
Chapter116-Terrifying Enhancement, Daniel's Gift

In the process of grinding monsters, filled with agony and joy, time slowly ebbed away.

With the Soulcharm Incense in play, monsters continuously swarmed towards them, leaving no time for Howard and his team to catch their breath.

Fortunately, Judy was the Holy Maiden of the Church. 

She had received various teachings from a young age and possessed numerous exceptional supportive skills, allowing Howard and the others to maintain their vigorous energy, ready to face the onslaught of monsters at any given moment.

However, Judy was different from Aisha. 

While Aisha's skills were mostly concentrated on enhancing states, Judy had a combination of offensive capabilities, state enhancements, and an exceptionally strong defensive power.

Apart from Howard, who could continuously recover MP and replenish his MP Shield, leaving him out of harm's way, both Nick and Morgan relied on Judy's skills to fend off damage.

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