
Tale of mystic love

Prince of City Princess of Nature earth One is getting ready for his burial ceremony, one just started to live go the fullest. When love blooms, will they try to change their cursed fate?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

#25 Shadows of Suspicion

In a quaint carriage, rattling along the rugged path toward the distant Shangxiang village, Xiaobo, Lian, and Ning found themselves enveloped in a lively exchange of tales and jests. The rhythmic clatter of hooves against the dusty road provided a backdrop to their animated laughter.

As they journeyed onward, Ning, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, regaled his companions with a scandalous rumor that had recently swept through the bustling streets of their town.

"Have you heard the whispers, my dear friends?" Ning began, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "It is said that our esteemed sister Lian, with her boldness, dared to venture into the revered No. 26 shop. There, she wielded her charm like a fox, captivating the very heart of its owner with her wit and grace, stubborn nature and beauty."

Xiaobo's eyebrows shot up in mischief, his humor piqued by the tale spun by his friend. "Surely you jest, Ning! Our demure sister Lian, engaging in such daring exploits? Very bad." he exclaimed incredulously.

"Sister huh? You wanna play, then you will pay," murmured Lian to herself with a glint of determination in her eyes.

Seated beside Xiaobo, Lian maintained a serene composure, though a playful glint danced in her eyes. "Believe what you will, dear brother," she replied, her tone teasing yet enigmatic. "But know this: if my actions have caused you distress, I shall gladly relinquish my position as your loyal assistant."

Her words hung in the air, laden with the weight of a challenge. Xiaobo's expression morphed from astonishment to apprehension as he realized the gravity of Lian's declaration. His jest, it seemed, had ignited a spark of mischief that threatened to engulf him in its flames.

Caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, Xiaobo found himself at a loss for words, his mind racing to find a suitable response. In a desperate bid to salvage the situation, he cast aside his pride and assumed the demeanor of a humble supplicant, bowing low before Lian with all the deference of a loyal servant seeking forgiveness from his master.

Amidst the tension, Ning's mind drifted to Ming, recalling their own moments together, juxtaposed against the playful banter of her companions.

In the cluttered office, Ning, known for her meticulous ways, sat surrounded by stacks of paperwork, her brow furrowed in concentration. Ming, her helpful assistant, darted around, ensuring everything was in order.

"Hey, Ning! I've got a solution to your paperwork woes!" Ming exclaimed, his eyes gleaming mischievously as he produced a plate piled high with a mishmash of dishes.

Ning's eyes widened in disbelief as she took in the chaotic assortment of food. "Oh no, Ming! What in the world is this monstrosity?" she exclaimed, holding back a laugh at the absurd sight.

"It's a culinary adventure, Ning! A symphony of flavors to tantalize your taste buds and rescue you from the depths of paperwork despair," Ming declared dramatically, presenting the plate with a flourish.

Ning couldn't help but burst into laughter at Ming's exaggerated antics. "Well, I must commend your creativity, Ming, but I think I'll stick to simpler fare," she said between giggles.

As Ming's shoulders drooped in mock disappointment, their colleagues couldn't contain their amusement at the spectacle unfolding before them.

"Looks like Ming's cooking skills could use some refinement!" one of them teased, prompting a chorus of laughter from the others.

Undeterred by the teasing, Ming rallied with a playful grin. "Ah, but you see, culinary genius cannot be confined by conventional tastes! It's all about pushing the boundaries of flavor," he declared, earning himself another round of laughter.

Amidst the laughter and camaraderie, Ning found herself drawn to Ming's infectious energy and unwavering support. Despite the chaos of their cluttered office, there was a warmth between them that transcended the confines of their workspace.

With a fond smile, Ning reached out to give Ming's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Thanks for always bringing a little bit of craziness into my life, Ming. I don't know what I'd do without you," she said softly, her heart fluttering with a newfound sense of affection.

Ming's eyes softened as he returned Ning's gaze, a warmth spreading through his chest at her words. "Hey, what are friends for, right? Now, let's tackle these papers together and show them who's boss!" he declared with a grin, his heart skipping a beat as he realized just how much Ning meant to him.

With a shy smile and a newfound sense of courage, Ning returned Ming's gaze, her heart pounding in her chest as she whispered softly, "Thank you, Ming. For everything."

In the carriage, Ning smiles remembering the incident. Ming always supported her and helped her. But to like him, love him is a big step and that needs time to accept for her. And she knows Ming will wait for her.

The creaking of the carriage wheels faded into the stillness of the deserted streets of Shangxiang village. Xiaobo, Lian, and Ning exchanged puzzled glances as they stepped onto the dusty ground, their senses alert to the eerie silence that enveloped the once lively lanes.

