

3 years later

The gang finally graduated from high school and unfortunately, from this moment their ways went separate. All of them went to college or university to earn some experience for their future jobs. 4 couples actually went into one high education building, so they could spend some time together. Luckily, the whole gang time by time had a time for videochats with each other and talk about their study and relationship. But how all 4 couples were going in relationship?

Lance and Diane became the only couple, who went to study in one discipline, which was about lifeguard on the beach. After being graduated from school, they moved on to Lances' parents, whose house was near beach, so couple could practice not only about life-guarding, because in university they were told to do so, but also about water activities, especially windsurfing. They didn't went neither to their "intimate" moment, nor to proposal. Still, Lance was very close in touch with Nigel, since he was the only member from gang, who didn't have a girlfriend. By the way, Lances' best friend was curious about recycling, which meant working with trash and made Lance fell at first moment quite disgusted. But when Nigel told, that his job is also about making public places clean, he quickly changed his mind. Nigel also moved on from his parents after one year since graduation.

Miguel finally found his girlfriend on prom dance at school, Sarah. During school year, he couldn't confess his feelings to her and on prom, Miguel did it. They went on their own way to one university, but in different future jobs. Since being a child, Sarah was very interested in jewelry and valuable shiny things, like diamonds, emerald and etc. Trackers' dad was working in zoo with animals and Tracker promised to continue familys' tradition, which surprisingly for him, Sarah accepted. The reason was simple: traveling around the world. During education, they talked about countries, where Tracker and Sweetie can do their jobs in same time. In first year of education, when they were in Kenya, an "intimate" moment came, luckily without bad consequences. Their relationship also didn't go to proposal.

Despite having troubles with discipline choose, Natalia decided to go studying future job, which was similar to Kurt. And it was a doctor as Kurt decided to become a firefighter. The couple had one similar characteristic: braveness. Kurt was quite unbrave, while being young, but through growth, he became very brave. Natalia was with big bravery since childhood. In one date, Kurt told Natalia that "She's the one, who's increasing his brave level". Their summary feeling of being brave lead to proposal on second year of education. Using fathers' help Kurt, while getting wet stood on one knee in the middle of impressive water picture of his and Natalias' firefighter badge, and showed her a ring with purpose to become his wife. The answer was obvious 'yes'.

Since graduation, Skye gave Chase a promise that she'll never leave him. They went as everyone else in one university, and as Chase wanted, he started studying as a police officer, so nobody will have the same story as his. In one talk, Skye was quite sad that her boyfriend didn't have time to fly somewhere else, as she enjoyed flying in plane. That's why she went on pilots' discipline to make her and Chases' dream come true. Luckily, it didn't take much time, as they flew to Portugal after first year of education in university. That's where Chase made a proposal to Skye: beach, wavy sea shore, box with ring inside and bridal twirl after accepting. Skye was even thought, that Chases' work during school was actually a good idea.

End of 3rd education year, Chase and Skyes' house

Summer, all students are now on holiday, including our gang. Finally, they found a time to visit and see each other. Warm evening, 5 cars at park alley and 9 people were chatting in large 3-floor house. Plates with biscuits and cups of tea on table.

Chase: Finally found your second half?

Lance: He sure did and now he's recovering all lost time, but it's OK (laughs).

Nigel: At least, all yours girlfriends are with you, when mine went to San Francisco to cousin.

Natalia: We got it, it's ok.

Skye: So, when's the wedding?

Kurt: I think 1 more year in university and then we can start our family life.

Chase: I think the same.

Miguel: To be honest, I'm not ready for that... at least right now.

Nigel: Just an advice. Do it as an surprise.

Kurt: Of course.

Skye: Ohhh gosh. These photos of couple under water spray.

Diane: Ohhh yeah, I was also very surprised with that.

Chase: By the way, where's Aaron?

Miguel: He told me, that he has important matches in basketball championship.

Natalia: At least we need to come and cheer for him.

Nigel: I agree.

Chase: Same here!

Sarah: Oof. The journey was soo tiring that I want to warm-up my legs.

Lance: Oh, haha. I thought about the same.

Skye: Chasey?

Chase: One moment!

Chase went to his media player to turn on some music and it took a short time to find a good one song.

MUSIC PLAYING: Metric - Breathing Underwater

After dancing and singing, Lance decided to turn on some music from his playlist as Chase decided to have some fresh air. Skye decided to go with him, in which he didn't resist. Moments later, Chase and Skye were watching the sunset from balcony.

Chase (sighs): I can't believe it that I have such a good life.

Skye: Me too, I'm so happy that I found the only one, who I love.

Chase: The only one, who was mentally damaged, but you healed him (giggles and smiles). Thank you.

Skye: You're welcome. I love you.

Chase: I love you too, but more.

Skye: Hehe, no. I love you more Chasey.

Chase: No!

Skye then realized what he wants to say.

Chase & Skye: I love you most! (hug each other)

Now for Chase, a difficult past turned into challenging, but hopeful present, which turned into happy and unproblematic future. With group of friendly friends and caring girlfriend, which soon will get turned into his wife. And both of them couldn't get any happier.

The end!