
Tale Of The Shining Cultivator

Yang Yu wandered the streets of Dawn City as an orphan, he had no purpose, apart from his one goal, to join the Sky Spirit Sect and become a cultivator. His fate was bleak, at most he'd be above mortals but be one of the weakest cultivators, but on his last job, everything changed. --------------------------------------------------------- Release Schedule: 2 Chapters a Day

Dragonic_Dao · Eastern
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32 Chs

Chapter 20 Missions Hall

"I am getting no where like this." Yang Yu said as he looked towards Yun Zhu. "Hmm, well you've had good progress this past month." Yun Zhu said as he looked towards Yang Yu. Another month had passed and although Yang Yu had made progress with the 1000 Mile Step, it was still limited.

"Ya, but I've reached a road block. I've been able to traverse 15 meters in a single step for a week now, but since then no progress." Yang Yu said with some laziness. He wasn't making progress as fast as before, neither in this nor in the Tyrant Meridian Technique, over this past month he had only formed 8 meridians.

For an average person, this would be excellent, but after his prior speed, Yang Yu was a bit disheartened. 'So I've completed the 5th set, and barely begun the 6th set, this is taking way too long.' Yang Yu thought as he looked at Yun Zhu's contemplating gaze.

"Although I hate to say this, I guess you could go hunt beasts." Yun Zhu said as Yang Yu nodded with some excitement. The furthest he'd gone out of his mountain since he joined, was going to a restaurant or two on a rest day, or going to the Yin Pond.

"Okay, I better get dressed in my Inner Disciple robes then." Yang Yu said as he headed into his house and got dressed, after that he hopped on Xiao Lei and rode towards the Missions Hall.

'If I am going to go out of the sect, then its best to get a reward.' Yang Yu thought as they flew through the air. Over time Xiao Lei had gotten much better, and Yun Zhu suspected that he'd soon be in peak performance and be able to fight.

'The problem is after he reaches peak performance.' Yang Yu thought as they continued to fly towards their destination. Feeding Xiao Lei Beast Supplements helped, but it wouldn't help forever, after he could handle the lightning qi within his body it would be necessary for him to control it, but how were they going to teach a bird?

Soon after Xiao Lei landed at the foot of the Missions Hall and was led inside the stables. Xiao Lei had grown used to this process now, and if he hadn't, then he'd be insulting his own intelligence.

After that Yang Yu climbed the mountain, towards the Missions Hall. Unlike the mountains the disciples lived on, when entering the 1000 Mortal Mountain, or other such areas, they'd have to land at the foot of the mountain. This was to keep order, and so that 100s of beasts wouldn't be disrupting the business within the mountain.

Soon Yang Yu reached the top. In front of him was a gigantic pagoda, it was azure in colour and 6 floors high. Once Yang Yu entered immediately he saw the hustle and bustle within the pagoda. At once 10s of disciples were looking through the missions on the missions board, as the manager of the first floor checked some people out.

Within the Sky Spirit Sect, all missions were kept tracked of, this was to ensure that if disciples went missing, they'd know where they went. As he entered Yang Yu walked towards the board, and gazed at the missions.

"Kill 10 Grade 1 Rats"

"Kill 3 Grade 1 Boars"

"Kill 1 Grade 1 Wolf"

These missions lined the board, as Yang Yu gulped down in slight fear. 'How am I meant to kill these things?' He thought in some intimidation. "Don't worry about it, these things are weak in front of you, ask the floor manager how the pagoda works, depending on how its set up you may even be able to challenge missions at the 3rd floor." Yun Zhu explained causing Yang Yu's worry to go down a bit.

After that, he walked towards the floor manager. "Excuse me, how are the floors here set up?" Yang Yu asked as the floor manager gazed oddly at Yang Yu. 'How is he an inner disciple.' She thought as she gazed at his robes. 'Well its not my business anyway.' She continued on this line of thought.

"Basically the 1st 2 floors are the Body Refinement level areas, the 3rd to 5th floor are the Qi Refining floors, and the 6th floor is abandoned." The manager quickly explained as Yang Yu nodded.

"Thank you." He said before walking off towards the stairs. After entering the 2nd floor, Yang Yu noticed that there were less people here, and he immediately headed for the missions board.

"Kill 1 Grade 1 Flaming Serpent."

"Kill 20 Grade 1 Razor Steel Fish"

"Kill 5 Grade 1 Earthen Moles"

Yang Yu gazed at the list, and was about to take the top mission, when a hand tapped his shoulder. "It seems we have some fate junior." A man said as Yang Yu turned around and locked eyes with him.

It was Wang Haotian, the 1st Ranked Inner Disciple. "Hello senior, I assume the techniques were satisfactory?" Yang Yu asked as he bowed. Immediately the small crowd around the board moved away as they exclaimed in shock.

"It was more than satisfactory, in fact, I'd like to make a deal with you." Wang Haotian said as he motioned for Yang Yu to come with him. Seeing this Yang Yu followed him, and soon Wang Haotian had taken him to the 6th floor.

"Here is more private." He said as Yang Yu looked around. The room was old and decrepit and in fashion the floor manager was also an old man with a multitude of wrinkles on his body.

On the mission board there were quests to kill Grade 3 Demon Beasts, the equivalent of an Array Formation and Emblem Formation cultivator.

"Greetings Old Kong." Wang Haotian said as he bowed to the old man. "Hello little Hao, and who might this one be?" Old Kong asked as he pointed toward Yang Yu. "Greetings Senior, I am Yang Yu." Yang Yu quickly greeted as he bowed towards Old Kong.

"Yang Yu, is from the newest entry of disciples and is the 301st Inner Disciple. Old Kong is a nearly 100 year old man, he has lived in the sect his entire life." Wang Haotian quickly explained as Yang Yu nodded.

Old Kong had no cultivation to speak of, but his age alone indicated some level of wisdom and experience. "Hmm I see, well I leave you to it little Hao." Old Kong said as he shut his small slit like eyes.

"Okay, well lets get down to business. I am going into the 10,000 Beasts Forest to acquire a treasure, and I need some help, seeing as you're a bit interesting, but clearly trustworthy, I thought I'd bring you along. Including me, there is Chen Feng, ranked as the 3rd Inner Disciple, and Zhao Shen ranked ranked as the 8th Inner Disciple." Wang Haotian explained as Yang Yu nodded.

"So what's the catch?" Yang Yu asked. "Nothing much, I will pay you 20 Low Grade Spirit Stones, for coming along, and you'll just have to take care of yourself and such. The only catch is really that, if we do find the treasure, your share will be the lowest or you'll have nothing at all." Wang Haotian explained as Yang Yu nodded.

"I accept." Yang Yu said as Wang Haotian smiled, his azure eyes locking with Yang Yu's. "Good, we'll meet at the 10,000 Beasts Forest gateway 3 days from now." Wang Haotian said as he reached out his hand.

Seeing this Yang Yu shook his hand and nodded. "Then I'll see you in 3 days." Yang Yu said before retracting his hand. "In that case, I'll be off first, but before I leave take this." Wang Haotian said before tossing a pouch to Yang Yu and walking down the stairs.

Yang Yu caught the pouch and then opened it, inside were 5 Low Grade Spirit Stones. 'Was he waiting specifically for me?' Yang Yu thought as he pocketed the pouch.

"Goodbye Senior." Yang Yu said as he bowed towards Old Kong. "Mhm, good luck junior." Old Kong said as he waved Yang Yu off. Seeing this Yang Yu walked down the stairs and out of the pagoda.

"I guess I have to wait 3 days, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything else in the mean time." Yang Yu said as he gazed at the Spirit Stones.