
Talent System: Life of a man with talent

A young man was given a chance by god. A chance to very simply, live a new life. In a new world, with some of his favourite characters. Some of his favourite Tv shows. How does a normal human thrive in a normal world? Will he become the worlds greatest singer? Will he become the worlds greatest chess player? Or will he very simply do nothing, even though everything is in his grasp. ... The world is going to be slightly supernatural. With shows such as suits inside, cobrakai, and even some anime involved as well. It is a slice of life so don't be worried. Used world thus far: Phi Brain Hikaru No Go Naruto One Piece Cobra Kai Kuroko No Basket Haikyuu

stay_at_home_pig · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: The man chosen by God

In a vast, white void, a young man sat nervously on the edge of his chair.

Before him stood an old man with a grandfatherly air, sporting a long beard that cascaded down his chest.

His bald head shone in the light that surrounded them.

The young man took a sip of his tea, as he continued to ask. "Let me get this straight."

The young man said after taking a sip.

"You are curious to see how humans behave.

After creating our race and not interacting with us for a couple of years (thousands), you are disappointed.

You want to see how a human would behave given an extreme advantage over others.

How he would impact your world so as to say."

"Bingo!" The old man said, with an extremely happy cheer.

"So you have selected me as that human, and now are tasking me with…" the young man asked as the God continued.

"I am tasking you to push your abilities to the maximum! You will be granted a system.

Like one you have read in novels.

Your job is simple.

Never stop walking forward." God said.

"By that you mean…"

"Never stop enjoying life.

Don't fall into the structure of human society.

Build yourself carefully and become someone influential." God replied, while also taking a sip of his tea.

"What happens if I do?" The young man asked.

"Hmm?" God questioned, as he looked at the young man before him.

"What happens if I choose to not push forward? I am happy and settled down?" The young man asked.


If that truly happens, I will support you wholeheartedly." God replied.

The young man was stunned for a second.

Wasn't this what god didn't want?"

"Let me ask you this." God said.

"Were you happy with your life when you had died?"

The young man then thought back to his life before he had passed on.

The endless amount of partying as a form of escapism.

All the one-night stands and girlfriends since he was never comfortable being alone.

All the times he had blamed his life and jerked off.

His family having a shitty situation and him being able to do nothing about it.

He blamed his life and never himself.

The amount of hours he had spent on anime.

Being dragged through the media and believing everything he had seen.

Shouting at his parents.

Not appreciating his friends.

Worst of all…being an only fan user.

A grade A worthless bastard.

"No." He replied.

"Now, what if you were a genius with an IQ of 180.

How would your life have changed?" God asked.

The young man instantly thought of that.

With such a high iq, assuming he could understand everything instantly.

Did he really need to worry?

Easily being able to study, get good grades and scholarships, he would have had a much better life.

"Now, add on top of that extreme talent in let's say…writing!" God said with a smirk.

Slowly, the young man changed his image of how his world would have looked.

"Now add a talent in coding."

"Now add persuasion."

Slowly but surely, the young man eventually envisioned how his life would have turned out, and the image kept getting better and better.

Sure, hard work beats talent, but 99% of people give up when they believe that they don't have talent.

If they don't know for sure what's at the finish line.

That's what separates the 1% from the remaining 99%.

"You see, when I made humans.

I also added 1 properly.

Greed." God explained.

God explained. "No matter what you have, you always will want more. To be honest, I don't care about my task too much." God explained.

"Live your life. I want to see how you live with talent. With knowledge, experience, and the potential of others. You can do whatever you want."

God stated his wishes. Then, he snapped his fingers.

[System initializing]

A message popped up in front of the young man.

[Welcome host to the Talent System]

[Path list: Entertainment Education]

"Why are there only 2 paths…God?"

"Well that's because this was made for a cultivation protagonist, but I took it away. He had things like alchemy, blacksmithery, rune mastery and so on."

"Young man. Now, you will be given a random roulette for each of the paths. Following this, I will explain more of this to you." God stated, as he waved his hand.

The young man nodded, as then, a massive golden wheel appeared in front of him. "First, for the education pathway."

As the young man watched the massive golden wheel spin in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement. With each rotation, his heart raced faster and faster, wondering what talent he would be granted. Finally, the wheel slowed down and came to a stop, the arrow pointing to "Mental Math" on the education path.

As the young man read the result, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Mental math? He had been hoping for something more exciting, something that would truly set him apart from the rest.

But as if sensing his disappointment, God spoke up. "Don't be fooled by the name, young one. Mental math is not just about simple addition and subtraction.

With this talent, you will have the potential ability to solve complex equations in your head, even faster than a computer.

You will be able to analyze data, and make accurate predictions in lets say the stock market. Mental math is a powerful tool, and it will serve you well on your journey.

However, you will have to learn math knowledge.

After knowing it, you will be able to solve calculations without needing extra instruments."

The young man then nodded, not completely pleased but still grateful. Any advantage was an advantage after all.

God nodded at this, and then continued to the next wheel. As the young man eagerly watched the brightly colored wheel spin before him, he felt a sense of anticipation and excitement.

The wheel was adorned with various forms of entertainment, including movies, music, video games and even sports.

It seemed like God had classified things like basketball, fighting and others into entertainment. Each segment beckoning to him with its own unique allure.

But as the wheel gradually slowed and the clacking of its gears grew louder, the young man's attention was fixated on the segment labeled "Chess."

With a final clunk, the wheel came to a stop and the arrow pointed to this section.