
tale of ANIME

devil007 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A new life

in the world were god and devils and all super naturel being start war to show the world that who is grate among them.

in this war god of bible stand again stand agains onn sons to prevent humans to size to exist but outcome of that war wa like no one imagine .

before humans and devils like born there is the persan that known as god of bible he pure, whithout any sin but he is alone.

he can not live like that so he diside to crate earth and after that humans and fo humans sake who he dems then as his child he creat angels but like always people say that nothing is perfect hi creat his sons like him for protect humans but his sons was efect by greed,lust,wrath alike devideing them in three group angele,devil and fallan.

this time around there is dragon and nors god start to show up and this time first 5 devils are born bus for some resone god of bible has to go missing and there is no one to take care of them so they start to got consume by sin of humans.

That time around before devil born there is a devil god and the strongest among all gods also known as ragnorock bringer by nors faction demon god Lio morningstar. he fite all around univers for his people but last te people he was pretecting was to much greedi and stars to behave like they were god so he left them and go to find his happinss and that bring him to all multy vers travvel and during this time he meet another god who was fighting whith anormas creature so he save the god but that only give him some tame maybe few hunderad years .

He offere god that he can kill the bist but that god who was god of bible said that he want his all child to bend togather and if they have powerfull anemy may be they come togather and god invite lio to haven but lio said that he will stay on earth and then both seale that bist and live.

and whene he was leaving on earth he soe that five child and seeing theme lonly he diside to adopt them to boy and three girl but they are not human and not like him who was demon so he gave them their race name davil and start living with them in underworld which he created himsellf

and start takeing kareof childrens aand like that many years pass he offer the first five devile his surname but only lucefer take morningstar and athor went with uther surname and that four known as grate mou and around that time lio live for his tavale around universe.

he come after hee sow that the keed he rase with love are onevarge of death with the god he save so he asked

lio: what happend

GB[god of bible ]: they want to keel all humans so I have to go on war with them and that bging us to this state

lio:why you go on war? when yo know that afteer sealing beast you are not on your one third of power and on that system makeing drain yo

GB:i want to save my sons all of them but that was not possible so i have go on war.

LIO: i understand

and he look at his child and sked

lio: why you go on war with other to factation ?

lucefer : sorry it's becose of me if i was better leader.....

lio:every one done mistake so any last wise yo have

GB: plese proctet the


lucefer: plase save the girl shhe is in cave

lio who might she?

ges the anime that in this chap

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