
Tale of Depravity

What makes "us" but our desires. "we" are on a quest to quench this thirst, -On the dawn of the third epoch of the human calendar, trouble is brewing in the western continent that will embroil the whole world of Arread, in the center of this conflict a series of events that involves black haired child and a blond man unravels the Mistry of its origins,

Urkmon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


The black silhouette stood elevated from Connor over the collapsed wall of the pit, even though it does not have any facial features Connor could tell its was gauging him out, unbeknownst to Connor his body hairs stood on end,

As if something caught the black figure interest it slowly started walking towards Connor dragging the white blade on the ground, the sound of that garish object digging into the ground was ominous it would give goosebumps to whoever hears it, like the scratching of fingernails on a rugged stone surface,

'Hell, what is that, even Voidwalkers have eyes, it might be some other kind of chaotic monstrosity from the void realm that I have never seen before, but if it was, then dealing with it would be quite tricky,

first of all are those Avian and Damian weapons, how does it know how to use them'

Conner cautiously walked towards the uninvited guest, his claws bare and ready to strike, his eyes determined,

The black figure raised the white blade over head, Conner readied himself in a defensive stance, he seemed confident to either counter the strike or evade it,

The figures biceps suddenly ruptured and expanded and muscle like structures wrapped around the raised limb the muscles were pressurized to a comical degree and a rubber like sound came from the muscles contracting,

Cold sweat drenched Connors whole body, every cell in him screamed to avoid this at all costs, his eyes went blood shot as his feet started shoveling without his instructions,

Without a moments notice a devastating sound traveled throughout the misty plains shocking anything alive, Conner eardrums ruptured from the great sound blood spewing out of them and a good chunk of his left shoulder was cleaved from his body, on the other side of the pit a chasm thrice as long as the pit was made blowing all the mud and stone with it,

Few seconds after the impact mud and soil debris rained all over the pits surroundings, Connor still in shock could not regain his bearings the shock of loosing his hearing made him unbalanced,

As he was disoriented a black palm clapped his face into the ground, a small crater was created in the bottom of the pit as Connor head dove deep into it, his brain shook as the cold palm dug him deeper into the earth,

Conner body shrunk in size as the beast hair disappeared from all over his body, his face was broken beyond recognition and his bloody nose was pent out of shape, one eye popped out of his socket as the other one could beardly open,

'Ahhh -- I have never been so single sidedly bullied before, and here I was thinking I could take this thing down ---'

"Wha' ... a'e you ..

Wha-- did I do ta ya"

Connor could barely talk with his broken teeth, The black figure crouched over his body that was impeded into the ground bringing both of their sights to level,

A sinister mouth was torn from the featureless face, no teeth inside it, like a gate to the underworld, as darkness filled Connors fading world, a bloody teardrop trickled down his broken cheeks,


Vincent found himself swimming through a vast black space, the absence of gravity disoriented him as he tried to find footing, without prior notice light enveloped his vision and he could finally feel gravity,

Now his entire field of view was cold white, as far as his eyes could see,

he noticed a couple of figures standing in the distance, he started walking until he came upon three people one of them was bounded to the ground with black shackles, he could see avian sharply observing the giant bear like man on the ground and next to him the concerned looking Damian,

As he approached they were alerted with his presence,

"Avian ? Damian, and Connor ..

Where are we, what is this place?"

Avian and Damian looked displeased to see their old comrade, much so that Vincent was taken aback,

"HEY .. Collective !! You promised you would save him, this was not the deal .."

Avian roared to the sky as if expecting an answer,

-The Child is not dead, we thought it would be good for you to say your goodbyes ..

Vincent was shocked with the sound that reverberated in his mind, his face could show he had many questions,

"are you sure you don't want to take this chance to make more offers .. he is alive and kicking don't go on deceiving someone with a future"

-We Currently don't lack in nutrients nor knowledge .. he is pretty much useless.

Though Vincent did not understand the conversation, he felt a little hurt to be called useless by the voice in his head,

Vincent had an inquisitive look at the two as if waiting for their explanation, Avian sighed and faked a cough however he could not ignore the intense look in Vincent eyes,

"Well, I don't know where to begin explaining things, how about you Damian, they were after whatever you and the pig were hiding"

Damian had the face of a guilty kid, he parted his lips and began his explanation,

"Have you heard of the black brigade --"

Vincent felt headache come to him as soon as he heard this familiar yet foreign name,

"My brother Milo was dispatched by our master to bring a message from the west black gates, I cannot inform you of the contents but its under an imperial decree, he needed to deliver it to margrave Clifford as he has the fastest fleet in the east "

"He needed to deliver this message to the central ?"

Vincent asked as if he realized something,

"Yes .. I know you might have an idea regarding the implications as to where this message is headed however I cannot divulge any further ..

I have been a sleeper for over 3 years my main mission was to be the backup of any member of the black brigade who needed to cross the misty plains, but seems he also had a similar mission .."

Damian pointed with his eyes on the earth bound Connor, Connor laughed in amusement.

"Hahahaha, no Lad, I had a slightly different circumstances, for me I was just a wondering outcast, my brother promised me I can return home if I could help him with this one .. I never lied Vin .. when I said I thought of you as a real friend, but I guess blood runs thicker in the end .."

Conner Had a forlorn look on his face as he dove into silence again,


Voidwalkers are some of the basic chaotic sperits that Demonic tribes who practice summoning bring into the world from the Void realm,

they have smoggy untangable bodies like shadows and are dangrous to normal humas as they have the ability to push mortals to insanity,


Void realm:

Voidrealm is a mesterious chaiotic dimention that is attatched to the world, Demonic tribes can exploit the tears in the fabric of reality in order to conjure monstrosities from the void realm,

The Voidrealm is said to be the place where the Titans are sealed, however in demonic scriptures it is the home world of the chaos gods and the great courupt ones they worship,

Urkmoncreators' thoughts