
Talents of Ascension

In the year 1989 of the Imperial calendar, the world was forever changed when mysterious dungeons began to emerge across the planet. These dungeons, teeming with monsters and perilous challenges, brought chaos and destruction to humanity. However, they also bestowed upon a select few individuals extraordinary powers known as "talents." The discovery of these talents sparked a new era of civilization, where individuals with unique abilities, ranging from superhuman strength to precognitive insight, emerged as heroes and champions. Among them, the most coveted talent was known as "Adaptation," granting its wielder the ability to evolve and overcome any obstacle, growing stronger with each challenge faced. But with great power came great peril. As talents flourished, so too did the machinations of gods and demons. From the celestial realms to the depths of the underworld, divine beings and malevolent entities sought to manipulate the talents for their own ends, using humanity as pawns in their cosmic game of power. Amidst this turmoil, a diverse cast of characters emerges. From the humble beginnings of a novice talent user to the legendary status of an apex master, their journeys intertwine as they navigate the treacherous landscape of dungeons, divine intervention, and demonic influence. As the world teeters on the brink of chaos, alliances will be forged, betrayals will be revealed, and destinies will be fulfilled. Against the backdrop of a world in upheaval, the true nature of talent and the fate of humanity hang in the balance. Talents of Ascension is a gripping tale of adventure, ambition, and the indomitable spirit of humanity in the face of adversity. In a world where power defines destiny, who will rise to claim their place among the stars, and who will fall into the depths of oblivion?

EldenTerror · Fantasy
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6 Chs

First day of school final part/ Hectic day

As they entered the classroom, a heavy silence fell, suffocating Damian with the weight of their collective judgment. It seemed the news of the incident had spread like wildfire, painting Damian as the target of scorn and derision. Sighing inwardly, he steeled himself for the impending storm. "Looks like my last days here won't be easy," he thought grimly, feeling the predatory gazes of his peers, including the menacing glares from Leon and Alexander.

Damian couldn't fathom how quickly his classmates had turned against him, all because of his dismal rank. As he made his way to his seat, he caught Lea, his crush, casting him a disdainful look, adding to his sense of betrayal and isolation. Collapsing into his chair, Damian closed his eyes, shutting out the world around him as he wrestled with his shattered identity. "Why? Even Lea... all because of my rank," he mused bitterly, his thoughts spiraling into darkness.

Suddenly, Miss Robertson's commanding voice pierced through the oppressive silence, commanding attention. Damian listened intently as she outlined the consequences for their complicity in the bullying, a mix of apprehension and relief washing over him. The ensuing uproar only deepened Damian's unease, each objection serving as a stark reminder of the consequences of defiance.

As Miss Robertson divulged the origin of the directive, fear rippled through the class, silencing even the most vocal dissenters. Damian watched as their defiant facades crumbled in the face of authority, replaced by expressions of apprehension and uncertainty.

As the tension subsided, Miss Robertson redirected their focus to the upcoming Esper class, a subject that both intrigued and intimidated Damian. Despite the tumult of the day, he found solace in the familiarity of the topic, eager to immerse himself in the world of Espers and their enigmatic talents.

Miss Robertson's lessons on Esper abilities were captivating yet chilling, painting a vivid picture of the power dynamics at play within their society. She spoke of Espers with abilities ranging from Energy Manipulation to Adaptability, each possessing the potential to shape the world around them. Damian listened intently, his mind buzzing with questions and curiosity.

Lea, still reeling from Miss Robertson's reprimand, approached her tentatively after class. "Miss Robertson," she began, her voice laced with uncertainty. "I understand the need for discipline, but isn't punishing us all a bit extreme? After all, Damian is just an E- rank. Does it really warrant disrupting everyone's studies?"

Miss Robertson fixed her with a stern gaze, her tone unwavering. "Lea, the standards of this school extend beyond academics. We are shaping future leaders, and that includes instilling values of integrity and compassion. Allowing bullying to go unchecked contradicts everything we stand for. As for Damian's rank, it does not diminish the severity of the situation. Every student, regardless of status, deserves to feel safe and respected."

Lea's facade faltered, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. "But what about our futures? We're the future backbone of the EUUS. Won't this affect our prospects?"

Miss Robertson's response was resolute. "Your potential is not defined by your rank or talent. It is defined by your character and actions. Remember that, Lea." As Miss Robertson revisited the topic of Esper abilities, the classroom atmosphere shifted once more, this time with a sense of familiarity mixed with anticipation. Damian, still processing the day's events, found himself drawn deeper into the discussion, eager to glean new insights into the world of Espers.