"What has become of this village?" Xiaobo mused, his voice barely above a whisper as he scanned the empty streets.

"It seems as though the very air holds its breath in anticipation," Lian remarked, her gaze drifting over the silent houses with a furrowed brow.

Ning nodded in agreement, his eyes narrowing as she listened intently for any sign of life amidst the unsettling quietude.

Suddenly, a distant commotion shattered the stillness, echoing through the village like a thunderclap on a tranquil day. Without exchanging a word, the trio followed the sound, their footsteps echoing against the cobblestones as they hastened toward the source of the disturbance.

As they rounded a corner, they were greeted by a scene that sent shivers down their spines. Their three friends stood amidst a throng of villagers, their faces a mixture of confusion and concern. At the center of the crowd sat an old woman, her weathered features etched with wisdom and authority, near a conspicuously large house that loomed over the others like a sentinel.

Approaching with cautious steps, Xiaobo, Lian, and Ning exchanged wary glances before venturing forward to inquire about the turmoil that had gripped the village.

"What has transpired here? They are our friends. Leave them alone." Xiaobo asked, his voice calm yet tinged with urgency as he addressed the old woman.

"It is a tragedy that has shaken our village to its core," she replied, her voice heavy with sorrow. "But in these troubled times, superstition holds sway, and many among us fear that Lui Xiang's presence may have brought ill fortune upon us."

Ning nodded gravely, understanding the weight of tradition and fear that clouded the villagers' judgment. "I understand the concern of the villagers," she said, her voice steady yet compassionate. "But may I know what happened here, before we rush to judgment, it is imperative that we consider all possibilities. Might I have the honor of speaking with Xiang and the others ?"

Village head hesitated, her expression conflicted, but Xiang, stepped forward, his expression one of quiet resolve. "I assure you, Ning, I had no hand in Dr. Chen's demise," he declared, his voice firm with conviction. "But these villagers, they are bound by tradition and superstition, unable to see beyond their fears."

Xiaobo and Lian were shocked by this statement. Dr. Mia died. How come? They were just going to meet her. And why the people are doubting Xiang for the reason of her death?

Ning placed a reassuring hand on Xiang's shoulder, offering silent support. "Tell me, Xiang," she began, her tone gentle yet probing, "what transpired during your visit to Dr. Chen's home? Were there any signs of distress or illness before her collapse?"

Xiang nodded, his eyes reflecting the turmoil within. "Dr. Chen seemed in good spirits when I arrived," he explained, his voice tinged with sadness. "But shortly after our conversation began, she suddenly started talking weird then laughed loudly and collapsed to the ground."

As the conversation unfolded, village head observed the exchange with a keen eye, her own thoughts swirling with uncertainty. Finally, in a moment of revelation, she stepped forward, her voice cutting through the tension like a blade.

"I am Elder Zhang," she announced, her voice ringing with authority. "And this is my son, Wei, who serves as my advisor in matters of village affairs."

With Elder Zhang's revelation, the villagers' murmurs quieted, their attention now focused on the unfolding drama before them.

As the conversation unfolded, Ning listened intently, her mind already formulating a plan to remove the cloud of suspicion that hung over Xiang like a shroud. Turning to the villagers, she spoke with a quiet authority.

"Everyone,I understand your fears and concerns," Ning began, her voice projecting strength and conviction. "But I assure you, Xiang is not to blame for Dr. Chen's demise. We must look beyond superstition and fear to uncover the truth. He was with her at her last moments does not justify that he is the killer. Give me some time to uncover the truth. "

With a sense of determination, Ning outlined her plan to investigate further, promising to bring the real culprit to justice. The villagers, though hesitant, nodded in reluctant agreement, their faith in Ning's resolve beginning to waver.The group of six settles themselves in Dr. Mia's house itself as they had no guest house.

"Guys I feel creepy and weird. This village... It gives off some very bad vibes. Is it only me who is feeling like this? " Asks Ming.

"No, everyone is having shivers run down their spine. This village has no rules and people are very superstitious and jump to conclusions without thinking. That's very dangerous. We need to be extra cautious and careful while solving this case. " Said Ning.

"Let's to outside. We need to know more about the people of this village. So that we can know from where to start our investigation. We need to know what people do at night as the murder took place at night. " Said Xiaobo.

"But dont you find it weird. The houses are very close to each other. If I yell loudly now the other house can clearly hear. So how come no one came when Mia was laughing loudly. Not even a single person came. " Said Lian.

