

I am in my elementary days when I experience this. Grade six to be exact. The room is so quite that time except to my teacher who was busy discussing about our lesson in Filipino, when I feel that I need to pee. So, I ask my bestfriend who was beside me to go with me to the cr. But, she refuses. She said—

"I'm not going Claire! Can't you see? I'm listening here!" she whisper while rolling her eyes.

"just a minute, Grace." I forced her but she just shook her head. saying "NO, CLAIRE." I sigh. So, I guess... I should be the one who will go there.

I raise my hand so that, my teacher will notice me and she did. I said I need to pee and she just nod and let me go. I was heading to the cr and open the door. I was like "omygosh! ang dilim!" And all I can see is darkness and a bucket full of water. Minutes has passed, I enter the cr and started to pee.

After several seconds, I turn on the faucet to break the silence that's giving shiver to my body. When I'm done, I turn off the faucet. I was about to open the door when I hear a voice. I was just listening to it and look for it. I'm wondering where it came from? As I listen to the noise, it's getting louder and louder. I was "gosh! ano yon??" I think she was crying.

After hearing her sobs, I decided to look for the peephole in the wall. I think, it's from over there. It is so tiny that only my left eye can fit in it. I pin my left eye to the wall and start searching for the girl. I don't see anything except of the toilet. I think, this is another cr. I keep on looking for the crying girl. I was surprise when I saw her sitting on the toilet bowl. She wasn't there earlier? I thought, I was hallucinating but, I'm not!

She was real! So, real! She have a long black hair that covering her face, she has a pale skin and she wear a white dress, and she's crying so loud! That makes me deaf! I hush her up but, she seem not listening. She keeps on crying and crying and crying! Her voice was echoing in the cr.

I step back as I cover my ears with my hand. But, the heck! I can hear her again. I think, I'm going to be crazy that time.

"Stop it! Stop it!" I shouted just to stop her, but she didn't! I can hear her crying so loud and clear. Begging for a help?

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed and went out of that cr.

I was panting that time. I breath rapidly. My sweat fell over my face. My classmate was staring at me in shock. My teacher asked me—

"Claire?! What happened? Are you okay??" she said in nervous tone. I nod my head and sit to my chair next to Grace.

"Hey? you okay??" Grace said. I was just looking at her. and nod.

I kept it a secret. A secret that still hunts me. I don't want them to be scared when, I told them what's really happened. I was shaking that time and scared. My mouth couldn't utter a word. All of my life. This was my first time got so afraid.

I promised to my self that I will never go to that cr again. NEVER!

HTG'|Note : Hi, guys! I am new here. Okay. I'm going to rewrite my story tittled HORROR TALE english version. I made that story in tagalog version and I know, you woudn't understand it, if I published it here using my own language but, this is a revise version already. So, the story HORROR TALE in tagalog are not the same in HORROR TALE in english. I'm not good in english and not a fan of informal writing and also, I am not a pro writer. I just want to share my experience to all of you. Readers.

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