
-Tale of Warriors-

Griffin, a young boy who has a mysterious power from birth, when he is close to a girl and asks to something inside of him, that something answers and tells about what will happen in the near future. and that's where the journey begins.

Gemmii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


At the kingdom's IT room… they're monitoring the possibility to where Perses gone…

Lisa:" Where can it possibly gone to?"

Lyra:" I don't know…"

Rex:" There's no signs of Perses's power…"

Lyra:" …"

Meanwhile at the meeting room…

Griffin:" So, then… Perses ran?"

Alan and Sora entered the room…

Griffin:" Ah, have you found anything about where could he be?"

Sora:" Nothing at all sorry…"

Alexios:" Where are they! How could they just, disappeared like that!"

Lyra entered the room…

Lyra:" they're obviously hiding somewhere, waiting for the perfect time for the rampage of Perses to begin, because if Perses has done its chaos… this world cannot be saved from it"

The others:" HAH?"

Chris:" We won't let that happen, we need to stop him somehow"

Ben:" Yea we should… but how… we don't even know where the enemy is anymore…"

Razor:" All I know is the next time they appear it's on that's it"

Griffin:" Yo, Chris"

Chris:" Huh?"

Griffin:" You've come this far, you'll help us too right?"

Chris:" Well yea of course I will, if the world is destroyed there will be no place for a mercenary like me…"

Razor:" You're still on that stuff aren't you?"

Lyra:" The powers given to us has been taken, yes… but the powers we have, hasn't yet lost, with our very strong bonds we can rise up our powers together once again…"


Shadow of Hades, and Pluto takes a boat to somewhere the aura of Perses brings them…

Shadow of Hades:" Soon the lost kingdom of Hades will be reborn with new of Perses…"

And there it is… It summons an island… that cause great earthquake on the world…

Meanwhile at the kingdom…

Griffin:" Huh what is this?"

Anne entered the room (FYI this is Razor's mother and Rex's Wife)

Anne:" All of you come look at this!"

They were told to go to the IT room…

Anne:" Look in every part of the world, there's so much chaos…"

Sora:" I guess that earthquake comes with it isn't it?

Lyra:" Perses's power… now it's even stronger that it can affects Gaia's power itself… Gaia's balanced on the nature is slowly falling apart…"

Razor:" Can we use this to locate where Perses is?"

Lisa:" We don't know yet…"

There's a call coming… from… the Space station…

Rex:" Answer it…"

Anne:" Ah… yea…"

Anne answers it…

Lyra:" Ah, Alexie…"

Alexie:" Everyone can you hear me?"

Griffin:" Uh... yea…"

Alexie:" Great… now take a look at this…"

Alexie showed image of Earth

Alexie:" This photo is taken before this…"

Alexie showed the image of Earth now…

Alexie:" And this… is the current Earth situation…"

The others:" Ah…"

Razor:" Can you by any means know where is the center of this chaos?

Alexie:" Ah, of course it's located here…. Near the Sea of Fate"

Lyra:" Sea of Fate… the lost kingdom of Hades…"

The others:" The lost kingdom of Hades you said?"

Rex:" Just like Atlantis… the place that I guard, Hades also losses his kingdom when we sealed away Perses and Claude in it…"

Sora:" Atlantis? I knew it"

Griffin:" Claude?"

Lyra:" The warrior of Hades before… now It has passed onto his son…"

Razor:" So that means the Shadow of Hades is?"

Lyra:" Warrior of Hades's son, correct"

Lisa:" Listen you all, you should get going to stop it… go to the Helipad on the garden Clara and Ben will calculate the exact position of the lost Kingdom…"

The others:" Alright!"

Clara and Ben:" We will… you can count on us!"

They rushed off to the garden to reach the helipad… suddenly… (and btw Clara and Ben, is already inside the chopper)

Nyx:" Not so fast, Boys"

Griffin:" Ah, you again!? I thought you were dead!"

Nyx:" Well, I have regeneration powers you see… and pleased don't rush off… stay and play with us here"

Nyx brought the Elites of Hades's followers

Griffin:" No way! We're on a race against the clock here!"

Nyx:" The lost kingdom of Hades is soon to be revived, until it's fully revived, we will not allow you to go anywhere"

Razor:" Argh… bring on mf's, if you want a battle then you'll get it! But listen up! Don't you think you'll have a chance against us!"

Nyx:" Oh, my… I'm so scared~, there's no need for threats tho, we already know that you warriors are very strong so that's why we're going after… YOUR RIDE KIDS"

Griffin:" HUH?"

Nyx is going after the propeller of the Chopper…

Razor:" Argh… why you little brats!!"

