capabilities: almost zero

Skills: (Escape)

(PICAR): may be able to embed the opponent


points of life: 10

Special attack: 5

speed: 10

defense: 5


[no fuck ... this is my miserable state, that voice was right I'm very weak, besides what kind of simple skills are this] (neo)

when walking through the forest you will find a bear that apparently is asleep (this one looks wounded, if it beats and poisons it porahi dies)

when using the skill (itching) the bear wakes up and roars, when seeing neo, the enraged bear pursues him without stopping

(I wish I had not seen it, no, I would not have directly attacked it, I want to cry but an insect can not)

He keeps running and sees a cliff 5 meters high, as he goes so fast neo can not stop and falls with the bear.

[It seems that I fell on top of this bear so I survived, thank goodness, I have to be smarter when it comes to getting married] (neo)

[use (evaluation) in the bear]

[------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

Species: demonic bear

Range: 3 stars

Features: a bear with an intellect and very low speed but his attack is deadly

skills: (hit)

(to bite)

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------]

(I was very lucky, what is that little ball that shines on your forehead? I will evaluate it too)

[it is a nucleus of beast, rank 3 stars when eating it, it is probable to acquire experience and also to be able to take an ability of the assassinated opponent]

(This looks interesting because their skills do not help me at all, but in order to survive I must eat it)

he grabs it with his tweezers and I owe it to him

if there is a spelling mistake that escapes me, let me know, but I think it's fine, I know it's short but to begin with I think it's good

ArgentineSobereigncreators' thoughts