"The village had a festival in the market yesterday. So not many people were in the house. But you are right Lian. It was not like it was empty. Some people were their. Did Mia had a band relationship with her neighbors? " Asks Xiang.

"Let's roam around and ask. Maybe we can find something. Or at least understand from where to start our investigation." Says Ning.

As the moon cast its eerie glow over the deserted streets of Shangxiang village, Xiaobo, Lian, Ming, Ning, and Jing ventured out into the night, their senses alert to the strange and unsettling sights that surrounded them.

In the shadowy streets, they caught sight of a lone man and woman along with a young girl their forms barely visible in the dim light. Xiaobo's sharp eyes noticed how they moved with a purposeful yet unnatural gait, their whispered conversation tinged with an air of secrecy that sent shivers down his spine.

"What do you suppose they're up to?" Lian whispered, her voice barely audible above the rustling of the leaves.Ming, ever the curious one, leaned in closer to observe their movements, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I'm not sure," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But whatever it is, it can't be good."

Ning, her senses on high alert, motioned for them to follow as she trailed the couple from a safe distance, her mind already racing to uncover the secrets they harbored.

The couple reached the forest near a cemetery and started digging at one place. They brought out a skeleton,kept food and lit candles. Then they cut both the wrists of the young girl and let the blood flow on the skeleton. The young girl looked like used to all this. She looked lifeless. She did not even wince when they cut her wrist. Her hands and other parts of body had many scars. She was too thin and too pale.

"How can she endure such torment?" Lian's whispered words carried a mixture of disbelief and compassion. "At this rate, she will surely perish within days."

"Should we intervene?" Ming's voice held a hint of urgency, his eyes darting between his companions. "We outnumber them. We can demand answers."

"Agreed," Cui Jing's resolve cut through the night air like a blade. "Let us confront them."

Before Xiaobo could voice his thoughts, Cui Jing emerged from their hiding place, her voice ringing out like a challenge in the stillness. "Hey, what are you doing?"

Caught off guard, the trio attempted to flee but found themselves ensnared by the swift actions of the group.

"We are merely performing a ritual. It is none of your concern," snapped the old lady, her defiance masking a deeper fear.

"A ritual that harms an innocent girl is everyone's concern," retorted Lian, her empathy fueling her defiance.

The old man's eyes blazed with anger. "Who are you to interfere in our affairs?"

"Detective Zhang Ning, her authority palpable, stepped forward, revealing her badge. "From the crime bureau of Meerkat city. Explain yourselves."

The old woman's demeanor shifted from defiance to pleading. "It is a sacred ritual, guided by Elder Lee, the wisest in our village."

"Elder Lee?" Ming's voice was confused as he only knew one Elder, Elder Zhang the old woman. Who is he?"

The old man nodded solemnly. "He disappeared years ago and now he returned to us with ancient knowledge, guiding us in traditions long forgotten."

What is the purpose of this ritual? " Asks Xiaobo in a commanding voice.

As Xiaobo's question pierced the tense air, the old woman's composure faltered, betraying a mix of fear and uncertainty. Beads of sweat glistened on her palm, her eyes darting around as if seeking an escape from the truth she was about to reveal. "The purpose... it is... we need..." Her voice trailed off, faltering under the weight of their scrutiny.

Ning, with her no-nonsense demeanor, cut through the silence. "Speak honestly and clearly. What is the true purpose of this ritual?"

The old woman took a deep breath, her gaze meeting Ning's unwavering stare. "We seek a grandson," she admitted, her voice tinged with desperation. "Our daughter-in-law has only given us five daughters. Elder Lee believes her to be cursed, and this ritual was his was his solution."

Xiang was baffled at the reason but he did not understand the timing and place for it so , couldn't help but question further. "Why perform such a ritual here and now?"

The old man's eyes held a mixture of reverence and concern for their revered Elder Lee. "Elder Lee is communing with the spirits as we speak. This is a delicate and dangerous task. The spirits must be appeased, and sacrifices made to ensure their blessings upon our family."

Jing's anger simmered beneath the surface, her frustration boiling over. "How can you justify sacrificing a young girl for your beliefs? This is madness!"

"What do you know about Elder Lee? He is very divine and also talks to spirits and angels. We believe him. We even pay him gold as it is needed to attract the spirits" Said the old man.

"Pay gold!!? Yah! You are too dumb to understand or you pretend not to understand? " Asks Ming with a raised eyebrow.

"You're all blind! Can't you see how twisted this is? Elder Lee is manipulating you all!".The old couple seemed taken aback by the vehemence of her words. Lian, usually the voice of reason, found herself engulfed in a rare rage.

