
Talent High: Legacy

Talent High is a prestigious academy that only admits the most exceptional students. Kenechi Chidori is one of them; a determined young man who dreams of becoming a police officer someday. But his plans for a normal school life are quickly disrupted as a series of dire events unravel before him. He takes it upon himself to uncover the truth and hunt down the perpetrators.

Canniestspade · Urban
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1 Chs

Chapter 0: Prologue

The air was thick with the scent of fear as we escaped the burning building with our lives. We had no time to comprehend what had just happened, no time to mourn for those who weren't so lucky.

"Holy hell, how did we possibly get out of there alive?" I choked out.

"I have no idea," he replied grimly, "I guess we were just fortunate... Unlike him."

My heart lurched at the thought of leaving someone behind, but logic told me that going back in would be certain death for us both.

"Wait, shouldn't we go back in there? He might still be alive!" I pleaded desperately.

"What? There's no way in hell he actually survived that! Even if we went back, we'd certainly be killed this time!" he hissed back.

"Yes, I know about the dangers of going back, but we can't just leave him! I know that he seemed unwell, but at least then he can have a chance to live--"

In an instant, everything became dark.


"I know it was stupid to try investigating this, but I wanted to prove myself. That's my testimony."

The person in front of me leaned forward, their eyes flickering in the dim light. "Right. Can you go over this again?"

Anger simmered within me as I repeated my story for what felt like the hundredth time. "Fine, this all began started about two weeks ago."

Two Weeks Ago

I hurried over to my desk, snatching up the books and papers I would need for school. I also decided to snatch up my officer-in-training badge from its place on my dresser top. Who knows, it might come in handy.

I hastily pack my things in mu bag and go downstairs. I pour hot water into a cup and add some instant coffee, and then take a few gulps as I flip through old cases. Once I'm done reading, I throw on my brown overcoat and rush to school.

Let me introduce myself: I'm Kenechi Chidori, and I'm a second year in Talent High. Additionally, I'm an aspirant police officer, though, socializing isn't exactly my strong suit.

I try to do well in school, but the fact that I'm living on campus makes me lose focus and I end up slacking off. A nearby coffee shop, The Cozy Cup, is a good place for me to go and study alone.


While I was walking to Talent High, a brown-haired girl ran into me and kept on running. She glanced back at me, giving me a sly grin before she took off again.

I simply dismissed the rude smirk from that woman and continued on my way.

After a few more minutes of speed-walking I finally arrived; Talent High, one of the largest schools in the world, with five floors. It's a school for the most elite people around the world. Out of all of them, I had been one of the fortunate ones to be accepted.

Today marks the start of my second year at Talent High and I'm feeling a mixture of enthusiasm and apprehension. Although, I enjoy learning here, this year I'll be living on campus, so I'm basically going to be here 24/7.

Stepping out into the courtyard, I noticed that students had gathered in large numbers. Trying to make my way through the crowd, I eventually reached the faculty office—where I saw a lengthy line of people. "Oh great," I thought to myself, "Looks like I'll have to get in line and wait."

I noticed a guy with unkempt, bright orange hair and an outfit that looked lazily put on, he didn't even have his blazer on. He appeared average, as if he were some random passerby. Strange.

I softly greeted him, knowing I should begin introducing myself to others here.

When he spun around to face me, I was overwhelmed by the intensity of his stare. His expression was a mix of confusion and anger, as if he could read my every thought and were just waiting for me to make a mistake. I felt a chill run down my spine, not knowing how to respond.

He then gave me a kind smile and asked, "Oh, hi. Is there something you need?"

I hesitated, trying to remember why I had tried talking to him. "Oh, just saying hello," I said. I held out my hand. "I'm Kenechi. Are you here to get your class schedule too?"

He shook my hand and replied, "Yes, I am. Wait, aren't you that officer-in-training guy?"

"Ah, yeah," I confirmed. "I'm surprised you know me."