With her characteristic authority, Miss Robertson delved back into the subject, revisiting the fundamentals of Esper abilities with precision and clarity. She reiterated the diverse range of talents Espers could possess, from energy manipulation to adaptability, each offering unique pathways to power and responsibility.

As she spoke, Damian's mind flashed with memories of previous lessons, each piece of information slotting into place like a puzzle revealing a larger picture. He listened intently as Miss Robertson elaborated on the intricacies of each ability, offering examples and anecdotes to illustrate their practical applications in the real world.

Despite the familiarity of the material, Damian found himself captivated by Miss Robertson's passion and expertise, her words breathing new life into the age-old subject. With each passing moment, he felt a growing sense of connection to the world of Espers, a realization that his own journey was just beginning.

As the lecture came to a close, Miss Robertson's words lingered in the air, a reminder of the boundless potential that lay within each of them. Damian left the classroom that day with a renewed sense of purpose, eager to explore the depths of his own abilities and the possibilities that awaited him.


As Damian left the classroom, he felt the weight of his classmates' stares pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket. It was as if the air itself had turned hostile, thick with the tension that hung between him and the others. Each step he took towards the school's exit seemed to echo louder in his ears, a relentless drumbeat of isolation and fear.

With a trembling hand, Damian reached for his phone, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and dread. The notification flashed on the screen, beckoning him to open it, yet he hesitated, unsure of what awaited him within. "What now?" he muttered under his breath, his voice barely a whisper against the backdrop of his racing thoughts.

As he walked, Damian couldn't shake the feeling of being hunted, the sense that every shadow concealed a potential threat. He glanced over his shoulder, half-expecting to see the accusing glares of his classmates following him like a pack of wolves. The mere thought sent a shiver down his spine, urging him to quicken his pace and escape the suffocating embrace of the school's walls.

The journey home felt like an eternity, each passing moment stretching out into an endless expanse of uncertainty. With every turn of the road, Damian's mind spun with questions, his thoughts spiraling deeper into a maze of doubt and despair. "Why me?" he wondered, the words a whispered plea for understanding in a world gone mad.

When he finally reached the familiar comfort of his home—a sanctuary amidst the chaos—he let out a shaky breath, the tension slowly seeping from his weary bones. Yet, even within the confines of his own four walls, Damian couldn't shake the feeling of unease that clung to him like a second skin


As he stepped into the warmth of the shower, Damian allowed himself a moment of respite, letting the hot water wash away the physical and emotional grime of the day. With each passing minute, the weight on his shoulders seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of fragile calm that hovered on the edge of his consciousness.

But as Damian emerged from the shower, his eyes fell upon his reflection in the mirror, and he froze. The sight that greeted him was unfamiliar, unsettling—a pair of eyes that gazed back at him with a haunting intensity, their color a vivid shade of purple that seemed to shimmer in the dim light of the bathroom. His breath caught in his throat as he reached up to touch his face, his fingertips brushing against his now-violet eyes in disbelief.

Panic surged through Damian's veins like a bolt of lightning, his mind racing to make sense of the inexplicable change. "What's happening to me?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own heartbeat.

Then, just as he was about to give in to the rising tide of fear, Damian's phone buzzed with another notification, breaking the silence with a jarring intensity. With trembling hands, he reached for the device, his fingers hovering over the screen as if afraid to uncover the truth that lay within.

"You don't need to freak out, Damian. Your talent is not Light Switch," the message read, its words a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty that threatened to engulf him. Relief flooded through Damian's veins like a cool breeze on a sweltering summer day, washing away the panic and confusion that had gripped him moments before.

As he read on, Damian's curiosity grew, each word drawing him deeper into the mystery of his own identity. The mysterious sender offered him a tantalizing glimpse into a world of hidden truths and untapped potential, promising answers to questions Damian hadn't even known to ask.

With a mixture of apprehension and excitement, Damian accepted the offer, his mind buzzing with possibilities. The message revealed that his true talent was Energy Manipulation—a power beyond anything he had ever imagined. And with it came the promise of a new beginning, a chance to redefine himself in a world that had cast him aside. And just for owing some favors to this Mysterious sender.

But the revelation didn't end there. The message went on to explain the origin of his now-purple eyes, revealing that he had absorbed the talent of Night's Healing from Rose Evans, the school nurse. It was this newfound power that had caused his eyes to change color, a physical manifestation of the abilities lying dormant within him.

As Damian processed this newfound information, somewhere in China, a tall woman watched with interest as Damian's story unfolded before her eyes. She knew that he was just beginning to scratch the surface of his true potential, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement at the possibilities that lay ahead. With a knowing smile, she turned her attention back to her own plans, confident that Damian's journey was only just beginning.