

"Sorcerer exams huh," Lavender said to Shita as they both left Kenja's office.

They both carried forms that allowed them to enter the exams.

"An exam which will raise your sorcerer rank, so you can take on missions with harder ranked demons," Shita said as he read the form. "All 3 members of a team must enter in order to participate."

"Good thing we picked up one for Manjiro," Said Lavender "I hope he joins."

"It's probably unlikely," Shita replied.

"Why is that," Lavender spoke irritated by the possibility of them not entering the exams.

"Have you been around him lately? He hasn't left the graveyard in 2 days, I would say he's as cold as me," Shita said.

"Oh come on me and Manjiro both know no one's colder and socially awkward as you," Lavender said giggling.

Shita with a vein popping out of his forehead replied, "Out of that sentence you decide to reply to that."

As they were joking around they made it to the graveyard, they saw Manjiro sitting next to his mother's grave, from a far distance.

"Well go give him the form," Lavender said to Shita.

"No," Shita replied.

"Why not!" Lavender yelled.

"I don't really care for the exams, getting a higher rank doesn't affect my goal," Shita says as he looks at Lavender, "Last I checked your goal was to become a great sorcerer no? So you should ask."

Shita then starts walking away as he yawns "Even if he declines we can try again in 4 years."

"4 years I can't wait that long, I'll definitely convince him to join," Lavender thought to herself.

It was almost midnight, as Manjiro got up. He was sitting at his mother's grave for 2 days thinking about the events that jus transpired, his stomach was growling.

"I'll see you later mother," As he exited the graveyard.

He made his way towards a convenience store, as he was walking towards the crosswalk, he stopped and looked behind him.

"I know you're there Lavender," Manjiro yelled.

"How did you know?" Said Lavender as she came out behind a wall.

"You suck at sneaking around, plus I could smell the perfume," Manjiro said as he continued walking.

"Um, Manjiro," Lavender stuttered, "Will you-," before she could finish Manjiro cut her off.

"No," Manjiro said.

"You don't even know what I was gonna ask!" Lavender yelled.

"The Sorcerer Exams right? Not interested, Kenja already told me about it." Manjiro said as his stomach growled once more.

"Come on, I'll pay for your food," Lavender said desperately.

"You sure you wanna come near me? People think I'm some sort of heavenly demon" Manjiro said.

"I'm sure I'll pay," Lavender said

"Nah I'm good," Manjiro replied.

"Come on!" Lavender shouted "Guess I have no choice, I got to use my trump card," Lavender starts lifting up her shirt.

"Like I want to see your flat chest," As Manjiro says this he goes flying and crashes into the store,"

"Jerk!" Lavender said with black lightning emitting from her.

Because of Lavender's punch causing destruction to the store, Manjiro was unable to enter and was forced to go to his apartment for food.

Manjiro and Lavender both make it to the 4th floor of the apartment building.

"You're really going to follow me around, huh?" Manjiro said annoyingly.

"Of course until you say yes," Lavender replied.

Manjiro opened the door to his apartment, it was a decently sized apartment that contained one living space and a kitchen with two rooms and bathrooms. It was also covered with bags of garbage and smelled horrible.

"Make yourself at home," Manjiro said as he threw his keys and made his way into the kitchen.

Lavender follows Manjiro and says, "What is this place?"

"It's called a kitchen, you probably wouldn't recognize one without a solid gold wall," Manjiro spoke as he chugged a carton of milk.

"No I know what it is, it's just this garbage, you should really start cleaning," Lavender replied.

"Yeah, yeah save the lecture I'm going to sleep lock the door when your leave," Manjiro said as he walked towards his room.

"Manjiro?" Lavender called out his name, "why won't you join?"

Manjiro let go of the door handle, "you know what would happen if the demon's power unleashes again," Manjiro went on "I'll most likely kill someone."

"How do you know for certain?" Lavender asked.

"I don't know, it can happen at any moment, even right now that's what makes it scary," Manjiro replied. "I don't know who I am anymore, am I a sorcerer or a demon, tell me Lavender who am I?"

Lavender goes up to Manjiro and punches him upside his head.

"Hey what was that for!" Manjiro yelled.

"Even if you become a demon you'll still be Manjiro, I'll kick your ass until you come back, don't act like you're by yourself you have me and Shita, and sensei," Lavender went on " You always try to tackle thing by yourself, sometimes try to lean on your friends, isn't that what friends are for no?"

"Um, Manjiro did I hit you too hard? It looks like you're about to cry.

"No I'm fine," Manjiro replied holding back tears. "Fine, I'll enter."

"Really!" Lavender said as she hugged Manjiro, then realizing what had happened she quickly moves away.

"Hey, Lavender?" Manjiro asked.

"Yeah," Lavender replied

"About earlier I was bluffing, can I see them?" Manjiro said laughing.

He then received another punch sending him flying out of his apartment.

As he was on the ground outside in a pile of trash Manjiro spoke to himself "This is how it feels to have friends?" While he looked at the stars smiling.

Meanwhile at the gates of Heiwa no Mura, there walked a man coming near the village, he had a black cloak on with a hood so no one could recognize him. The guard however who was guarding the entrance gate to the village stopped him.

"Who are you?" The guard asked the strange man, however, the man ignored the guard and killed him.

He then proceeded to walk past the gates of the village.