"Well, you're training to be a detective, right? That's so cool--of course I'd know."

"Thanks," I said with a smile. "By the way, I never got your name."

"Right, my name is Tak--"


A teacher called from the faculty office; apparently we were at the front of the line.

The boy walks in and another teacher waves me into the office. I walk in and sit down next to a man with brown hair and unique yellow eyes.

"Good day, my name is Mr. Hiramatzu. Can you tell me your name?"

"Right, my name is Kenechi," I said.

"Chidori, right?" He asked.

"Yes, that's correct," I replied.

"Alright, Mr. Chidori, here's your class schedule, and your locker number is 232"

"Thank you very much, Mr. Hiramatzu," I reply as I turn to leave.

Before I left, I saw the boy from before surrounded by a group of teachers. The conversation had grown tense and I could hear one of them exclaiming in disbelief, "How is it possible? Weren't you..." I wanted to stay and find out what was going on, but Mr. Hiramatzu called out to me, "Do you need something else, Mr Chidori?" He questioned.

"No, nothing at all," I replied before making my way out.

Consulting my schedule, I realize that my class is on the second floor. After a few steps, I arrive at the lockers and locate mine - which coincidentally is right outside my class. I open it and stuff my backpack inside before heading to the classroom.

Inside the classroom, there are about fifteen students all chattering amongst themselves. Making my way past them, I take a seat in the back corner of the room.

I glanced around the room to check if I recognized anyone and caught sight of the girl who had bumped into me earlier. She noticed me too and walked over, saying,"Hey, aren't you the guy from before? Sorry about running into you."

"It's fine..." I replied grudgingly.

My bad," she apologizes, introducing herself in the process. "I'm Michiru Masaaki."

"Kenechi Chidori," I murmur in response.

"Oh wow, I knew you looked familiar!" Her voice had a hint of excitement. "You're that student detective everyone's been talking about right?"

"Ah, unfortunately not. My dad gave me special access to crime scenes for research, but nothing more."

"Right, that makes sense," She smiles. "Have you ever actually solved a crime?"

She looked at me with bright eyes, awaiting my response.

"No, not yet. But I guess it's nice to be recognized by people."

We continued our conversation for a few more minutes and more students came through the door. Then suddenly, the classroom was disrupted by a black-haired girl with red eyes who had walked in.

I immedietly recogonized her as Himari Shigehito—it was said she had been an assassin at one time. However, I dismissed these stories; if they were true, then it would have been impossible for her to still be here as a student.

As soon as she stepped into the room, everyone stopped talking. Michiru included. Himari then found an empty seat as far away from people as she could.

I decide to keep my distance.

Once it seemed like everyone had come, our teacher, Mr. Hiramatzu, entered the classroom. It was kinda suprising that I was in the same class as both him and Himari.

He got in front of the class and brought up a sheet of paper. He introduces himself and then he called up each student to introduce themselves one at a time.

I had actually noticed some familier names. Yusuke Ikanic was first—a foreign prince with bright blonde hair and teal eyes who had come from abroad to study here.

Next was Jiro Dieudonné, a popular socialite, recognizable for his red hair and brown eyes.

Then there was Ando Kageyama, who's known for practicing kendo and taking on multiple opponents at once and winning.

Lastly, Himari—who didn't even stand up when Mr. Hiramatzu called her name. It was clear she would be a problem.

As the introductions came to an end, Mr. Hiramatzu began the class lecture. However, I found it difficult to focus as my mind kept drifting to the mysterious boy from earlier. What was going on with him? And why did the teachers seem so surprised to see him? I made a mental note to investigate later.

After what felt like an eternity, the bell finally rang, signalling the end of class. I quickly gathered my things and started heading home. This day was certainly... special. I'm in the same class as both Yusuke and Jiro. But also Himari? This is bound to be an interesting year.

I can only hope that this year will turn out peaceful...