

Their adventure continue. As they walk further into the forest, they eventually meet a cave. A deep dark cave. Before making their exploration, the twins check their equipment just to be sure.

"Well, this gonna be the first time for me to enter a dungeon. Are you sure I'm ready for this?" Haru ask.

"Judging from your capability. Yes, you are ready! But that's from my point of view. How about you? Are you ready?" Konami ask. Haru looks at his arm. The arm that already take countless life. He close his eye. The first thing that he saw when he close his eye is the image of Mio standing alone in the dark. He doesn't want to see that happen. That's why he has been doing the killing for long time now. The first time he sees Mio being depressed is when she been disturbed by the PE teacher. The next day, the teacher was found dead with many wound on his body. From that day Haru promises to himself to not let Mio sad again. Later, Haru open his eye again and says;

"I'm ready! This dungeon is going to be one of my domain. Let's raid this dungeon."

After entering the said dungeon, the dungeon door closed automatically. The only way to get it open again is to defeat at least 10 or more monster or defeat the first floor boss. Haru take a deep breath;

"Let's do this!"

All the monster in the dungeon is on the same level of strength with Haru. So monster in this dungeon will at least give Haru some challenge. The deeper they go the stronger the monster become. In the dungeon, they encounter a lot of monster. It started with goblin and some weaker monster. The moment they went to the lower floor the monster started to become stronger. There's a monster like orc, undead, skeleton knight, stronger slime, and many other ferocious monster. All of them has same strength as Haru but the more Haru fight and defeat the monster, the stronger he became. He become so strong to the point where those monster is not even a challenge anymore. Same goes to Konami. It seems one of Haru skills, [AREA GROWTH] gives a faster strengthen effect in a wide area. After sometime, they reach the door of the 10th floor boss.

"Ready?" Konami ask Haru with her gentle smile. Haru then looks at Kiara and Luna. Both of them didn't join the fight along the way so that Haru and Konami can gain more experience. Both look at Haru and nod as a sign to show that he is ready. What left is for him to decide. Haru look back at Konami and smile;

"We have reach this far. Would be a shame if we were to leave this door as it is right?" Haru then walk forward and proceed to open the huge door. Behind the door is a huge minotaur. Half bull half human. Holding a huge great axe. Sitting on the ground menacingly. As Haru step into the room the minotaur stand up. It is very huge. Approximately four meter. But well, Haru's dragon form is way bigger. It grabs the axe quickly and swings it at Haru with an extreme speed. Haru dodges by jumping to the side. Konami is safe because she able to cast a barrier at the same time. Kiara and Luna were about to join to help but Haru stopped them from doing so. He gives Konami a sign and rush straight to the minotaur. The minotaur is about regain it's stance but Konami prevent it by casting a water magic,[CONSTANT FLOOD] that Luna teaches her last night. The water makes the ground slippery. It's hard for the minotaur to regain it's posture. Haru then jump and changes his arm into a dragon arm and punch the minotaur at the face. The minotaur then falls to the ground. Haru then lands on the minotaur. The minotaur wants to gets up again but Haru won't allow it. Using his dragon arm, Haru rips open the minotaur chest. The minotaur were in an extreme pain. It's still alive but unable to move because of the pain. Using his great strength, Haru punch the minotaur in the face consecutively. After a while, the minotaur died. Kiara and Luna looks at each other. Haru is indeed growing stronger. After a long day, they decided to give Haru and Konami a rest while they two report the quest to the guild. When Haru arrive at the twin house he quickly rushes to his room while Konami sitting on the chair in the kitchen. As Haru laying on his bed, he thought of Mio. It has been a while since he last sees her. He wonder does she miss him or she completely forgot about him? Either way is fine for him. His intention is only to protect her. Nothing more nothing less. As he wondering about a lot thing, his began to feels heavy. He then slept like a baby. Tomorrow is going to be different from today is his thought before he sleeps.