Razor rushed summoning his axe… (he doesn't use Leon here…), and the Elites blocked him…

Razor:" Argh"

Sora:" This is not good…"

Suddenly a fire appears and almost hit Nyx… and because Nyx is feeling terrified by the fire he stopped going after the chopper…

Griffin:" Who's fire is that?"

Leena:" Mine…"

Razor:" Nice one"

Nyx and the warriors have no other choices but to fight…

Nyx:" Boys… get her now!"

The began to attack Leena and btw Leena has this ability where she can take on damage before getting hurt… (simply 'immune')

Nyx:" Ah… she's so stubborn…"

Leena:" It's no use attacking me like that, besides it's such a disrespectful move for you boys to attack a Girl…"

Razor:" Now's my turn! LEON!"

Razor summons Leon…

Nyx:" Argh"

Razor:" Now it's time to use my specials…"


Razor:" Urgh…"

Griffin:" We can't make such a move here… not only will the garden be destroyed but our rides as well, the only choice left here is to attack them with weapons…"

They began to attack towards the Elites and Nyx, but they just stand in a defense mode

Alexios:" Fine then I'll use this Sword of Ares this time…"

Alexios aim for Nyx and he got Nyx flying in the air, suddenly…

Nyx:" Thank you for giving me a boost…"

Alexios:" HUH?"

Just when Nyx is almost landed, he used his hammer to broke down one part of the helipad


Nyx and the elites laugh…

Griffin:" Argh…"

They keep on their guards as the warrior attacks…

Rex:" This is no use… we need to use our specials here…"

Lyra:" Not all of us… Razor…"

Razor:" Now-now you needed me… alright… Leon… Lion fang of gales!"

Leon creates a massive gale and make them flew away on the sky and threw them far away…, but the chopper…


Alexios rushed to them and pushed the Chopper alone…

Clara:" Thank you…"

Razor:" You're that strong???"

Alexios:" One of Ares's gift for me"

Lyra:" Now we should hurry… before it's too late…"

Griffin:" Right! together we are strong and I believe that we can defeat Perses!"

Them all:" YEAH!"

Ben:" Now everyone, quickly get in!"

They entered the chopper and starts to get to the Lost Kingdom

Griffin:" *in mind* We are on our way mother… we will definitely defeat Perses!"


Pluto:" Arghhhh"

An island rises from under the sea…


Pluto and Shadow of Hades then entered the Temple… and Pluto began to meditate… when he meditates the power becomes even more stronger…


As he continues to meditate… the aura is getting stronger and cause a shockwave that creates more chaos around the world… the electricity around the world has gone too…

Meanwhile the chopper is being hit by a sudden storm…

Alan:" Argh… how much further left?"

Clara:" According to the data I got from the Kingdom… we should be near by now"

Ben:" They updated it just now, a new land suddenly appears with great aura on it, they also gives pictures about it…"

Ben showed the pics…

Sora:" Ah, is that…"

Lyra:" The lost kingdom, yes"

Griffin:" So they must be located there"

Ben:" In that case, let's fly directly onto the island"

Clara:" But where is it?"

Ben:" Oh yea, we have no data…"

Alan:" The storm is getting worser"

The chopper pilot:" It's dangerous here"

Griffin:" C'mon you guys, you two need to get us to the island somehow…"

The chopper pilot:" We'll try…"

Suddenly a lightning struck the chopper

The chopper pilot:" Argh…"

Griffin:" C'mon… we can do this…"

Razor:" But, what if the chopper's going down before we get there?"

Chris:" Eh…"

A lightning struck again this time it's twice

The chopper pilot:" This is no good! We can't take more of this"

Chris:" If we crashed then this will be all over"

The other:" Ah…"

Clara:" There is an island nearby… we can land there…"


Lee:" Argh…"

They landed the chopper at the nearby island…

Razor:" Okay great now what? Why do we have to get stuck here when we are so close to the enemy…"

Griffin:" Clara where are we?"

Clara:" Hold on a sec… I've found a pic from the satellite that shows where's our location, and there it is the lost kingdom… not far from here…"

Ben:" But how can we get there?"

Rex:" Lyra…"

Griffin:" Ah, that's right"

Lyra:" Zeus…"

They teleported to the island…

Griffin:" Just you wait Perses! We will stop you no matter what happens!"

Chris:" And don't forget to bring Lee back…"

At the lost kingdom, Pluto still continues his meditation…

Pluto:" Soon the power of Perses will cover this entire Earth with chaos…"

Suddenly there's someone interrupting… and it's Lee…

Lee:" Hmph, that's enough nonsense of yours"

Pluto:" Why you…"

Lee:" You have angered the Dragon Lord before…, you will not be spared!"

Pluto:" Argh…"

Pluto stops from meditating… and the storm outside has gone…

Griffin:" The storm…"

Back at the temple…

Pluto:" You can't defeat me! Come on then!"

They both uses their aura… and the duel begins