
Tale of the boy who does better

Viktor_Bojovic · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter Nineteen ~~~ Promised Flower That Didn't Blossom

Yuma and kira stood in front of the large platoon for executions. The civilians that were present were paralyzed with fear to the point they couldn't move or speak.

- Release her now or i will burn this whole city to the ground!

Yuma shouted and Emperor Carr told Demien to let her go and that they will defeat Yuma there, but Damien refused, he said they should make make an example out of this, so that everyone sees what happens to those who disobey. Yuma was getting more angry by the moment. He snapped, puching the ground with his fist shattering it completely and healing it right after. He charged his mana to the absolute maximum. He formed the biggest vortex to date. It was a massive fire tornado. Everything around them was melting. Trees, the platform, houses, even the clothes of many civilians. Carr used his gravity increase spell to try and subdue Yuma, but it was almost in vain. Even though the gravity in the area was fifty times stronger than normal Yuma started to aproach them. Carr was impressed with Yuma will to save his mother.

- Damien, he is all yours to deal with because you won't listen to me.

Carr said to his trusted advisor.

- There is nothing to worry about, no one has ever survived my corruption magic.

Damien replied with confidence. Yuma was about five meters from his mother and Damien. Kira saw that Yuma was actually unconscious and that his instincts were controling him. When he approached them Damian used his magic to corrupt Yuma's heart and to blow it up from the inside. It did not work. Yuma's fire burned through the corruption. Yuma punched Damien in the face with his new spell he created during the sieges of all the castles. It is called Devine Punishment. All of his fire and heat fused with his fist created a very fast and powerful punch. Damien was on the brink of death. Carr couldn't do anything because if he increases gravity it would also affect Damien and he will die, but on the other hand if he does nothing Yuma will most surely kill him. As Yuma was about to land a finishing blow Alice slapped him in the face.

- What the hell do you think you're doing little boy?

Alice said and Yuma came to his senses after the slap. His eyes teared up after seeing his mother free and okay.

- Do you remember the most important lesson your father tought you.

Alice said while hugging her only son.

- What is the best way to defeat your enemy?

Yuma remembered. He healed Damien, Yuma grabbed Alice and the three of them flew away. Carr was about to go after them but Damien stopped him.

- The woman won't get far... I corrupted her heart. In two days she will die and they won't see it coming.

Damien said laughing menacingly. Carr looked at him with discust. Carr was very tall and muscular fellow, his personality was very similar to Yuma's. He just went down a dark path.

- You are a waste of life...

Carr said calmly right before slicing Damien's head killing him on the spot. The people of the capital started calling Yuma Demon Of Bright Flames. The fear of him spread through the kindoms like a flu. When the three of them arrived at the tavern everyone who was there was giving them a beating. Telling them how foolish ot was to go alone. Still, everyone was happy to see that they're well. Alice knew that she was going to die soon, and that the corruption spread beyond any healing. She took a good look at how Yuma looks at Kira. It was the first time she saw him truly smile after his father died. She knew that Yuma was suffering the most after his father died. Night fell and everyone went to sleep exept Yuma, he went to train in the forest. Alice was sleeping in the same room as Kira. They got to know each other better. Kira talked about how she is the little girl from her wedding and how she and Yuma met. She talked about how he saved her countless times and she doesn't know how to repay him for his kindness. Alice reassured Kira that she already did. She made him smile honestly.

- No one could do that since his father died. You are a miracle in his life. And if you are a miracle in his you are in mine too. Thank you for existing, Kira.

When alice said this Kira bursted into tears. The two of them were talking the whole night. When the sun was rising Alice called to Kira in a serious voice.

- You know Kira, Yuma may be irrational and stubborn sometimes, but he is the kindest person i ever met. He is the kind of man that will help anyone who asks him, so please if he gets out of line can you put him in it again.

- Sure, i will be glad.

Kira replied.

- Promise me!!

Alice said and Kira made her the promise she asked. The morning came and Yuma was still training. Alice's heart was about to stop she felt it and she told Daniel to call Yuma so that she could say goodbye. Daniel went to the forest and he found Yuma in cold sweat. He was training the whole night. He bearly got any sleep in ten days. He told Yuma his mother was about to pass away. Yuma was stunned to hear such news. Before Daniel could say anything else Yuma just disappeared.