Sensing the escalating tension, Jing intervened, her touch calming Lian's seething anger. "Lian, we need to approach this with caution," she advised, her eyes reflecting concern for her friend's well-being.

Before further questions could be asked, the old couple, realizing the gravity of the situation, snatched the girl and fled into the night, leaving the group in a swirl of unanswered questions and unease.

Xiaobo, the voice of reason amidst the chaos, restrained Lian gently. "We need to tread carefully in this village," he cautioned. "Our priority is solving the murder case and leaving this place as soon as possible."

Back at their rented house, the group convened for a somber meeting, their minds wrestling with the unsettling truths they had uncovered about Shangxiang village and its enigmatic rituals. The night wore on, heavy with the weight of secrets and the looming specter of Elder Lee's influence.

Under the dim glow of an oil lamp, Detective Zhang Ning's authoritative voice cut through the hushed atmosphere of the room, her piercing gaze fixed on Xiang.

"Xiang, did you notice anything amiss when you visited Dr. Mia's abode? Anything out of the ordinary or any missing item? You have been there before; surely you sensed a difference this time."

Xiang, with a thoughtful expression, replied, "There was little to note. Dr. Mia conversed in her usual manner. The surroundings were orderly, as if untouched by recent visitors. It appeared no one had preceded my visit."

Ning's keen eyes narrowed slightly. "What of her family? Do you have any knowledge of them?"

Xiang's brows furrowed as he recounted, "Her parents departed this realm early. She resided with her elder brother."

"The absence of her brother during her demise is peculiar," remarked Xiaobo, his voice laden with suspicion. "No villager mentioned his existence to us."

Xiang's uncertainty reflected in his next words, "Indeed, it is perplexing. I met her brother once; a commendable man who aspired to join the imperial forces. What could have kept him away during such a time?"

" Let's see about her brother later on. We have many missing links here. Now from tomorrow we will divide to three groups- the first group will identify the cause of Mia' death and also will ask about the whereabouts of the villagers at the time of murder that is after sunset. The second group will ask about the rumors or what people talk about Dr. Mia. We need to gather as much information as we can about how Mia lived before. Did she have enmity towards anyone or how was she as a person. The third group will stay at home and catch birds to send message to my brother. This village is weird. We need to inform my brother about our whereabouts. The third group need to write every small detail of what happened and tell them to settle on the outskirts of village . We need to prepare emergency help, we might need it." Said Ning.

Lian, with a playful yet determined demeanor, expressed her desire to accompany Xiaobo. "I wish to join the second group with Xiaobo. Together, we are more adept at unraveling mysteries, big or small."

Ning, firm in her decision, addressed Lian's plea. "Lian, your skills as a healer are needed to dissect Mia's demise. Xiaobo's insights complement yours; together, you form an effective team. But tomorrow I need you."

The next day, under the watchful gaze of the rising sun, the trio divided into their designated groups, each embarking on their distinct paths of inquiry.

Lian and Ning, with a solemn determination, ventured to the old abandoned house that doubled as the village's makeshift morgue. Ming and Xiaobo, their footsteps echoing on cobblestone paths, set out to unravel the enigma of Dr. Mia's life through the eyes and voices of the villagers.

Within the confines of the makeshift morgue, Lian and Ning stood side by side, their expressions a blend of focus and reverence for the task ahead. Ning's skilled hands deftly opened the box of autopsy instruments, each item a silent witness to countless investigations.

As they delved into the examination, Lian's keen observations and steady hands proved invaluable. The mystery of Dr. Mia's demise unfolded with each careful incision, yet no apparent cause of death revealed itself. The herbalist's serene face masked the turmoil of her final moments, leaving Lian and Ning with a haunting puzzle.

Meanwhile, Ming and Xiaobo wandered through the cobbled streets and bustling market squares of Shangxiang village. Ming's easy charm and Xiaobo's quiet yet probing questions garnered snippets of information about Dr. Mia's nature, behavior, and interactions within the community.

They listened to whispered rumors and recounted tales, piecing together a mosaic of Mia's life. Stories emerged of her kindness to the sick and needy, her knowledge of herbal remedies, and her occasional clashes with those who doubted her unconventional methods.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting dappled shadows through ancient trees, the two groups continued their separate quests. Lian and Ning delved deeper into the mystery of Mia's death, while Ming and Xiaobo unraveled the threads of her life and legacy woven into the fabric of Shangxiang village. Each step brought them closer to the truth, yet the shadows of uncertainty loomed large, hinting at deeper layers yet to be uncovered in this intricate tale of life and death.

(I apologize for the late update. The week was busy. Thank you for reading ❤)