
Tale of the one

In a world where the ordinary seems like a fraud, where the superior races seeks to cause terror to the universe, in an era where only the strong matters , the fate of the innocent falls in the hands of the of the young ones,to bring restitution and protect humanity.

Anthony_7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


The boys arrived earlier before the teacher Sir. Grants and went towards their seat which were opposite each other before there heard commotion shortly after in the class

"No peace..."

Marcel muttered under his breadth as this seems to be a repeated occurrence in the class


Marcel turned around looking at Barry who was laughing with a smog look on his face

"I fail to understand what's funny about the situation" he said picking up his bag as they seated

" well u can't blame them, the future is on us, it's normal to be this excited when we're about to awaken " Barry said with a smile .

He wasn't different and was obviously just as excited

"Coming to think of it ,have u ever imagined what ability you will awaken ?" Marcel said

"Yeah, You know my parents a skilled mutants with variant abilities so I'm confident I won't be a different"

Marcel knew about this , Barry's parents were strong Mutants among others in the continent with variant elements and it's no wonder they were being sponsored by one of the powerhouses that govern the continent .

Marcel's family, the Blades were never anything special , at least according to people

since they just basic elements like fire and water and in a low grade as well.

There has never been a Blade who made it through past the Sonic level ,for generations and hence it was understandable even though Marcel is charmer and all no one really expected much from him during awakening.

Barry....as if reading Marcel's thought, place a hand on his shoulder to comfort him

"Hey man , I know how it feels like but you shouldn't be thinking negatively, you might be different , I can tell that , and you can be game changer of your family's fate".

"You think so?" Marcel asked looking up at him with a half smile

"obviously" Barry replied instantly

"And the fact that your the first Blade with a Silver hair is a proof of that " .

"That ..it's not...." Marcel was about to deny the fact before a hand slammed into his desk

"Hey bingo , What's up, you really ain't planning to show up in the awakening event are you?" a tall brown haired bully said with a laughter joined in by his lackey's.

This was Kevin Summers , one of the big families closely in line with one of the governing families protecting the continent due thier powers and the loyal civilians they command .

Kevin has been a major headache in Marcel's academy life , and knowing die to the difference in their standards and Background he can get away with his bullings.

Although Marcel , like every other Blades wasn't one to succumb to bullies and back down , there's still nothing he could do since the society favours people of Kevin's standard more , hence ended up on the receiving end more often than not .

Even Barry's family status weren't as favoured as the Summers so he couldn't really do much as well but occasionally back his friend up.

And it was just an even worse situation that the world knew about the Blades .

Marcel didn't respond to Kevin's blahbaring and continued to look straight ahead waiting for the teachers arrival


" I'm really gonna enjoy your humiliation when the times comes ,so..." grabbing Marcel by his collars and looking him dead in the eyes

"You better save your ass and don't show up, for your sake "

he said adjusting Marcel's collars , with a clear sign of mockery laughter before walking away joined in by his lackey's.

Marcel and Barry didn't utter a word despite the buzzing with laughter at the scene that just occured, But Barry did gave his friend a hand of comfort which he appreciated.

Just then the teacher came in and started the class but not before reminding the youths about the awakening Ceremony and to be well prepared.


Neighboring town


In a neighborhood in the City of Haroni , that was jointly controlled by three of the power houses of the continent , around a small underdeveloped town there could be seen a nice looking bungalow just around the corner.

This was where Marcel and his parents lived

Due to the lack of talents of the lots around this area ,it was overlooked by those at the top

undeveloped, leaving them to carter for themselves.

its was thanks to Fredrick Blade's humility and contributions that helped the people of this place to somewhat live a normal lives in the first place.

cause although Marcel's family might be regarded as nothing to those at the top, Fredrick was still a talented man who was still recognized and given a payable job with which he uses to do all these.

Night time was already approaching ,and Mrs Marie Blade was in the Kitchen making dinner before hearing a ringing in the living room a d know it was Marcel who was back from school.

And smile blossomed her face

"Hello mum"

he went in to the kitchen, giving his mum a peck

"honey , how was school"

"The usual" Marcel replied going to assist his mum in making dinner

"You don't need to do that,go and change and wait in the dinner I'll soon be done "

"ok mum"

Marcel left

Marie had a sour look in the face

as she is definitely aware of the family's fame around the city, for being trash and knew it will have a great impact on her son .

During dinner they were both seated with aprons , about to dig in..

"Won't dad be joining us.."

"No , he still has some work to take care off"

she said with a complicated expression

"you know they're using him right ?"

Marie remained silent

" All because of our family's curse"

Marcel said with sorrow in his eyes

he just couldn't shake off the feeling.

"Hey, don't worry it be alright, things will change one day , I'm sure of it , we just have to stay strong "Marie said trying to comfort her son which he nodded as they ate.

Sometimes she was just surprised at his maturity and understanding of things , especially since he's just 16

"you have Ben preparing for the awakening event ?"

Marie asked




"nothing , just eat up you need to go go to bed early and remember your evening trainings"

Marie reminded him

"yeah , how can I forget"

Marie smiled.
